My Blue Blog....for now

So I changed the color of my blog to BLUE.
Perhaps I too have my blue days, but not in a sad way-just colorful. Have a bluetiful day.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

Paint Party Friday, Haiku My Heart, Summer of Color Wk. 3

I will be linking my post to PPF, SOC tonight,  and tomorrow to HMH.
 You can click on the links above to visit.
 Thank you to Eva and Kristin (PPF)   Rebecca (HMH) and Twinkle Twinkles Kristin (SOC) for hosting inspiring blogs such as these. Inspiring blogs and beautiful ladies. Doing a post for 3 blogs rocks! To make a long story short, there's more time to do art or just plain housework. Tee hee.

 Kristin at SOC is for another 3 weeks.  It is only for a total of six weeks. This is SOC-3 week with the beautiful colors of  LIME GREEN and  PURPLE which are totally awesome colors.

My friend Helen at Haiku Hump Day is discontinuing her gig, so this Friday I will stop by Rebecca's Haiku My Heart to do my Haiku. After that I pretty much will just do my Haiku's on any given day. When the mood hits me I guess.

Of course PAINT PARTY FRIDAY is and will continue to be my Friday fun. It's a day that I really look forward to. I was there on day one and continue to be there. My fun time.
As said last week, I'm into hands right now and will continue with the hands. These hands are soothing the baby. Baby can't sleep and mama wants to comfort.
The background is purple, the baby's gown is  lime green, but for some reason, it's looking more like yellow. Trust me, it's lime green. Buttons with the same color were added just as an embellishment.

 PPF participants like to know what media was used and with me it's always acrylics, Pitt pens, glossies, and some pastels, as well as Sharpie pens and art journal book which is getting pretty hard to close.
So as I look at this piece, a reminder to do a Haiku for Haiku My Heart  comes to mind.
 Sssh, Sleep
Sssh, Sleep 6/19/13 glv

Now now sweet baby
Close your eyes and sleep for me
I will sing for you.

Sssh, Sleep 6/19/13 glv

and just a girl with a head covering.
No title.

Have a wonderful weekend, stay cool. Life is great!

Monday, June 24, 2013

It's that time of year again...

It's that time of year  January 1, 2013 to June 30, 2013 when I have my book printed. Then comes July 1 to December 31, 2013 at the end of year, the second half of the book.
 My books go back to 2011.  2008.  There are some with just my art, or my Vincent Van Gogh copy cat art, my book called Just Faces-Unibrowed 1-40.  It is gratifying to look back and see what I've said, done, painted or just blabbed about. Sure these pix or writings can be seen on my blog but having my blog books printed out and just handy in my home is so much fun. Someday they will go to someone and hopefully be appreciated.
I call these books:
My Life as a Housewife Blogger.

So on Friday when I've posted, I'll put in  draft all my posts except for 2013 and have my book printed. It will be a short book since I don't have many posts this year. Seems I've cut back on blogging a little.
I was going to post my Summer of Color post today, but decided to wait till Friday when I can post it with Paint Party Friday and since Haiku Hump Day is calling it a day, I will once in a while do my Haiku's over at Rebecca's Haiku my Heart. I talk about it in my Friday's post.  In the meantime just this little post until Friday.
Have a wonderful week. Summer has begun.

Thursday, June 20, 2013


PAINT PARTY FRIDAY time, thanks to

Thanks to these ladies, we all have our day.

Today it's about hands. I've been on a kick with hands, and having a great time painting my hands,  but it too shall pass as all things do.

This week it's regular of my doodles,  and a cartooned doodle depicting that even manicured hands have a job. Hanging clothes is a passion of mine. It goes back to childhood and running through the sheets as the wind blew them back and forth. On a hot day, it cooled me off.  I loved hanging clothes then, and love hanging clothes now. My husband volunteered to make me a clothesline with 5 lines and I use it spring through fall.

Although my hands don't wear polish or get manicures like the hands in the pic....(well maybe Sally Hansen clear nail polish), they still have a job to do when it comes to hanging clothes. A fun job at that too. When I hang clothes, it's another time and place.

Pastels, Pitt pens and a little acrylics were used in my art journal. Not very good in doing scenery, it was fun.
  The pastels are called Pan Pastels. This is the first time I've used this brand. After reading the container and noticing that it said that these pastels may cause cancer, I was unsure of the use of these expensive pastels. Why do they sell them if they know they have cancer causing agents? I decided they were too expensive to throw away, so washing hands right away after using them is a must and if I have to use a little face mask, then I will.

They are great to work with. They glide on very smooth and really don't have much dust particles as in other pastels. I've named the piece,
Just Hanging Round

 Just Hanging Round

Thanks for stopping by, have a wonderful weekend.



EGG ROLLS today, meatless. Easy job to saute all the veggies, stuff the egg rolls and instead of deep frying, they will be baked in the oven till golden brown, omitting the fat from frying. Side dish of herbal rice.


Monday, June 17, 2013

SUMMER OF COLOR-2 Orange and Hot Pink

I will be linking to Kristin's Summer of Color
(SOC 2013 #2) The colors selected were Orange and Hot Pink.
Love all bright colors. Thanks for hosting Kristin, from Twinkle Twinkle.

 I'm painting in my journal and trying to keep in one place. Acrylics, watercolors, Pitt pens, neon colors, and my hands. 

In this case I think the hands are signifying that they wanted to have fun with color. So they painted their hands with neon colors of orange and hot pink. They (the hands) wanted a tattoo on the hand and so they did. Yay for HANDS! The power of all things.


Stop by Kristin's blog, TWINKLE TWINKLE and join in the fun and also to see what other participants are doing. Click on the links at the top. Thanks for stopping by. I will be by your blogs too or as many as I can.


MOM and MWM on Mondays

Linking up with Lorikart for her Monday's
 Mandarin Orange Monday. (mom)

and am also linking to the Lovely kind and gentle  Rebecca's Monday
 Mornings with Mary. (mwm)

A Prayer Flag of Sweet Mary with such vibrant colors. What a way to start the week. 

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Food and Tackling The Dried Chili

In the past no mask was needed, but these chili's that we grew from seed are very hot. We ordered Hatch Chili seeds from Hatch New Mexico last year. The seeds were planted, the chili's grew awesomely and some chili's were dried. Right now we have new seed that were sowed of the same kind, Big Jim, and other and they are growing just fine.
So to make a long story short, the dried chili needed to be grounded. I knew better than not to use a mask,  because remembrance of last years nostrils invasion and coughing spell, that a mask would be used. See me below, I'm ready.
These are just a few of the chili's that have been grounded. There were more, lots more.
This used to be my coffee grinder but now it's the chili grinder.

Grounded chili powder that will be put in jars and used to make a sauce or to sprinkle on something cooking or for a spoon or two in chili beans, as below.
Chili beans cooking on the stove for when dear husband gets home from work.
A corn bread of sorts and I couldn't wait, so I had a piece with coffee. tee hee.
Plums from the back yard that are being cooked with brown sugar, a spoon of the chili powder or more, molasses, onion cubes, garlic cubes, and a few other spices. This will become barbecue sauce. It will be frozen for when needed.

I'm chilling out now, no punt intended. tee hee.


Thursday, June 13, 2013


Linking up to Eva and Kristin for the weekly
PAINT PARTY FRIDAY PARTY event of the week.
Thank you both for hosting. Stop by their blog to see what the other participants are creating.
Today it's a couple of journal pages with little creatures of sort,  who just appeared there, side by side. After studying the piece, it appears they are wanting to tear across the page and be with one another. Hence the title:

Love Happens, 6-14-13 GloriaV

Love Happens, 6-14-13 GloriaV
Love Happens, 6-14-13 GloriaV
I couldn't get the pages any bigger or they would have overlapped onto the sidebars. Started out with watercolors, then acrylics, some glossies and of course the old time favorite Pitt pens were used. A few hearts, flowers for the girl and gold pens were used.
 I never have themes  because it's a hard time trying to visualize what I am going to see before it's painted? I'm participating in  another weekly art blog, and started out with hands. I guess you could call that a theme as that is what I'll be doing, just hands.
 In this case after looking at it closely, there is greenish water on one side and bluish sky on the other, with two objects or we'll call them little creatures of sort,  trying to reach one another and looking at us for some kind of help. She seems to be saying that she wants to get on his side, and he pleads for a solution as well.
What do you think?
The point being that LOVE HAPPENS no matter who you are, where you are, what you are,  or at what time in your life you are.
LOVE is always with us.
Even dogs fall in love.:)I know...our dogs or family pet members as I call them are in love with me and my hubby.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Haiku Hump Day-

Linking up with Helen at Natures Walk Studio for her
Since Gloria had a fall last week, (me) I thought of doing a Haiku on it. Couldn't think of anything else.:) There's a rose bush right outside the door that needed trimming. Since the fall, it's been trimmed. As I was coming out the side door, the rose bush caught on my sleeve, I went to pull away and then boom, down I went. On the mend now. :)
The rose branch caught me
My sleeve tore off as I yanked
No time to think, down I went.
Have a wonderful day.

Monday, June 10, 2013

SOC-Reaching Out

Joining in on Summer of Color this time around. Hope to be able to do the weekly if time allows.
WEEK ONE of....
...summer of colour over at Kristin's blog and the color combination that was voted for was turquoise and citron green. I love  those colors. I decided to do a hand reaching out for the cross in the specified colors. This was fun.

You can visit Kristin's blog on the above link. Kristin also has SOC on Facebook: Summer of Colour Facebook page

Reaching OUT
Stop by Kristin's and have fun visiting other participants. Thanks for stopping by.

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Time for a little change

Living room time. It's sheet rock the ceiling and paint the room time. We started today, or rather my perfect husband started on the room. I helped as much as hobbling around would allow.
It's rough when one has really bad arthritic knees and then falls on them??? Who knew that would happen. We don't know though do we, the things that are next in line. I had just gotten back from the doctor when falling coming out the door and down the 3 steps to get groceries from the trunk. In any event life is good and one goes on.
We are adding mild colors and getting rid of the yellows. As much as color is a part of my life, it's time for less color in the home, not on my canvas,  as well as less junk. We are getting rid of the big couch and love seat and buying something smaller. Just a smaller love seat and a recliner for my husband, a home entertainment center for the TV, Wii, and DVD player. New window blinds and then just sheers.
Husband has written on the ceiling  the measurements
Started hanging the sheet rock

He's doing half the room and then next weekend he'll do the other half.

This side gets done next week

Moving along.

These are the color paints we will use. Mild. Perhaps I will become a mild mannered person?

Have a great week ahead and thank you all very much for the well wishes. I do appreciate it. Viva La Casa!

Oh I almost forgot. I will be joining in on the fun at Kristin's blog for Summer of Color. I heard of it from Ily.
I hope to join in the fun every week, hopefully.

Friday, June 7, 2013


Hello all.. It's Friday and this is the first time I haven't been early. linking up with Eva and Kristin for Paint Party Friday. There isn't anything I have other than the printing of black and white pictures of Nefertiti. I'm printing out in black and white and then painting them to get an idea of how I'm going to paint the  STATUE.

So the pictures I printed and painted and started to paint are here. My cartridges have run out of ink so some are fuzzy.

After checking on the colors that were originally used, I've decided on these colors. Blue, red, and gold. Turquoise and red on the blouse. The sculptor used reds on her face. Wish me luck.:)
Right now I'm nursing my wounds after having fallen. Lots of bruises and aches but still getting around. Creativity is nil right now.
Thanks for stopping by. Sorry I couldn't have more. Enjoy the weekend. I'll be by your blogs.

Monday, June 3, 2013


Linking up with Helen for her Wednesday Haiku. I'm not sure but I may have done a Haiku on this already. If so, the picture may be the same but the Haiku for sure will be different.
Photos give us thought.
A few moments of the past
These you see, we ate.:)
veggies from the garden


So I'm cooking in my TAGINE and loving it. I forgot to take a picture of the chicken breast but that is what this dish is about.
A lot of fresh herbs were gathered out in the garden, sage, mint, tarragon, thyme, oregano and basil. Dry spices were cinnamon, ginger, cumin, garlic powder and probabably a couple more already forgotten.
 When I cook, this and that are added and what comes out,comes out. We're still alive. tee hee.
Green onions from the garden (trying to utilize them)
Sea Salt, just a dash/Fresh ground pepper
Zuchini, used two
Basmati rice, a cup or so
Chopped carrot, about 1
Celery stalks 2 chopped
Green beans, from the garden. I added them the last few minutes of cooking.
Chicken broth, about 1 1/2 cups so that rice will cook. Probably will need to check back later to see if there is still enough broth in there. I use the dry chicken powder that comes in a jar.
Olive oil
A little ice cube of lemon and one of orange were added to the stock. I freeze my lemon and orange juice in ice trays.


So it's 10:32 am and dinner will cook on the stove very slowly most of the day. The steam will fall back into the food and keep it moist. I browned the little chicken breasts in the olive oil just till a little brown, not much. Added all the herbs and spices on top of the chicken, poured the rice over and mixed it in carefully so as not to break the chicken pieces and that's it. It cooks as I speak.
Now on to other projects and housework for the day. Have a wonderful day blogger friends. Smile and be happy.
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