I stopped by Manuelita's blog over at: http://thepleasuresofhomemaking.blogspot.com/ and she inspired me to post about what is coming up in the garden at the present time. Manuelita always posts about good stuff pertaining to home, baking, cooking and all that good stuff.
So I went outside and looked around because I knew I had bulbs popping out somewhere, but just didn't go way out in back. Too long of a walk and I didn't want to take advantage of one painless day on my knees. I did take a few pix and it's always so much fun uploading them and sharing with you. The bad part of it is I can't take good pix. The even worse part of it is that as I was coming back in the house, I decided to take a picture of the finished Little Lady Carmenita and so I hung it on a nail in the washroom where there was more light and poof!! Just like that, I dropped my Kodak Digital Camera c530 and it splattered. Batteries went flying and parts of the door just broke in pieces. Half of the little door stood on the camera.
There is no way I am going to be able to fix that. I did manage to put part of the door back on and placed the camera on it's dock and we'll see if I can upload pix. So now I'm sad because my ever faithful digi has gone kerplunk. Ayeeeeeeee! I have to save my money if I want another camera. I'm being very frugal but this is a necessity as I am always taking pix. I have thousands of pictures uploaded to my pictures file and they were all done with my itsy teensy bitty digi camera. ::sob:: So I just checked above and it did upload my pictures. I can breathe a sigh of relief for a little while anyway. I'm sure I won't be able to take pictures with it because I can't hold the batteries in. Maybe I can tape them. I'll try that. Masking tape or something.
My camelias will be blooming soon and they get a lot of flowers. I have two trees.Garlic is starting to grow and I usually give a lot away. It will be a while before it is ready.
Geraniums always seems to want to be in the picture. This one here looks like it's asleep.
Of course good old faithful lemon tree that always gives us plenty. I love to pick the lemons.
I think this is parsley, but not doing too good. It's last years plant.
Bulbs of sorts along with shallots and onions
Oregano from last year. It came back and that is always awesome.
This is more oregano of a different type. I use it a lot.
I think is again is more oregano along with some thyme and green onions.
Bulbs from last year making their way towards life ready to try and get what sun they can. At present there is none. Poor babies. So there you have my pix of what is coming up little by little. I'm sure there are more plants out back making their way up like greens and stuff. Oh well. I will be back.
Viva La Vida