My Blue Blog....for now

So I changed the color of my blog to BLUE.
Perhaps I too have my blue days, but not in a sad way-just colorful. Have a bluetiful day.
Showing posts with label Life. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Life. Show all posts

Monday, March 1, 2010



Just wanted to say, have a great Monday and week. I'm headed out the door right now, be back soon. It's going to be a beautiful day. Life is good.

The sunrise is dedicated to my friend Renee.

SUNRISE is the perfect word for today, because without it, where would we be?

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Life, weather, food

Professor Jiggs, photo by his parent Steve

A very nice man called Steve at: has finally completed his journey to Melaque with his family pet member Professor Jiggs who is 13 years old and ailing. My heart just stops when I hear of a family pet members journey coming to an end. Mr.
Jiggs has been suffering with arthritis and other disabilities and has taken a turn for the worse. I don't know Mr. Professor Jiggs but since I have been reading the blog, Jiggs has always been a part of it. How strange that I who love family pet members rarely blog about mine. I wonder why that is. I borrowed a picture of Jiggs from Steve and wanted to share his beautiful face with you and if you get a chance for just a little minute, can you stop by to offer comfort to Steve and Mr. Jiggs. That would be so kind. Steve said at the end of his post and I quote,

"The only moment I have is the one before me, and I will live it before tomorrow comes."
and I gloria, know that I am a better person for having known about Jiggs. I hope he gets well and makes it for a while longer. Viva Jiggs!! God Bless You.

Current Conditions

91°FFair -->
Location Modesto, CA * Fair
Today 91° / 60°
Tomorrow 92° / 59°
Thursday 90° / 60°

So it is 4:30 or so and it is currently 91 degrees. I definitely am not outside and just now turned on the air conditioner so that the house is cool when the dear hubby gets home. I took care of business early this morning and got home by 10:30 so that I wouldn't have to go out of the house. This is actually not that hot, because we have been up to 109 and maybe even 110. I've got clothes to fold and put away, need to check the mail, and would you believe for dinner tonight it will be chili cheese dogs. Yesterday my husband bought pizza, actually two, but I plan on snacking on a piece when I watch American Idol. Of course my thoughts will never stray from thinking about those that are ailing right now.

Take care.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Monday, December 1, 2008

Counting One's Blessings

You never know when you are going to be affected by one thing or someone. So if you stop by my blog tonight, please read this before you leave

I just recently visited a blogger site because I love art, and this particular blog was about that, but oh so much more.I feel so saddened to know that cancer is a part of her life. Sometimes we feel that oh our problems are vast and then we wallow in our self-pity. She has done the opposite of that. Somehow she has managed to pick up the pieces when she found out she had maybe six months to live. How she can be so strong, I don't know, we should all be more like her. It is over six months now and she was due for a check-up today. I was backtracking on some of her posts, and in one line she says words about someone that is gone in her life. She says, "Be still inside yourself and you will hear his words." Those words hold power.

Please include her in your prayer's tonight. I want to say her name but I didn't ask her permission to type this and so if you could tonight pray for RK's cure of cancer .

I will keep her in my prayer's and please....if you visit my blog, say a prayer for her as well.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Long Day, Although It went by fast.

Today was a busy day. My esposo was off work so we were out and about taking care of business. I finally found a Mexican store that carried papel picado but they were all out of the traditional paper and only had the plastic.

That was good enough for me because I plan on leaving it up so that we can enjoy the colors and the feel throughout. We hung them up and they look great. I can hardly wait to take pix. My local newspaper is looking for people here in Modesto that are taking part in Dia De Los Muertos.

They want to take pictures. I may contact them, we shall see. I made spaghetti today and froze a small amount in a bowl for my Chorizo for EL DIA. I alread have my dad's favorite albondigas frozen. This is quite invigorating for the soul. It makes me feel alive knowing that although they won't eat the food, the souls of my family will be there.

My son loved tacos, so I will make those on EL DIA. Just the way he liked them. So now I will go load the dishwasher, finish folding washed clothes, put aways the clothes and then study for my fallacies quiz for tomorrow. Who knows, I may be back. I wanted to save my 100th post for EL DIA, but I don't know if I will be able to. So on that note,

hasta luego, ya me largo.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Sunday the 12th

After giving thanks to Chorizo for all she gave to us, we settled in to eat our menudo. It was a good day and I believe it came from letting go. We let go, and actually sat down and talked of what our next project is going to be.

When life is good, give back. Tomorrow I am going to take all the butternut squash I have, to the senior center, and they will more than enjoy what they receive, and I will feel good about it. I will keep one or two and there are still more coming out.

The post about Chorizo I had started on a previous day and saved as a draft, so when I went to post it today, it wouldn't post ahead of the other posts. That's okay, I hope you get to read it. It's dated the 5th, I believe. Well the beginning of a new week tomorrow and every day is good. Take care.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Saturday Morning And All Is Great

A list of things to do on Saturday mornings always helps. Actually I need a list of "Things To Do," every day or I forget what it is I was going to do. I know that:

1. Homework is first.

2. 8:30 a.m. Watch Rick Bayless cooking show

3. 9:00 a.m. Wash hands and cut up tripe for tomorrow. (Menudo on agenda) Wash and cover with water in large menudo pot. Start cooking slowly.

4. Clean house, sweep, mop, dust.

5. Unload dishwasher, put dishes away.

6. Load clothes in washer. (2 loads, washed the day before yesterday)

7. 10:30 a.m. Hang clothes, feed the doggies and Michael the cat.

8. Check on menudo.

9. 11:00 a.m. Hang party favors outside in patio.

10. Back to homework.

11. Call mom to see how she is doing.

12. Get my pasilla and california chile ready for the menudo.

13. Not making dinner tonight, having leftover enchiladas.

14. Take a shower.

and of course much more to do, but for now that will do. I have to take a sewing class because everyone is starting to sew and I still have to learn. I know a little about sewing but not enough to put out really nice things. The wind has left a lot of leaves outside and I suppose that is on the agenda for tomorrow. I'll be back later. Viva La Vida

Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Everyone seems to be a slow motion today. I guess I am too, but probably for different reasons. I totally moved in slow motion today. In fact I'll save this for another day. I am at a loss for words.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Life and all its possibilities

There we sit quietly in the hidden garden

The trees block the sunlight from coming in, except for a few rays of light

The book is in my hand, I read, I sense the surroundings, calming

There is a very slight breeze with a cooling effect

That reminds me of autumn in the air

The end of the year is just around the corner

There is much that awaits us, so we prepare

Time's wasting, we must hurry and do

The things we have always wanted to do

Tear a sheet of paper out of that notebook

Tell it what is it you want in life

Treat it as if "it" was going to answer your prayers

Trust me, follow your heart

Then everything will fall in place

The world waits for you

There in that sheet of paper is written what you want

Try to accomplish each one, crossing out whats completed

Take time to compliment yourself

That's what I'm doing now, just me and my doggie, oh and my book.

I felt poetic today and I think it is because of where I sat comfortably. Life is good, despite its ups and downs. I prefer the ups, but hey, I'll take the downs as well.


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