Wednesday, October 2, 2013


My kids are trying to kill me.
Not intentionally or literally of course.
(Most days anyways…)
But I firmly believe they have multiple ways of 
accomplishing this that is unbeknownst to them.
The most obvious blatent offense is their
determination to continually break my heart
year after year as they exercise their right of 
having a birthday e-v-e-r-y SINGLE year.

It is no secret my love/hate relationship with birthdays.
I love seeing the kids excited and celebrating
their milestones with them, 
but I do die a little inside as I watch them 
grow closer to adulthood and 
ultimately leaving me and my warm safe embrace behind.

How does the old saying go,
"If you can't beat em' join em'!"

I guess I will join them. 

Happy 5th birthday to my adorable, sweet baby.

Callan's school always helps him celebrate in style. Lucky boy.

Once again we had a communication fail. Lots of video of his party but only
one still shot photo.
Parent Fail #2,347
"I'm BATMAN". His new jammies from my sister Yvette and her family.

 My kids get friend birthday parties on even years and on the odd years we do a family fun activity. This year we were lucky to have my Sister Katie and her family in town and Callan desperately wanted to celebrate his big day at Budapest's famous Szechenyi Baths. It is kind of a funny place for a 5 year old to want to spend his day, especially since it is supposed to be known as a luxury place for relaxation and pampering. 

I guess he doesn't look at it that way.

While there we found Callan's Asian Doppelgänger, whose father also noticed the similarities and enjoyed taking pictures as well. Although, there was a distinct language barrier, we are pretty sure the boys were witnessing the same phenomenon as we were.

My sister has an underwater camera and man those things are cool!! We were able to manage a few shots before the battery died but I wish that we could have got many more. 

Cousin time is so much fun.