Monday, July 20, 2009
Hunter turns 3!
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Aunt Laurel comes to visit!
Wednesday, July 08, 2009
Wicked comes to Memphis!!!
Saturday, July 04, 2009
Happy Fourth!
We've had a pretty great 4th of July weekend. I got Friday off of school, so that morning we went to the Collierville sprinkler park. It's this cool park that has a bunch of sprinklers that spray over a big rubber pad. Hunter loved it, and it's a great way to beat the heat. It is a little far away, so it's too bad we can't go more often. Friday afternoon we had a BBQ at the Gibbons house with three other families, and then Hunter went to his friend's b-day party while we had our date night. Then today we went to a pancake breakfast done by the ward. We played kickball and had lots of fun. After naps this afternoon we went to the Butlers for another BBQ. Hunter has had quite a weekend playing with friends and doing all sorts of fun things. Charlotte has enjoyed being along for the ride, and we've really liked spending some time as a family and with friends. Hope your 4th was a good one, it was a good chance to reflect on how lucky we are and remember all those who have sacrificed so much for our freedom! Charlotte is growing fast. She's had long hair from the start, and Heather finally got some elastics to put it in pigtails. Charlotte really doesn't like her hair in her face and this is a good solution, and we love the look. She's a cutie!
Summer fun
Things at school have slowed down a bit, so we've had time to hang out as a family. Nothing fancy, really, just the park and swimming, but it's fun. After the middle of June being in the high 90's or above, this last week was relatively cool, with high temps in the high 80's to low 90's, so we could actually survive doing something outside. Here's our family self-portrait at the park. It's obviously hard to get everyone to pay attention!
Hunter would swing all day if we let him. Charlotte still isn't sure what she thinks of the swings.
After a few hesitant trips to the pool Hunter finally got back into the swing of the pool and is our little fish again. We miss having the pool at the apartments to go to every day, but we try to swim when we can. Charlotte seems to like it.
In leiu of the meadows pool, we got a cheap kiddie pool for the kids to cool off in.
Our friends got this bike from their neighbors maybe a year or so ago, and we've put Hunter on it a few times. He likes it for a little while but hasn't really gotten the hang of it yet. I took him out the other day and he was finally able to pedal himself AND steer somewhat straight by himself. It was pretty cool.
This is usually her at bedtime. Pretty wiped out.