It's a little known fact that Oamaru (pop. around 13,000) has an Opera House. No really, you can see a photo of it
here. Not a soaring architectural wonder like the Sydney Opera House, but one of the magnificent old stone buildings for which Oamaru is famous.
The local Council wants to restore the building, formerly used as a cinema, but the cost to bring it to modern eathquake and other standards is huge- around $7 million. Because this would be a burden on ratepayers, the Council and community are fundraising to raise as much money as possible from other sources.
The current project is selling items on trademe, New Zealand's version of eBay (and only available to Australiand and New Zealand residents, sorry). I have chosen to live in a small community, and want to involve myself in it. Due to matters beyond my control (ahem!), I have not exactly done this yet even though I've been living here for almost a year. So I've donated the above lap quilt which I secretly love, but had no other suitable one available. It's mainly hand-dyed (by me), with cotton batting, and is fully reversible. After all, I can always make another.
Oh...and it's my birthday tomorrow. I've decided to stay at 50 until I reach 60. A chronological holding pattern, if you like. And I do.