It was with great sadness that we learned of Bro. Albinus' passing on 4th August 2013 in KL.
He has touched many lives in his lifetime, and his legacy lives on in all of us who have been under his care.
I shall never forget 1986, the year that he took notice of the humble class I was in (3A8), and worried about our results, insisted that all of us turn up for night study in school every week day. Such was his dedication that he visited us in the classrooms every night to make sure that we are there. By his dedication, a large number of our classmates did very well in our SRP that year.
I also remember fondly the times when he turned up at Legion of Mary meetings, reading scripture and sharing his understanding.
Even after his retirement in 1987, he continued to be very active in education in Kuching.
The Borneo Post had a series of articles on him in the last few days, and even one in The Star:
For the last few days, as I thought about him, I think our school rally perfectly encapsulates what Bro. Albinus has tried to teach us throughout all those years:
Students of Sacred Heart a voice is resounding
Promptly respond to your duty's sweet call. Answer you all for the trumpet is sounding.
Your school is proclaiming her motto to all.
Chorus : Forward her children dear, ever with hearts sincere.
Do with a will what your school asks of you
All that is wrong reject, Heaven will e'er protect.
Students of Sacred Heart courageous and true.
"Prayer and labour" your motto to cherish.
Forward with courage in ways that are just.
True to your standard, be doing and daring.
As Sacred Heart students in Heaven you trust.
RIP, Bro. Albinus...
RIP, Bro. Albinus...