Monday, December 2, 2013

Here is a layout I did for the Stuck Sketches blog. I just love this picture of Sarah.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

One Little Word

I've been thinking about what "One Little Word" to pick for 2013. I had already made a couple of new year's resolutions when I learned that some of my scrappy sisters were doing this.
Better is my one little word.
I want to be a better wife , mother, friend.
I want to look after myself better, make better food choices.
In all things I do each day, I just want to try to do them "better".
But right now, as I sit here curled up in a blanket, with a cup of hot tea, waiting for the pain meds to kick in for this rotten virus I have, I just wanna feel better!

Friday, November 16, 2012

This is not the way things were supposed to be.

I am having some pretty rough days, I'm not gonna lie. And this is not the way things were supposed to be. When I was younger and thought of myself & my husband in our late 40s-early50s, I pictured an active, busy lifestyle as a couple of empty nesters, possibly being grandparents. Wow...I was way off, except for the empty nester part.
Right now, I am thinking when I go to my surgeon next week for my 1 yr & 4 yr checkups on my new hips, he may suggest new knees. The thought sickens me. I don't think I can go through another big surgery. Three of them in 10 years is enough.
But what's the alternative? PAIN.
And I don't think I can live for the next 20-30 years in daily pain.

I must've been a really bad person in a previous life :(

Thursday, November 15, 2012

These cookies are simply the best, you cannot eat just one!

Aunties Gingersnaps

3/4 c margarine
1 c white sugar
1 egg
1/4 c sweet molasses
2 c flour
1 tablespoon ginger
1 1/2 tsp baking soda
1 tsp cinnamon

Mix together with an electric mixer the margarine, sugar, egg & molasses. Then mix in with a spoon the remaining ingredients. Mix very well, using your hands if necessary. Roll in balls the size of walnuts & then roll in white sugar. Place on lightly greased baking sheet 2 inches apart. Bake at 350 for 10-12 mins till flat & lightly browned.

Less time for a chewier cookie, more for a crispy one.

My auntie always made me these for me. Sometimes I would get a tin full of them as a birthday present...that was the best gift!

Monday, April 30, 2012

I wanna be A Princess!

Scrapbook Steals is taking entries to be a Princess of the PM for the summer months. What an awesome opportunity!
Here are my entries~

I loved the pictures that Sarah had from her day at the veggie farm in Thailand. She looks so cute in her red apron!
Not sure where this picture is taken, but Jess is looking beautiful as usual. Also not sure how to flip it so it's the right way :(

While Sarah was home we were able to spend some time at the Kloke family cottage.

I love making & sending handmade cards!

I made this note pad cover out of one sheet of paper, then added embellishments.

Here's a look at the inside. Once this paper pad is used up, it can be removed & a new one inserted.

Well, that's it! Thanks for taking the time to look :)

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Every Picture Tells a Story

While Sarah was home we went through her pictures together & I was lucky to get about 400 of them...making for some happy scrapping for this mama.
This is a layout I just did yesterday. When Josh comes home in June I will get him to help me with the journalling. Until then, let me just say that according to Sarah, Joshua felt the need to "clean up South Korea's abandoned hotels". I'm sure there is more to that story...

Monday, February 6, 2012

Paper Girls Challenge

Today the Paper Girls Challenge went live! Some friends & I created this blog...well, that's a lie. They created it...I'm still really lost in this blog world. But I am extremely proud to be a part of it, however small. Check it out & hopefully you'll want to play along!