Saturday, May 10, 2014


While Kimball was visiting us, we had the opportunity to visit
Krakow Poland for a long weekend. It just so happened
our friends had also scheduled that same trip. 
It was great being able to experience this location together with them.

I had heard that this city was full of life and rich with history
and I knew it would also provide us with the opportunity to visit
Auschwitz and Birkenau, the largest German concentration and death camps.

It's a disturbing and horrific part of our history, but it was 
a still a place I felt was vitally important to share with my boys.
 I am hoping by seeing the things that they have over the last 2 years that
it will help them be a part of the next generation 
that will still be horrified, and that will still be saddened 
by the millions of innocent lives lost and atrocities made.
I want them to be men in their generation that will be able to 
keep the memory alive and keep the evils of the world at bay.

My Commentary will be minimal on the pictures, because sometimes
my words and descriptions are inadequate, and this is definitely one of those times.

This map shows how many locations across Europe the prisoners were taken from.
Our group preparing for the walk through the camp

Schindler's Factory wasn't open the day we went but if you are familiar with the movie you know what great measures he took to save the jews.

with our friends the Millers

The main square in Krakow will remain one of my favorite squares in Europe
Come know we all saw that happening.

Uncle Kimball captures the best shots. :)

The street artists had my boys riveted the whole time…but for some reason this guy was their favorite.

painting with chocolate…yes, please. mmm.

This Cathedral doesn't look like any others we have seen in Europe. The colors were and different
design elements made it a beautiful work of art.
Rynek Glowny (The Main Market Square)

Ahh... the town square at night. So Lovely!

Cam and Kimball ate well!

A little too well in this case…look at all that meat!

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Evens means Odds

Its an even year, which means its an odd year for birthdays.

Mack turned 11 and of course that meant 
the long awaited acceptance letter to Hogwarts
was waiting for him outside his bedroom door when he woke up.

Ahh, if only such a magical place really excited... 

 But, it doesn't' so Mack had to settle on a mexican food with his good friend Mateo instead.

 Creed turned 9 and enjoyed his last year of celebrating his birthday being in single digits.

Happy Birthday to these sweet loves of mine!