Saturday, November 1, 2014


This is it…
The ONLY photo 
of my kids in their Halloween costumes.

If someone had told me 5 years ago that 
I would have completely
abandoned my need for photographic
evidence of my kids in all their
costume glory I would have said
they were crazy. 

I can't believe there was only one. 
I am truly ashamed of myself…
Sorry kids, but I did 
score a picture of your 

 If you squint, and look closely you can see sort of see Callan in his totally 
sweet angry bird clone trooper costume standing on our friends balcony.

Nothing says Halloween than taking a bunch of loud American families 
and heading to the cemetery.
Which ended up being closed.
Hey, it's the thought that counts.  

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Sailing…Take me away...

For our Fall break trip we decided to take a Mediterranean cruise.

However, before we boarded the ship, we spent two fun filled days in Barcelona, Spain
seeing places 
like the FC Barcelona Soccer Stadium

and Park Guell, the impressive work of master Architect Antonio Gaudi

But when the time came there was just a little
 bit of excitement as we were able to finally board the ship.

Our first stop was Marseille, France. 
The boys wanted to stay on the boat in the kids club, 
who are Cam and I to complain about an afternoon 
exploring the South of France all by ourselves. 
It was really rough…

In front of the Notre Dame of Marseille

When Day two came around, Creed quickly realized the
opportunity that laid before him.
He could have a whole day with just Cam and I. 
He jumped at the chance to 
come sight seeing with us in the 
French Riveria and Monocco,
while his brothers stayed in the club.

The Prince's Palace
There was no messing around on Day three, 
everyone wanted to come see the 
leaning tower of Pisa.

As well as Rome on Day four. One day isn't enough to tackle these 
amazing cities but we were able to 
get creative and spend a brief amount
of time to see the Vatican
and tour the Coliseum.

Notice we are down a boy once more. This time Callan begged
to stay on the ship in the kids club
while the rest of us hiked up 
Mt. Vesuvius and toured Pompei.

I still can't believe I left my 6 year old 
on their without any of us nearby. 
I could see the ship from 
the top of the mountain so at least I knew it hadn't left us.
But could you imagine if we had been left behind…

I mentioned that thought to Callan and he wasn't worried. 
He said he knew how to get to dinner and into our room
and he could just live on the boat. 
The cruise staff would take great care of him.
Wouldn't that be a dream!!

Even though we were out and about seeing so many amazing places
and interesting things, life on the ship was 
still probably our favorite.
So much yummy food and fun activities 
it really was hard to leave.

I got pulled on stage to help the magician with his act.
Surprisingly, I have been asked to help quite a few magicians over the years.
Maybe I missed my calling in life. ;)

After they almost had to throw us off the ship, 
because we really didn't want to leave.
We had many hours to kill before our flight.
We found a storage locker for our luggage and spent
some time exploring the Aquarium in Barcelona.

Good bye fall break, it was truly magical.

Friday, October 10, 2014

Fall guests

Every once in a while your past catches up to you.
Who knew it would take 14 years and 6 kids later
to find you in Europe?

Many moons ago, we had many great friends and fun neighbors 
while living in Del Rio, Texas for Cam's flight training
The Muniz family was one of these such 
neighbors and friends. 
Who has just so happened to also 
live in Europe for the past 6 years. 
We saw them once in Germany when
we went there our first year and 
then they came down to visit us 
before their big migration back to the states.

Their kids are as spunky and hilarious as their parents.
We loved every minute of having them here and getting to 
show them Budapest.

Don't let the faces fool you, they really were having a good time.

Saturday, October 4, 2014

6 year old Callan

Callan went and turned 6 on me…how rude!

Since, I didn't have a choice in the matter, 
I decided we had better throw him a
pretty epic Star Wars party.

These parties are always a ton of work,
but doing them only on their 
even birthdays does help facilitate
some recovery time in between.

Funny story about living in an International Community.
Especially when the children are kindergarteners, and its 
the beginning of the school year.
Why? You may ask.
First off, most of the kids, nor their parents really speak 
English yet, and if they do,
they sure as heck don't understand 
play on words types of invitations.
I really tried to simplify these too. 

It wasn't enough…
these things almost caused an
international incident. :)

Big brothers really come in handy around birthday party time. 
They were great helpers in training our young Padawans into Jedi's.
There were laser beam obstacle courses to complete
and storm troopers to battle, as well as cake and food to eat.

 What would a girl do without Pinterest to help plan her parties...

Callan also had a fun celebration in his classroom. 

In case you were wondering, yes, even I have a sweet Star Wars shirt.