Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Thanksgiving update.... then on to Christmas/New Years....

Wow! Here I am again... SLACKING!! I'll try to break up the updates so as to not overwhelm anyone with pictures!

We've had an eventful last couple of months. We got all moved and settled into our new place. Is anyone ever really "settled"? Then turned right around and went to Wyoming for Thanksgiving. It was a nice visit albeit hard in some aspects. Blaine's parents are aging and have been moved out of their house they have lived in for over 35 years. It was hard to see them not in their own home. But we had a good visit anyway. It's always good to spend time with family.

Good food, lots of visiting and fun watching all the little ones play. Tama and her kids came with Amber but Karlo had to stay home and work. He was certainly missed! Travis came with us but had to leave his kids behind with their mom for the holiday which really sucked. The girls ran into quite a lot of snow on their way over South Pass and had a little 'excitement' up on top. They hit a slick spot, did a couple donuts in the middle of the highway and ended up in the opposite lane facing the wrong direction with a semi coming at them! Thankfully, they were able to get out of the way! Scary! But we are glad they made it!

Keeping up with our tradition, we went to Thermopolis the day after Thanksgiving and spent the day with my mom and any brothers of mine that happen to be around. This year, there were no brothers around at all! But I did get to spend time with some nieces and nephews and that is always fun! As usual, my mother made way too much food, we ate as much as we could hold, and then went for a swim in the hot springs before coming back for pie!
This was everyone's first chance to meet our newest grandbaby, Kelton. He certainly revelled in the attention and was adorable all weekend long! I hated to share him, but I managed as long as I had other grands to hug on. Just look at those big blue eyes! 

 It's always fun when our three kids get a chance to be together!

  This is Kelton's "I wish my mom would stop dressing me like this" look! HAHA!

Abbie is always a silly girl!

This is one of the cute pictures I took of the Shoopman grands!

 As usual, it was over way too soon and we all had to head back to our homes. The girls headed back over the mountain to Idaho and this time had no 'incidents'. We were thankful for their safety. We went back with Travis and were able to spend the day with his kids before we had to fly out the next afternoon. It was wonderful to get to spend time with them and get those grandma hugs refueled! I got some way cute pictures of Travis and the kids too!

We have so much to be thankful for this year. It has been a hard year with many changes, but our family is strong and we will lift one another and share the burdens. We are truly blessed!!

Until next time.... keep your face to the sun and bloom where you are planted!