Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Marian's First Day of School!

Here is my little artist! She drew this all by herself!

 Here is her school poster, she really wanted to draw some of her own pictures to go on her poster

 As she is going out the door she turns around and has to come back in the house to kiss her baby sister goodbye for the day!  So sweet!
 Here is Reed showing her where the bus stop is!
 Waiting for the bus

 The bus picking them up! Marian's first day of Kindergarten!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Summer party at the Scera

It's time again for our annual Scera swimming party that our ward holds every year (and has for the past 20+ years)As much of the family that can come does.  We see people we haven't seen in years, as well as getting together with our own family again!
 Naomi jumps to Grandpa! Matt and his growing family! (Maddie is such a stinkin cutie!)

 Super Reed! He started kicking with his arms out now!
 Dani giving us a pose!

 Ammon and Naomi!


 Naomi is shocked that Dani can splash so well!
 Reed playing with daddy

 Jeff and the girls!
 The girls :o) Cute huh, well it's safe to say we all had a really good time! I was surprised to find out that 1 1/2 hours had past so fast!
Till next year, and we meet again.  Whenever we drive by the Scera pool the kids all have to point it out. :o)

Gappmyer Family Reunion

I love showing off Marian's drawings! It's a bird in case you couldn't tell
 Reed doing a minute to win it game!

 Aunt Jennafer helping :o)
 Marian made a new friend!
 Our happy Dani
 The kid puzzle, which turned into a much harder puzzle than anticipated...

 Kids playing on the playground
 I thought this was a neat shot of Marian
 The kids playing in the background
 The caterpillar that the kids found
 Jeff found out that his great grandpa built the Planted Earth, back when it was a home. Jeff has always loved that place!
Jeff's girlfriend.  She is such an attention mooch.

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Oregon trip

For those who would like to view and read about our Oregon trip adventure, I have posted it in several small segments. If I were you I would start at the one called "beautiful Utah sunset" and go up from there.

Last Day, back in Portland

 So our last adventure was the night we drove into Portland.  We found our hotel and then wanted a bit to eat.  It was about 7ish so we thought maybe we could drive in and find that place we ate at the first day.  So sure enough, without too much hassle, we found it.  Well after that we were feeling pretty good about ourselves (and love seeing that little Vietnamese lady again) thinking we had a pretty good handle on the lay out of Portland.  So now it was time to head back to the hotel.  Well 1 1/2 hours later and about 10 trips around in a big circle crossing and recrossing the Columbia river, we finally found the road that would take us back the way we came. (and to our hotel, which was only about 10-15 minutes away.) If I haven't mentioned it before, Portland has many one way streets and streets that pass over the tops of other streets, and for some reason the people who made the maps of downtown Portland didn't find it that important to highlight that.  So fair warning, don't turn down the GPS if offered or if you have it use it!  Or better yet bike or take their public transportation.  I heard it's free.  So the next morning we pull out the maps (we have 3 by this time) and look to see if we can find the Chinese Garden.  We have heard a lot of people talk about it, so we figured it shouldn't be too hard to locate on a map.  Well you guessed it, it was not anywhere as a point of interest on any of the maps.  They had the Japanese Garden, and China town.  But no Chinese Garden.  So we figured we could ask someone on the way there while we ate brunch.  So at the Bajio Fresh that we stopped to eat at (pretty good by the way) we asked a friendly (everyone there is freindly, or so it seemed) local where the garden was.  She said it was in the China Town area (we guessed that much) and then gave us some street names (which happened to be a few of the ones we were circling on the night before) and forewarned us that it was on a one way street.  Very nice, I wish we had had her in our pocket the night before.
 So we found it! China town!
 Jeff wore the most perfect shirt! It matched the intricate ornate carvings that were all over in this place!

 Here we are just outside the first building!  This whole garden is located on one city block surrounded by other tall buildings! Very neat!

  Here I am, wearing my feisty shirt, everyone at the airport loved it and one of the stewardess said she wanted one just like it.
 A beautiful Koi that swam in the pond

 I just loved how the two willows framed this little building!

 The rocks were meant to represent mountains
 Love the little bridge!
 I love how they did the tile walk ways out of little rocks, every walk way had a different pattern!

 These are silk embroidery pictures, beautiful aren't they, when we are rich, we would love to get some!

 Some of the intricate wood carving found all throughout the garden
 More of the fun tile work, this one had moss growing in the cracks (and you know I can't resist moss!)
 Cute rock/mountain and bonsai tree/forest scenes!

 Jeff's money toad!
 These look like you can walk onto or through them, but they are more of the silk embroidery!

 The little Tea House they have inside the garden, it is an actual restaurant

 Just some more lovely views of the garden.

 The lily pads and more of those willows

 Here are views where you can see the Portland down town buildings surrounding the garden
 After the Garden it was time to head out to the airport.  Knowing how our luck had been with the maps and the streets of Portland, we decided to make sure we had plenty of time to get to the airport. Comparing both gardens to each other I loved them both, but if I had the chance to go to only one of them again, I would choose the Japanese, it was more peaceful, even though this one was, that one almost had a sacred feeling about it.
 These are parting shot as we cross the Columbia for the last time.
 Our trip back to the airport went pretty smooth, I know we had one or two slight hiccups, but nothing really major.  Then we just had to wait for our plane to come in and for us to fly back home.
 Here are some shots out the window of the plane as we flew over some mountains and above some neat clouds!
 I absolutely love looking down on clouds!!! So I love these pictures!!!
By 9pm our plane had landed and we were back on Utah soil again.  We can't wait till we can get out there again though! We are already planning a return trip! It was nice to be home with the kids and our pets.  Roxy was so excited to see us her whole back end was wagging back and forth as fast as it could and she couldn't decide who she wanted to see more me or Jeff.  Then Pho wouldn't shut up, he just told us about the horrible nightmare that he and Tao had just lived through, where strangers kept showing up at the house every day, they thought they were going to die. :o) The kids had a great time with everyone they stayed with, but were very happy to have us home again as well.  I guess one day Dani asked if they could stay at grandma's house forever, and she said yes, then Marian broke down wailing "but mommy promised she'd come back!"  So I am glad we were missed, time to take everyone out there now! ;o)