Monday, February 15, 2010

Things that really BUG me....

1. Minding my Ps and Qs alone in the bathroom at work and someone comes in and sits in the stall RIGHT NEXT TO ME! For the love of Pete, there are 7 stalls, people! At least leave one between us for good measure??

2. I start out to do something and find out some critical part is missing. It could be a jump drive, a notebook, or a file (or if I'm at home, it could be an ingredient for a recipe or a tool). Anyway, it's something vital to the project. Then, of course, AFTER I've given up on the project, it isn't missing because it turns up somewhere else!

3. Old people are expecially prone to this and it, in fact, happened to me just this Saturday! You start out with good intentions and a list of things to do for the day. Then the next thing you know, it's getting dark and you don't have anything marked off the list! The day is shot and there is nothing you can do about it.

4. Scissors that can never be found when you need them!

5. Dishes in the sink. I mean, really, it's what...only one more step to the dishwasher....

6. Empty juice, water, or milk jugs in the fridge! If there is one swallow left....DRINK IT!

7. Waiting patiently in line to merge to one lane and those doofuses who drive past everyone else in order to cut in at the very end. Like that extra 8 feet is going to make a difference! It makes me wish I had a rusted out old 66 Chevy Impala or something, so I could pull in front of them at the last minute so they can run into me and ruin their pretty little car... I mean, serioulsy, they can see for a 1/4mile that people are lining up to merge and they run up there anyway!

8. I hate it when I see someone throw a cigarette butt on the ground or out their car window. I just want to get up beside them and tell them they seem to have dropped their trash! C'mon people....put it out...then throw it away!

9. Shirtless, fat joggers!! 'nuff said....

and finally,

10. Having insurance that doesn't cover aircraft crashing into my bedroom. Really?? Now why would THAT be specifically excluded from an insurance policy?? Do they really have such a high incidence of airplanes crashing into houses that they have to write it out of their policy?? What am I going to do if an airplane crashes into my house?? Huh??

What bugs you lately??

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Final Catch-up!!

Time for another LLLOOONNNNGGG update…. This will likely be a novel so make sure you settle in before reading!

I have been busy finding my way around, getting settled in a new job, trying to unpack, getting used to having grandkids around all the time, oh…and passing a few kidney stones! Yes, the fun just never ends!

The weather here isn’t as bad as I feared at first. It’s actually been fairly decent. A couple of snow storms, but not bitter cold like they had earlier this winter. Thank goodness I missed that fun! My poor Gypsy dog didn’t know what to think of all that white stuff in her new yard. The grands insisted that she needed a doggie jacket, so we bought one of those to help with the colder days. She seemed to actually enjoy wearing it which was a shock to me. I was sure she would not like it given that she hated it when I dressed her up for Halloween and such! Picky dog anyway! But, the first couple of days of cold and snow, she wouldn’t go any further outside than to pee on the patio! No way was she going out in the yard with all that cold snow! I’ve let her hair grow longer now and she seems to be getting used to the colder weather.

Blaine has settled into his new job and seems to like it. He says he’s a little bored sometimes because the jobs are so much smaller than what he is used to. (careful what you wish for!) It doesn’t stop him from coming home and falling asleep in front of the t.v. however! One would think he would have a bit more energy not working so hard all the time. Energy he could use to hang pictures, build something in the garage, cook dinner…you know…. Stuff I want him to do!

Amber has had a couple of job interviews and we’re hoping she will find something soon. So far she’s been lucky and with retirement payouts from her old job, and her final checks she has been able to keep afloat. She filed her income taxes yesterday and will get a bit back from that to cover some of her bills as well. So at least for now, she is doing okay. She and Tama have been enjoying spending a lot of time together. I know they’ve missed that. Amber has helped Tama quite a bit with the girls and housework. Tama is still sickly and tired from her pregnancy and it’s been good for her to be able to help Tama while Karlo is at work.

Travis and Robin are hanging in there. They are staying busy working and chasing kids all around. Robin has been working on making bows and tried to cut her finger off recently. I will spare you the pictures, but trust me, it is gross! I’m hoping she is using it to her advantage though and getting help with the dishes and bathing the kids. She and Travis are teaching in Primary now and seem to enjoy it. One little girl kicked Travis in the shin the first day because he wouldn’t let her turn the lights off and on. LOL!

Travis has been roping in his “spare” time and is really quite good at it. If it can be done on a horse, he can do it (and has probably tried it!) Robin has taken to going to the barn and riding with him and even seems to enjoy it! At least she gets to see him once in awhile! He has also been doing several side jobs besides breaking horses. He has a skid steer that he uses to help people with. He cleans corrals, digs post holes, grades roads, etc. He definitely knows how to keep busy! Too busy!! He needs to slow down a little!

Kolby is enjoying school and told his mom the other day that he has THREE girlfriends! What a player! He is our farmer man. He loves to drive the skid steer and tractor with or without his dad helping him. Yes, he can actually operate the skid steer. Travis says he runs it better than half his helpers at the barn!

Baylee is our cowgirl princess. She still loves anything to do with horses and riding. She loves going to kindergarten and is learning her letters really well. She is a huge Hannah Montana fan like most girls her age and loves to sing along.

Taylor just turned FOUR! Where does the time go? She is all about Hannah Montana and singing and dancing! She is such a cutie patootie! She is going to a little pre-school group that Robin does with several other moms in the area. She loves staying home with her mom and being an only child while the other two are at school though.

Tama is staying busy taking care of her girls, her house, babysitting an infant for some friends of theirs and growing another human! She is getting over the all day sickness now for the most part so that is good. As long as she keeps something in her stomach the fetus is happy. I got to go with them to the ultrasound and it was so cool to see their faces when the tech told them it was definitely a BOY! First it was shock, then excitement, then shock again! They were sure it would be another girl. We have been busy going to the thrift stores and finding baby boy clothes.

Karlo has been staying busy with odd jobs here and there and they have been able to keep their heads above water which is nice in this economy. I hope things turn around soon in the construction industry! There are too many out of work! I am amazed at what a good job Karlo and Tama have done though to be prepared. I don’t know anyone that can live as frugally as they can! Good job!

Abbie is enjoying having us live nearby. She gets very upset if she doesn’t get to come over every day. But on the days she doesn’t get to come over, she gets to call on the phone so it’s all good.

Kallie is doing great. She will turn 4 on Easter this year and continues to entertain us all with her little personality! She is so funny. She goes to a little pre-school on Monday and Wednesday mornings for two hours so that gives Tama a bit of a break and she loves to ride the bus!

I’ve been finding my way around and look forward to exploring the area once the weather warms up! As far as the house goes, I still have more pictures to hang (of course!) and a few more boxes to empty. I’m getting used to my job. It’s not as fun as the one I left and the people aren’t as outgoing, but I’ll loosen them up eventually! It’s a job and it helps pay the bills. I signed up to ride the commuter van to work and that is interesting. It is a good deal though. I’m saving $$ in gas, plus tires, miles and wear and tear on my truck. There are about 9 people that ride in the van. Everyone gets on and no one talks! Some sleep, some read, and some just stare straight ahead. Some days I have to really fight to contain myself from yelling “BANG!!” and giving them all a heart attack! My dad used to do that when he was driving if we were quiet or not paying attention. I’ve enjoyed doing it to my kids too!

All in all, it’s not so bad here in Idaho. I miss Arizona though. I miss Steph and McKenna and Bryce! I have a slideshow of pictures for my screensaver on my computer and the other day, I turned it on and when I came back to the computer, there was a full face shot of Bryce! Made me cry because I miss him so much! He is such a sweet boy!

I miss my friends (family) at work! I miss our ward family and friends from the neighborhood! I miss the warm weather, I miss my house, I miss knowing where everything is, I miss knowing what roads you could take to avoid traffic, I miss all the exits on the freeways, I miss the rubberized asphalt that made the drive so quiet, I miss the sunsets, I miss the sunshine, and yes…I even miss scouts! I’m sure I will grow to love Idaho, make new friends, and find the beauty within. I’m just not so sure I have enough patience to wait for it!

It has been a new experience living near our adult children and grandchildren. Granted we’ve had Amber living with us for several years now, but we’ve gotten used to her and we just do our own things. It’s more of a roommate situation. It is fun to live near grandkids. I used to say the cell phone made living so far from them bearable. But now, living close to Tama and Karlo has made me miss Travis and Robin that much more! I want them to move here too! I want Kolby and Baylee and Taylor to come visit me whenever they want, I want to hear what they did at school every day, I want to have juice boxes and cookies ready for them at any time, I want to get their hugs and kisses every chance I get, and I want to hear their laughter in my house whenever they are over! It used to be that people never moved far from their parents, kids grew up with grandparents nearby and people stayed at the same job until they were too old to do it anymore. Now, kids grow up, move away, and families go many different directions in life. Sometimes, modernization isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. It can make for pretty lonely grandmas!

Okay, enough of the pity party! A couple of funnies from Abbie and Kallie: The other day, Blaine was hanging some pictures for me and as he was measuring where to put the hangers, he would make a mark on the wall with his pencil. Well, Abbie and Kallie noticed him writing on the wall and couldn’t run to me fast enough to tell on Papa! Kallie folded her little arms, put on her serious face and said, “Dwama, Papa is drawing on the wall and that is not a nice thing to do!” I’m not so sure that he helped things any by telling them it was okay as long as he erased it when he was done either! Now I’m waiting for them to write on the wall at home, get in trouble and tell their parents, “it’s okay…I will erase it when I’m done!”

Well, I think I should be all caught up with my blog now…. Until next time…. Keep your face to the sun and bloom where you’re planted! (I need to follow this advice!)

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Happy Birthday to our Tator Tot!!

Once upon a time, almost 5 years ago now…. We were in Wyoming at the annual Shoopman Family Camp over the 4th of July. All of our kids were there and Kolby and Abbie were just toddlers and Baylee was a baby just ten months old. We all had a great time!

We were all having such a good time we hardly noticed that Robin seemed a little preoccupied. But, we went to town shopping and I noticed her slip something into her cart and try to bury it beneath her other items. I saw what it was, but since she was trying her best to hide it, I didn’t say anything. But I did get a little excited!

Once we got back to the house and before we all left to go our separate ways, Robin and Travis called a family meeting for our little family. It was then we learned that we were being blessed with a new little grandbaby to join our family! While Travis and Robin were surprised that this could happen so soon when they had to try so hard for Baylee, we were overjoyed! A short (or long) 7 months later, Taylor Maddison Shoopman joined our family! She was such a contrast to her brother and sister. While they had such fair complexions, Taylor had the more olive undertone of the Greek side of her heritage. While they had blue eyes, Taylor has hazel/brown eyes like her great grandma. We immediately began thinking of her as our Greek throwback baby!

Taylor drew a tough spot in her house. She was the baby, but she was not too far behind her sister so it was like she was the SECOND baby and her brother and sister didn’t pay her much attention. She learned early on how to handle the situation though and get the attention she wanted from them. When her brother or sister would be playing quietly with their toys, Taylor would go up to them and grab whatever it was they had and run as fast as she could laughing all the way! She MADE them play with her! Plus, you know what they the time the third one comes along, you let them juggle knives!

Taylor has always had such a sweet disposition! She was such a calm and snuggly baby. Happy to entertain herself and do her own thing. And oh what a chunk she was! She was also the first of our grands to actually be born with hair you could see! We were so excited!

Taylor has some pretty amusing (not so amusing to her parents though) personality ‘quirks’. For awhile she was DEATHLY AFRAID of water and/or taking a bath! She would scream and fight the entire time. Then one summer, we got them a fun little pool and convinced her it was a ‘magic’ pool that wouldn’t hurt her at all. At first she played just on the outside, then one day, she got in and now she loves swimming!

She did the same thing when it came to riding horses. Her mommy was excited that she might actually have a little princess she could keep in the house and play make-up with, but her daddy went to work showing her that horses are fun and now you can’t get her OFF the horse when she rides with her Daddy! But, she does still love to play make-up and dress up with her mommy!

Taylor knows how to have fun!

Since Kolby and Baylee are both in school all day now, Taylor enjoys being the only one home all day with mommy. They do lots of fun stuff together but her funnest thing is to sing and dance along with Hannah Montana!

I can’t believe she is FOUR already! Where does the time go?! Happy Birthday to our sweet Tator Tot!! We love you!