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Saturday, March 14, 2009

Lorenzo Video

Here is the video of how great Lorenzo did skiing today!!!

Claire Video

Here are the video of how great Claire did skiing today!

A Beautiful Day Skiing

It was around 45 degrees at Beaver Mountain today. My Step-son Jason and his cute kids Lorenzo and Claire came up and went skiing with us today. It could not have been a better day to do so. It was so warm no coats were needed. Besides the sunburn Shaylee, Kayson and I got the day was fantastic!!!

It started off rough. It was Claire's first time skiing and Lorenzo's second time (but it seemed like a first). I realize how out of shape I am when I am pulling, lifting and bending when teaching kids to ski. It was a rough first two trips down and then it was time for a break. The kids sat out with Grandpa for lunch while the big kids went and had some fun. We skied for about an hour, then had lunch, then took the kids back up. Lunch was the trick!!! After lunch they finally got the hang of it. Claire was skiing down by herself and Lorenzo finally understood that a "pizza" will slow you down. Of course then Lorenzo and Shaylee were racing down the hill and were much faster than Grandma (so Lorenzo thought :D ). Claire was so proud of herself for skiing by herself. They caught on so fast. I am proud of them. It was such a great day!

Thanks for coming and sharing it with us Jason, Lorenzo and Claire. We love you!!!

Friday, March 13, 2009

Friday the 13th

Shaylee was out of school for PTC and so I decided to pull Kayson out of school and take them to see the Draper Temple during one of the final days of the open house. It was a beautiful experience for them. They really enjoyed it. I was amazed at how HUGE the houses were around the temple. Some were bigger than the temple itself.

We then went to Hires for a GOOD hamburger. I haven't been there in years. It was a nice day spent with my two beautiful children!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

My Baby Boy just turned 12!

So today is Kayson's 12th birthday. I remember him being born like it was yesterday. He is such a joy to have in my family. I am so blessed to have him as my son.

I have enjoyed all the stages of life with him. Ok...some more than others. He was such a happy baby. A joyful toddler. A trial as a kid, but loving. Now he turns 12. He will be taking on the honor of receiving the priesthood. He has taken so much responsibility as a leader in his scout group. He loves scouts and works so hard at all he does. He is happy with each stage of life that he reaches. He is a good person with a good heart. He is maturing and I am not so sure I like it, but I will have to accept it. :) I just miss holding my little boy. He still wants me to hold and cuddle him, but the 100+ lbs. is harder to hold. I still do it and will enjoy it as long as he will let me. I love being a mother. What a great blessing it is to be one.
Happy Birthday Kayson. I love you with all my heart!
Ok...so he wasn't so happy about the princess bag his sister picked out for him just to be a stinker. At least I talked her out of the Barbie Doll.


March 9, 2009 more snow fell in 12 hours than I have ever seen fall in a day. The pictures I took were at noon and it continued to snow the rest of the day. I am sure we ended up with 19 inches in a 24 hour period. Sunday, March 8th it was spring like weather. All the ice was just about gone in the driveway and all the snow was off the lawn. The tramp was put up last weekend in hopes that spring was here and there would be no more snow. Ok...so I forget that Cache Valley weather teases all spring long. When I woke up there was around 12 inches. That is 1 inch an hour. By the end of the day close to 19 inches. I was amazed.

So winter is back for a while. There is no reason to complain, so lets go skiing! My step-son and grandkids are coming up Saturday to go skiing with us. I will be sure to take the camera. Should be fun!

Monday, February 9, 2009

In Memory of Uncle Willie

Saturday, February 7, 2009 Uncle Willie passed onto a better place. This is the second loss in our extended family, my Dad being the first. It's never easy. My heart goes out to his family. I know they are missing him dearly.

We are blessed to have another visit from Aunt Louise from Florida...and of course it is suppose to snow all week. She is not looking forward to that since she said that she would only come visit again in the warm weather. (This is after slipping on ice in December and hurting her back).
I will be looking forward to seeing all the family at the funeral, just sad for the circumstances.