Thursday, May 28, 2009


Poor Mack because of our move last year and my forgetfulness the year before, this is his first season of T-ball. Boy, I sure wish we could have started him sooner. He LOVES baseball. He gets pumped every time he has a game. His confidence makes me laugh he tells me all the time that he is the best player not only on his team but in the history of baseball.
So not wanting to crush him but also not wanting other kids to because they don't agree
with his self described "awesomeness"
I tried to explain to him that "yes he is very good" but there are also other good players on his team and he might hurt their feelings if he tells them he is the best" he seemed to just look at me wondering why they wouldn't all agree with him. So we will just have to hope that he keeps his thoughts to himself.......

Our Graduate!

Mack and his buddy Ty

Charles another great friend

It's official NO MORE PRESCHOOL for Mack! Watch out Kindergarten he comes and he couldn't be more ready! He had a great year and we are feeling great about our decision to give him one more year at home before starting the rigors of school. Way to go buddy!


I am a new fan of staycations. I think I may never vacation again. (unless there is a warm tropical beach involved) It is so nice to be able to spend all day sight seeing and doing touristy type things with your family and then coming home and everyone gets to sleep in their own beds.
All I can say is.....AWESOME!!!
Cam and I had talked about going somewhere for our 4 day weekend but decided we had so many things here that we have been wanting to do. I think I would have settled for anything that involved all 5 of us together, life has been so crazy and busy lately we haven't gotten a lot of family time.
We attended Mack's school picnic at Canyon Lake Park. Afterwards the boys took some time to do some fishing. Then we decided to go to Reptile Gardens to top off our evening. One of my kids absolute favorite places.

a yummy all you can eat pancake breakfast at Fort Hayes (where part of the set from Dances with Wolves is) followed by a trip to Keystone for the Alpine slide and a drive along Iron Mountain Highway and Needles Highway and stopping at Sylvan Lake for you guessed it more FISHING... and a stop for dinner in beautiful Hill City.

we attended church and then we were invited over to a friends house for a fun filled Barbeque.
sadly our last day of togetherness but we enjoyed ourselves in Hot Springs at the Mammoth Site looking at the actual sink hole where mammoth fossils have been and are still currently being found...then we headed over to Evans Plunge a natural 87 degree mineral spring pool with 3 different waterslides that entertained all 4 of my boys for hours. The kind of weekend Moms truly enjoy!

Monday, May 11, 2009

Rock Stars in History


my cute dress is from the talents of Cam's mom and our sister in law Brittany! Thanks guys for your help.


A few weeks ago Cam had the privilege to represent our squadron and base and fly the B-1 to South Carolina and attend the final Doolittle Raider reunion. This reunion will be the last of its kind because there are only 6 surviving members and only 4 were well enough to attend this year.
You have to remember these true American heroes are well into their 90's.
{if you are not familiar with the Doolittle Raid from WWII you can learn more about them at the story really is quite remarkable and truly heroic as many men willingly went into this mission knowing they wouldn't come out alive.}
The reason this particular military strike means so much to our group here at Ellsworth AFB is because the Raiders are alumni of the 34th and 37th bomb squadrons that are currently here. Of which Cam has worked in both now. He told me what an amazing opportunity it was to meet these "rock stars" and to be a part of history. I am thrilled for him being the history buff that he is that he was able to work with these amazing men.
The second set of photos were taken at a party that the squadrons put together on the anniversary of the Raid to celebrate our spectacular heritage. Its a costume party of sorts where the guys are to dress up like their call signs {of which Cam's is "NOID" so there wasn't really a costume out there for him} and the wives take a flight suit of their husbands and transform it into something for them to wear. Preferably to go along with the call sign but as you can see a lot of women just wanted a cute dress. My call sign to go along with Cam's is "A" Now see if you can put them together? Because that is how I feel about his call sign! CLEVER!?!
This party was a huge success and a lot of fun! It was also an event Cam and I were in charge of from our squadron and so it is such a relief to have over!!!

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

7 month old Callan.........

I mean seriously, isn't he scrumptious!?!

Eating actual brown rice! It is so great when they can start eating what you eat!
His funny little "onesie tie" bought by my Dad

his first tooth!!
please try to not focus on the carrot or squash or whatever tasty food leftovers are on his chin.

I don't know if I have noticed more change in this baby than I did this month...
He went from milk to baby food to whatever he can fit in his mouth and not choke on all this month. His little personality is taking form, he is the silent killer type. You know the type that doesn't say or require much but once they need something or have reached their limit all h*** breaks loose. He also cut his first tooth, and has 3 more not far behind. And because of the aforementioned teeth it has caused him to be extra clingy and extremely cranky. However, amongst this unwelcome change something great has occurred.........HE SLEEPS!!!
yes this is true, it is not a figment of my imagination he has finally decided after a few nights of tough love that he is able to make it through the night without eating. He still needs his pacifier at least once or twice a night but that is mindless zombie type walking. So it doesn't bother me too much. {for now}
Cal also doesn't really like being put down, so any crawling or things of the like aren't happening which is probably a good thing since I really don't want to baby proof all of the stairs that I have in this house. He still loves to play and interact with his brothers and this month has grown fond of Kinga {the dog} the belly laughs that come out of him are priceless.