Thursday, August 21, 2014

My three boys

This is a once in a lifetime photo…
It will only happen once and for one year only.
All 3 boys attending the same school!
Mack- 5th grade
Creed- 3rd grade
Callan- Kindergarten

Although sending my baby to Kindergarten 
almost broke me, I mean it, serious sadness overwhelmed me. 
I even went to "lay" on the school counselors couch
after I dropped him off at the door because I was so sad.
Luckily she is a good friend and didn't judge…

In order to keep the apron strings a little intact I did sign up to be 
Callan's room mom. Hanging out all year with 
those sweet kinders was so much fun and a perfect way
to hang out with my buddies. 

Kindergartners start a few days after the older grades,
So this is Callan's official first day photo!

Friday, August 15, 2014

Look who came to Hungary!

Nothing is more exciting to my kids than when their 
Grandmas and Grandpas come to visit. 
So having a them come for a month 
is pure elation.

Being summer time, we were able to pack in a whole 
lot of travel and fun.

Like watching some of the World Cup that was being shown on the big screen in one of
 Budapest's main Squares,

or a day at Hungary's beach, Lake Balaton

and getting to Celebrate Grandpas Birthday together was priceless.

We traveled to Paris,

and the Palace of Versailles.

However, being in Normandy and seeing 
the place where some of America's finest fought and 
died for a country that wasn't their own, truly
was above and beyond all of our expectations.
And an experience that every American should have.

Our picture perfect French countryside house only added 
charm and quaintness to our trip.

A day spent at Mont Saint Michelle was ideal and truly like no other place 
we have been too,

                                               But honestly, just our days at home enjoying our area 
                                                      together were just as great and memorable.

Thanks for coming Grandparents!!