Monday, April 28, 2008

Can I really leave the beach?

This is what I had to keep asking myself on Saturday while my friend Robin Ladle and I sat on the warm sand with perfect calm waters watching our children frolic and play in the ocean and sand. We were there just us two moms with five kids under five, because of course Cam is gone and her husband Josh (of Rexburg descent, small world, just had to throw that in!) was occupied for the day. And I really wanted at least one warm day before we moved so I could hit the beach. Saturday thankfully delivered! If I am lucky maybe I can squeeze one more in this week before the packers come.

Anyway, I used to always think I was a lake or swimming pool kind of girl. (I know growing up in Idaho I didn't really have a choice.) After all, the ocean is full of terrifying creatures and the waves can be super dangerous. But mostly the mess of the sand was enough to convince me that the ocean is overrated. However, after living here I have to pat myself on the back for letting go of my OCD behavior when it comes to sand. Don't get me wrong I still hate it! The way it always makes its grimy gritty way into my car, my house, my washing machine and at last the dryer. But after 2.5 years of regular beach outings I have decided the fun and enjoyment we get after a day at the beach is so worth the extra vacuuming I have to do. I still don't really go in the water, I tell everyone it is because it's too cold. But in reality I have been to aquariums and I know what lies beneath and well, the Jaws movies still have too much of an effect on my Psyche.

So thanks Robin for braving the outing with your 3 little kids (one being a newborn) and no husband. (YEA! for MOMMY POWER!) I was pretty homeless all weekend while we had one last open house Saturday and Sunday for a last ditch effort to sell our house. (Don't ask what happened to our previous buyers. I am still fuming!) So it was nice to share the day with a friend.

Mack and his friend Parker. She was such a trooper and kept up with him climbing on all sorts of treacherous rocks!

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

My Lovely Young Women

OK so I haven't had a date in like forever, (well at least since Cam left which seems like forever) and two of my sweet young women Brittany and Sarah decided that I needed one desperately. They arranged the baby sitter and even brought me flowers (my favorite, Lily's. I don't know how they knew). Then we went to Monterey and rented a surrey and rode down the beach. Something I have wanted to do since we moved here. Again, I am not sure that they knew that either, they are just in tune with me I guess. At the end of our riding experience we had a yummy picnic on the beach and to top the evening off we went for manicures. It was so fun and so sweet of them.
To say that I have loved my calling at church working with the Young Women is an understatement. I truly don't even think of it as a calling, service or a sacrifice. It is a pleasure and something I have enjoyed so much and look forward to every Wednesday night and Sunday. I am going to miss them so much when I move.

my pretty, pretty flowers

me and my dates having our picnic on the beach
How fun is this? These girls are awesome!

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

And now this baby is 3!!!

My little Creedo is not so little anymore. I can't believe he is 3. Luckily for me he is still my baby. At least that is what he tells me all the time. He is no rush to grow up. He has been so proud today telling everyone its his birthday and then he will say he is a big boy. Shortly after that he will say "no" and will put his pluggy in his month and say "I'm a baby" with a big smirky little smile. He is such a sweetie and continually melts my heart. However, make no mistake he is also 3, so he can break my heart just as quickly as he melts it. But he never ceases to tell me I am his best friend and follows it with one of his gigantic neck hugs. Happy Birthday Baby we love you. We can't wait for more years with you.

Here he is our 7lb 4oz baby boy Loving his 1st birthday cake which doubled as an Easter cake how special to have your first birthday on Easter.
Now he is a sweet 2
What a happy little Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde

Monday, April 14, 2008

My baby's 5!!!!!

I never thought this day would come! I can't believe how at times it seemed to be going by so slow but yet in reality these 5 years have actually flown by. Although this seems like the eternal birthday celebration since we have been celebrating since March. Today is the day that it has sunk in with me and I am reminiscing about all the hard times, hard times (oh wait did I say that twice, well for good reason) and more importantly the amazing moments the laughter and the joy I have had in raising Mackguire. He is truly turning into a wonderfully sweet little man. So to Mr. Magoo, Macky-tacky, Mickey-Mack, and Magilicutty (never had to spell that one before, don't know if its right) Happy Birthday! We Love you and couldn't imagine our lives without you in it.

Our 3 week early pip-sqeak 5lb 10oz baby boy
1 year later not too much of a pip-squeak anymore. Same Rabbit and basket
My big 2 year old
Looks who 3
A handsome little boy is starting to form.

And now my guy is 5!
At school today sharing his birthday treat.
Poor guy last year on his birthday he had to go to urgent care for a dislocated elbow and today on his birthday he had to go to the dentist for a check-up before he gets 2 fillings tomorrow. I thought this picture was too funny, the boys were actively involved in the cartoon playing above their heads.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Macks Talk

Today Mack gave his second primary talk ever at church. His topic was on President Thomas S. Monson and the Priesthood keys. It always amazes me how my little boy always gets complicated topics. His very first talk last year as a new sunbeam was about the Atonement. He is always so cute and my heart always swells with pride when I see how brave and reverent he is during his talks. It is one of those Mommy moments I cherish. Another favorite part of the experience is him giving me a thumbs up from his seat at the front of the room. He did it last year and again this year. I think it is so funny.
They also sang to him today for his birthday tomorrow. He has been asking for that for weeks. Because we confused him by having his birthday party early while in Texas so he thinks they forgot to give him his pencil and gum at church. The only problem is now he thinks he is 6. So I guess that is something I will explain tomorrow after his birthday celebration at school.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Props to MOM!

Golden Gate bridge!
Isn't my mom so pretty! Here she is with Creed outside the Aquarium!
The boys in their 3-D glasses, they loved the whole experience!
Nice face Mack! He is so funny lately with the faces he pulls during photos. What a ham!
The boys playing in the interaction area of the Aquarium
Our not so warm picnic on the beach.

I am sitting here in a perfectly clean house very content children (albeit on a little bit of a sugar high). Laundry caught up, closets organized, a painted dresser and chair, a mowed lawn, and maternity clothes out of deep deep deep storage (they weren't supposed to be used for another year or so). All dental appointments and Doctor appointments checked off the list, and I even got a fun and much needed girls night out last Friday. Before you say, "wow why is Heather bragging about her amazing super mom skills" let me just clarify that this is all done because Mom was in town!!
Because of her church mission which she returned home from in June and then having shoulder surgery in the fall and then falling and breaking that arm on Christmas day, my mom has not been to my house since we first moved in over 2 years ago. I have forgotten how wonderful Moms are in getting in and helping and doing things without being asked "just because they saw that it needed to be done". She is always so selfless and giving and I am constantly looking to her as my example. I love my Mom and all the wonderful things she does for me and my family. I don't know how I would be able to do all that I have going on right now with our house sale, move, being pregnant, and oh yea the minor detail of being without a husband, if she hadn't been here to help me for two weeks. (thanks Dad for sharing!)
And just so you don't think that I was a total slave driver we did go to San Francisco one day, shopping some other days, the beach (although it wasn't very warm), and yesterday as a final kick off we went to the Aquarium. After that we ate at Bubba Gumps the coconut shrimp are amazing, and took the kids to see "Sea Monsters in 3-D" at the new IMAX theater. I don't know which was more fun, watching the kids dodge all the objects coming their way or watching Grandma. It was a wonderful day. We were sure sad to see her go this morning. Thanks again MOM YOU ARE THE BEST!!
Now hopefully we only have 3-4 weeks more of Cam being gone and we won't close on this house before he is done and have to move without him.