Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Family time

Just a cute pic of Marian :o)

They love to sit out in their "pumpkin patch"(because in Halloween that is where the pumpkins go) and watch the cars go by.

I love how well my kids play together! (these are their toys from their Wendy's kids meal)

The Dani wanted to play Hungry hungry hippos this morning right after they all woke up

Tao (red collar), and Pho (silver collar). This is for all of you who will never see our paranoid Tao, he is sticking his tongue out at all of you.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Harry Potter

So I just had to say I loved this last Harry Potter! I so want to go and see it again! I am ready to re watch and reread all of them again! As I was driving home from the theater this song came on and I thought wow, what a perfect song to hear after that movie. Anyway I was so happy with the way the movie turned out, and I know there are some of you who didn't like the "new" Dumbledor, but I didn't like the first one as much, I think the last ones were the best ones (from 4 and on). Anyway my rambling thoughts for the day :o)

Monday, July 18, 2011

Party in Santiquin!

Marian wanted to roast her own hot dog (at least in at first).

Happy Birthday Quinn! The first of the threesome to have his 2 year old birthday!

Reed the budding pyro. He had fun tossing the wrapping paper in the fire. (a little too much fun)

Dani and her rock collection

I loved these two pics!

Dani and her "cute" rocks she kept collecting. When she was in looking at the chickens she was finding rocks and hugging them saying "cute"

Josh and Nicci's chickens :o) Reed was afraid they would "peck his bones"

I think in this pic that is at least half the McNeff grandkids. This is the threesome who were all born within 3 months of each other (July-Quinn, Sept.- Dani, & Oct. Kaitlyn)

Hey this is the best I could get, you try getting three 2 year olds to hold still!


Yeah kids + sun= a red faced Reed, he really wasn't as burned as the picture makes him look :O)

I love the way this picture turned out! Dani looks like the cover of a magazine! :o)

I thought this was super cute! Stephanie's little boy Jacob sat on the hill together and shared cereal while watching the tennis players :o)

My friend Stephanie and me!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

4th of July (cuteness overload) ;o)

Dani playing on Grandpa's slide!

Rocky was digging in the sandbox with Reed :o)

Cows on Grandpa Shepherd's farm! :o) ( I loved this pic too!)


Ant hunting

Reed thinking

Grandpa's hammock!

I loved these pics of Dani! I think they turned out just like I was trying!

Flower power!!!

My FIL told me his mom called these "blue birds" can you see why

(here's a hint, they look like little birds)

Visiting Great Grandma Shepherd's grave

Dani walking Rocky in the Wallsburg cemetery

4th of July parade

This year my family was in the pre-parade down in Provo with their Fencing Acadamy. It was a lot of fun. I got to find kids waiting for everything to start and let them try fencing. My family all dressed up in costumes and fenced each other :o) The cloud cover was great!

Here are a couple of boys who got to try it :o)

And just for fun I have to throw a random pic in of the kids playing outside :o)