Our new 4way split "noise punishment" featuring bands from brazil,canada,germany and malaysia is already released last month. We just late to update here since our ass is very lazy to get up and log in to our blog.
This split is present 3 harshnoise bands starting with GOOZE from canada, EXTREME HAIR STENCH is the legendary harsh noise from germany and NOISE MACHINE harsh noise from brazil, and not forgotten us(SNB) from malaysia. as like the other harsh noise bands, this 3 bands in this split is already well known with their countless of releases! you can't imagine how many they has produced their noise before! just hope you guys can check all of their discogs on the cyber world. this all bands is no need to introduction, they al great and also nice people in this planet. we also very proud to share a split release with EHS the legendary noise maker from germany since 90's. the frontman andy also is the very humble and nice friend of us, he also owner of the diy noise label ONKEL TUKA TAPES and has releasing many of sick noise tape stuff!
This split is released as the free digital download, comes with full cover layout, under new netlabel DEATH TONES RECORDS from malaysia. This is the alternative way since the world postage is increasing insanely, but it will never stop and kill noise! So there is no reason why you can't have this special split released, go download, make your copies and spread it out as far as you can.
Go Download Here: "NOISE PUNISHMENT" free download