Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Spoiled Christmas Kids

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Christmas Eve Walk

For Christmas eve, some friends of our asked if we would like to join them on a walk outing at the Bird Refuge.  I had really been wanting to go there, so I jumped at the chance.  Unfortunately Jeff had to work.  It seemed that a fog bank had been trapped up there, as it was clear everywhere else, but it made for some great shots!

 Swans taking flight
 Lichen, reindeer food :o)

 up close of lichen
 The kids got to climb into a large human made nest, and Webb decided to wear Marian's hat
 A walk in the woods

 Dani takes a rest

 At the far left hand side on the farthest back tree there is a Bald Eagle nest with an eagle on it

 If you can't tell, I love the mossy trees!

 Do you see how big that tree is!!!

 The Tualiatin river

Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!