Saturday, April 14, 2012

It's been awhile!

Last night a few friends of mine decided to go to Castle of Chaos in riverdale in honor of Friday the 13th...what better way to spend it then being freaked out?? Anyways Here is a few pictures of it...Yes, I am the one in the corner with my ears and eyes covered, but you would be too if they told Him your name! 

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Hello Bloggerland

I know I haven't updated in FOREVER but I am back and I'm going to play catch up starting back in June :) So pay close attention....They aren't in order but just enjoy. June 4th, Chase, Nick, Braeden and I all went skydiving. June 15-19, Gerilyn, Aly, and I went to Oregon. Had alot of fun on no sleep. :) July 2nd and 3rd my parents took the fam down to Stadium of Fire. July 11-14th I went with the Singles Ward to Bear Lake. August 12-14th my parents took the Family down to St George and Vegas. In between all of this is alot of drive in Movies, bon fires, and Halee's farewell. All in All Summer totally ROCKED :)     (and I hate it when you look at pictures and realize you wear your favorite hoodie WAY too much)

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Let's hear it for some back bone!

I have a problem...I don't have a back bone! Bug me enough and I give in, give me 10 minutes to calm down and come talk to me and I'll be fine. But at this moment of time. I'm done. I'm done giving in. I'm done being nice to someone who's just going to walk ALL over me and treat me nice ONLY when they want something. I'm lucky enough to have such great friends and family that talk me through stuff and listen to me vent to only watch me go back and do that same exact mistake again. Well guess what? I grew a back bone over night and I'm not giving in anymore. I'll do what's best for me and I'm going to stop letting them walk all over me. But here comes the hardest part...actually standing up for myself, but I'm going to do it. And I'm going to be happy about it, so goodbye to the tears, hurt feelings, and "I'm fine" answers.

Friday, July 22, 2011

Temple Trips!

These last two or three weeks I've had the opportunity to go to the Okur Mountain and Jordan River Temple. I've never been to either one but they are both GORGEOUS! Jordan River was a little busy for me but Okur Mountain was wonderful. I love going there and being able to just think and pray and read the scriptures and be able to feel the spirit so close. I'm so grateful that we have so many so close! And I know I did complain about the drive both times but still they are pretty dang close to home compared to other members, ( I'm just used to being spoiled :D ) Anyway, it was so much fun and I love the feeling I get when I go and that I have so many people around me that go with me.  

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Peter Pan

I have a problem...I don't want to grow up! I want to do what I want, when I want, and not have to worry about work and all that! But we all have to grow up sometime in our life, I'm just not going to do it willingly :) Anyway I went Skydiving last weekend. It was Amazing!!! SCARY but awesome! The view from the top is the best although I don't like how they swing you out and pull you back in twice!
       Oregon is next week, can't wait! I finally feel like I'm starting to do what I've always wanted to. I'm chasing my dreams and nobody can hold me back. It's an awesome feeling to be doing what I love and just exploring what is here! Yes I do have my bad mood days (sunday...sorry Mom, Dad, & Braeden) but for the most part I'm learning that it's me that has to deal with me when I'm in a bad mood and I'm not very nice. So why not be happy? I'm trying and it is wonderful the difference it has made. So here I am happy, living my dreams, and never really going to grow up :) 

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

An American Soldier's Sister

When I was younger I never really would think about those who fought for our freedom, until my brother joined the Airforce. The older I get the more I love this country and those who fight for us, (probably because it has affected me.) It takes a great person to do that, they are so brave! Being a sister of an American soldier affects me and my family so much, my brother has served in Afaganistan and is currently serving in Iraq. He come's come in 2 weeks and I can't wait to have him back on American Soil. Those that have served, are currently serving, who are just joining, and those who have died for this country, Thank you so much! I have so much respect for soliders who leave their family to protects yours. This is especially the time of year to think about it with Memorial day and all the holiday's coiming up. So to all of those who are in the military, God bless you and your family and thank you for doing what you are doing!