The content of my blog was originally from my heart. I usually write when I was in the mood in writing . Plus , I'd really hope that you wont compromise my writing for it will make me hate you even more .
Kita nak beli crayon untuk colour buku Sailormoon, tolong click click bawah tauu :D
Showing posts with label wipe all ur tears pls. Show all posts
Showing posts with label wipe all ur tears pls. Show all posts

Happy Sunday you allss . Breakfast ape hari niyhh ? Huu , today I demam . 
Hee , niyh case demam rindu mak ayah aww aww . Nak balik rumahh !!!

Ohh ohh , by the way kann . Dah a few days I tak ingat dekat si teettttt tuhh . Penat penat penaaatttt .
Lepas I send those messages dekat die kann , feel kind of relived lahh sikett . Eventhough he acts like , I was the one yang should be blame off  . 

Uurrrgghh !! Kau dah lah chose her instead of meee . Dah tahu she cheat on you jugakk , pergi jugak dekat die . Hahh , bagus lah macam gituu kann . Due due , suka menipuu . Semoga happy selalu lah yeeeee .

Please leave me your linkies , yawww !

Nah untuk kau , sebijik !

Ohh boyy , flashback make me smile and it makes me wanna cry too .

Please leave me your linkies , yawww !

Wordless Wednesday 8

How I wish to have your hug . Only for tonight . Goodnight sayang .

Please leave me your linkies , yawww !

Goodnight tears .

Hhmmmmpphhh , another night alone . Justtt greattt .

Please leave me your linkies , yawww !

Daddyy .

Sorry that I can help you . I just dont know how to help you . And how I wish that we can share it together and I'll help you to be strong and to get through with it . I love you , daddy .
Please leave me your linkies , yawww !

Just great .

I really hope that you can accompany me to get through the night .

Please leave me your linkies , yawww !

Just cant stop crying .

Kfine ! Kfine ! Kfine !
I am such a cry baby . Sikit sikit nak menanges . Orang marah je nak nangess . Haaiihhhh , poooddaaahhh !!

Huu , oke stop tak yah nak marah sangat nanti lagi lebat nangesnyeee >.<

Rasa tak tertanggung lagi lah dengan what happened in my life right now . Just mampu pray to God to kuat kan semangat untuk hadapi dugaan ini .

Hhmmpphh , finally you'd realized the distance and the situation we both had right now . Sorry that I disappoint you , sayang . Things around me make me weak . Weaker than ever .

I dont want to loose you . I cant help it to lost you again .

Dont let me go sayyang . Eventhough I said it , but just hold on me tightly .

I really hope that you comfort me , sending text wanting me to stay strong . Hhmm , I guess you are too busy with your works .

It is all right sayang . Just do your work carefully oke . Dont get into any accident . I'll be fine , yess just fine .
Please leave me your linkies , yawww !

Kenapa aekk ?

Editing my blog was done amazingly . Oke tahu lah tak cantik macam you ollsss munye blog , but quiet amazing lah kann :)

*ppsssttt, awak hope you dont mind just nak jawap your question uhh ;)

Ohh btw kann , one of my friend leave her comment to my recent post :

Hhmmpphh , okiee . How does it happen , huhh ??

Well , in my opinion lah kann .

The positive one :

Perhaps , he is kind of busy dengan kerja kerja or or dengan assignment yang berlambak kann ? Yelah , nama pun guys kann ?? Kerja tuh ta akan siap selagi tak sampai date line nye . Then , perhaps ada satu masa he need some time nak siap kan segala assignment die and soo , we as his girlfriend , I think we should give him that time or we can also tolong die kee . Bagi idea idea yang bernas ke kaann .

Orr maybe kan die need a time alone for himself . I mean , tak kan lah all the time die nak dengan kite jee . At least , bila dia nak hang out dengan kawan2 die kann , give him that time . So that die boleh rasa happy dengan kawan2 die . Plus juga , maybe bila kita bagi die time untuk rindu kita , nanti mesti boleh tambahkan lagi sayang die dekat kitee . Betol nyhh , cuba lah try :)

The negative one :

Huhh , nihh perhaps die dah rimas dengan kita yang all the time text die , saying things yang tak sepatutnyee . Or or kann , hhmmmmm paham paham lah aekkk ;)


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luahanhatiseorangperempuan :')

Haih , sayang I tahu you sayang I , I tahu you setia dengan I .

Tapi sayang dengan setia tak cukup untuk I . I need you by my side . I need you to comfort me . I need you to sent me morning text or at least a text saying how much you miss me , how much you love me or or how much I meant in your life .

I am hardly seeing you sending me text messages , selalu I jugak yang hantar message dekat you . Call ?? Hhmmpphh ! Lagi lah tak kann .

Even I text you first pon , ta penah pon berbalas . Haih , kadang uhh rasa penat nak tunggu , rasa nak buang je that phone , rasa dah malas nak layan perasaan nihh . Selalu sangat terasa hati dengan you . Tapi you ta penah pon nak bertanya , how am I .

Kadang terfikir tau , siapa I pada diri you ? Sampai you boleh buat I macam niyhh . Langsung tak ber text , call pon ta penah .

Sayang , a warning for you hhaa ...

For the time being , I might rasa tertekan and I probably akan banyak berfikir about this and that . Then , bila I terasa nak break dengan you , I probably boleh berfikir and wont think on doing that . Tapi , bila tiba masa nya I tak tahan , I'll do something about it . And dont you dare questioning my acts . Annddd , I really hope that you'll understand that .
Please leave me your linkies , yawww !

Hati ini .

Saya nih mungkin lebih suka berdiam diri , dan cuba untuk ikut apa sahaja yang awak nak .

Saya cuba untuk tak buat awak marah , saya cuba untuk buat awak happy , and saya cuba juga untuk menjaga hati awak .


Tapi , awak tak pernah cuba untuk dekat dengan saya . That is totally not fair .

You might be busy with your work and your routine , and I understand I . I am , I always wait for your existence , ttttaaaaapppppiiiiiii .....

You never ever try to understand me ...

But , dont you dare questioning my act when it was the time , I walk away from you .

Please leave me your linkies , yawww !

Khayalan nya macam tuh larhh .

Tapi secara realitinyee , lain yang jadi .

Bila dah jumpa someone which is farmost better than the one that you had , you tinggal kan dia then pergi dekat the perfect one .

Tapi , suatu hari nanti you'll realize that , the perfect person will be not going to make your life perfect .

Sebab nobody is perfect , the one that you deceived before will be completing yoouuu .

Please leave me your linkies , yawww !

You should be here .

Sayang , dont you think that too ? Hhmmphh , you never be by my side .

Dont you know the situation I am currently at ? Why you didnt ask about how was I today ?

I thought , I already told you what had happened . And I always waited for your text , aannnddd none of it reappear .

Ohh goossshhhh ! This thing can kill the love I already had for you .

What are you waiting for actually ??

Uurrrggghhh , it kills me seriously laarrrhhh .

Please leave me your linkies , yawww !

Once they see you doing better without them , thats when they want you back .

Beauties , pernah ta kann jadik tak in your entire life kan , incident yang urgghhh , Tuhan je tahu sakit hatinya macam mana .

Okayh , it is like this :

We got person yang we always wanted , and bila dah dapat , as possible kita nak jadik the best in his eyes . Always try to make him the happiest person ever , try to comfort him as him being so sad , try to be pretty so that , die ta menggatal dengan gurl laen . Ohh , semua tuhh memang kita buat larhh kan . At the same time . he told you that , you're his world , he will be marrying only you , no one can replace you in his heart . Auwhh , that time , dunia macam heavenn . Haaaa , tibetibe kkaannn , all of sudden kann , die minta break . That time macam nak curse je diaa , nak cencang je diee . Menangis macam ta ingat duniee . Meraung , menjerit semua ada larhh kann . Huu , jadi nya kita pun menjalani kehidupan dengan muram sekali , mencuba segala kudrat yang ada nak lupakan si dia tuhh . Menjadi bengis bila tengok die dengan makwe baruu . Rasa nak tariktarik je rambut gurl baru tuhh . Kaurampaspakweakusapesuruhh ! Tapi ta buat pongg . Mimpi je lebeyhhh . Hua hua hua . Jadinyaa , lama jugak lah masa nya untuk menjalani kehidupan as usual . Rindu , menangis malamalam benda biasa daahhh . 

Okayhh , time niyhh , hati dah okee . Bole terima , hanya mendoakan kebahagiaan si dia di disamping orang yang die cintai . Andd , tiba lah masa nya untuk kita bukak balik hati nyhh for someone new . Oke , search munye searchh , Google ? Yahoo ? bing ? Semua nya lah search kkann . Haa , dapat pongg . Jadinya , kita pun mencuba lah untuk menyayangi si kaum adam nyhh kembali . Mencuba merawat luka yang dalam itu .

Oke oke , sampai point die dahhh . Tetibeeee , si ex kita nyhh . Uuhhh mang aihh , datang dekat kita pulakk . Menagih cinta kita kembali . Katenyee , menyesal dengan semua yang terjadi , mengharapkan kita kembali kepadanyaa .

Pernah taaa ?? Haa , cek nak habaq dekat hangpa semua naa .

Ade ke patut kann , kita dah cukup baik dah jalani kehidupan tanpa si ex niyhh di sisi . Tibe tibe pulakk , datang dekat kita balikk , then minta kita datang dekat die pulakk .

Hell no . Ggrrr , di tatau agaknyee macam mana kehidupan kita time tuhh . Kau bergembira dengan awek baru , ada kau tahu macam mana keadaan aku niyhh ? tada kaaannnn ??

Katenyee , ta bole idup tanpe kitaa . Haihh , tengok awak oke jer . Hidup je sampai sekarangg .

Haa , beauties cakap macam niyh dekat orang tuh aekk .

Dear awak ,
Saya ta bole nak terima awak lagi . Hati saya dah cukup rasa sakit dengan apa yang awak dah buat dekat saya niyhh . Enough is enough . Hati saya niyhh , tada plaster nak lekatlekat balik tauu . Once broken , consider broken aekk . No repair repair . Ohh , if na berkawan bolehh . Ta da hal langsung larhh . And one more thing , saya mungkin ada rasa sayang untuk awak lagi , tapi untuk kembali kepada awak rasanya minta di jauhkan . Jadinye , sila cari orang lain kerana saya dah orang nak sayang niyhhh .

Sekian terima kasih.

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Spontaneous Thursday 3

Tak suka kee , saya childish ?
Tak suka kee , saya banyak cakap ?
Hhmmphh , jahat . Tanak kawan dengan awak lagi .

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I pray for a better day

To my dearest friend , I am sorry for not texting you . I was afraid that I might fall for you again , and I really dont want it to be happen again .

Crying for you for a year have made my whole life a messed . I really dont want to take the risk giving my fragile heart to you .

Now , having one person in my life just enough to cured up the messed you had made up .

I am truly sorry for not giving you the chance of loving me for the second time , for I have given you soo many chances to get my love back , but you throw up my heart like a garbage .

Now you had learned your lesson , and I am really glad that you awake now .

Find another girl for your life , I'll be at your back supporting you no matter what .

There is someone out there deserves your love better than me , okeyyhh .


Please leave me your linkies , yawww !

Food for thought #2

Meski diriku bukan milikmu , tapi hati ku tetap untuk mu .


Please leave me your linkies , yawww !

I will never love anybody the way I love you .

Its hard to make a simple decision kann ?

The one that I've been waiting for almost a year is back at my arms now . But , the past will be the past . The thing that you'd done to me unforgiveable and it is hard for me to just let it go , eventhough you had learned your mistakes .

I am thankful having you back , sayang . But , the one that I am going to love for now is not you . There is somebody else that I'd really hope that he wont do things like you did to me before . I know you've learned your mistake . But , it wont bring back all the happiness that we got when I am with you .

Yyess , I truly love you with all my heart and no one can take the place of yours inside my heart . I'll never love anybody the way I love you .

But , life must go on . The hardship of trying to get my life back on track had now been paid off .

I finally managed to open my heart to someone special . I will try the best that I can to love him and care for him .

Dont wait for me , and try to find somebody else . Dont worry I will always love you and be by your side .

Please leave me your linkies , yawww !

ini untuk awak yang memegang title boyfie saya

Hello there . Really hope that you can read this . Well , takpe I will ensure that you'll read my post nihh .

Hhm , okayh where to begin .

Okayh , first of all I want to let you know about my truth feeling .

When the first time , you proposed me to be your girl , I never thought that I akan accept your proposal . It kind of weird actually , cause after so many guys yang approached me before , and all of sudden I terima you punye proposal . Well , at that moment I just had a thought that you might had something that may interest me sooner or later . Then , I start to care for you . Hhm , loving you was a bit hard for me . I am the kind of girl yang need something to be proved on . Macam this relationship , it is proved that you are interested on knowing me more closely . Then , when you say that you love me , I cant see the proved . I need a proved . As my entry before , I tak perlukan all those rose tuh semua , just need you to be by my side and always try your best to cheer me up . I need you to at least wish me a good night wish before we go to sleep and jugak morning wishes when sun rise . Was it really hard for you to do that ?? If you busy sangat sangat pun , at least send me 1 or 2 message to greet me . 1 message for 1 day , susah ke sayang ? I am trying to get to know you , I always did but your attitude makes me difficult to interprete . You barely let me know you true feelings . Almost a month , and tak banyak pun benda yang I tahu about you . It upsets me . I tahu , we never meet yet , and I really need you to be a little patient there . But , tak salah kan if kita act like a real couple ?

Okayh , cukup cukup dah meleleh air mata nihh , nanti terus dehydrate pulakk . Next , move on to our next agenda .

Sayang , I am begging you dont do bad things will you ? Kita dalam bulan puasa , a month full of blessings . Do something nice please . I sayang you and I dont want you to be called as a bad person , cause I know deep inside you there is a good one . But , you are the one who buried it inside you .

Sayang , I want to let you know that you rally can count on me , no matter what situation you are in . If you get yourself into troubles and perhaps you are not in a good mood , let me know . I will try my best to cheer you up and comfort you too .

By the way , sayang . Thank you for making me special for you , even kadang kadang jerk dapat rasa macam tuh :/ and I love arguing stupid things with you , I really am . And I need you to be yourself as well , but mana yang buruk tuh change okayh ?

iloveyou, sayang .

Please leave me your linkies , yawww !

busuknya hati kau .

Assalamualaikum and good morning peeps .

For today entry , zatie sangat marahh . Hehe , pagi pagi nak marah kann ? Heh , ape daaa .

Huu , actually this happened last night when kami kami having some chit chat about this and that , about her and him and very so on .

Then , terbukak lah cerita about this person ...

I was shocked bila dapat tahu that , dia nih turn out to be the worst person ever !

Never imagined that zatie boleh terserempak dengan that kind of person .

That person was used to be friend of mine . Just love the character that the person had .

Charming , Pandai , Cute and so so so .....

Tapi rupa rupanya kann ...

Otak dengan hati tak sama . Otak dah pandai , tapi hati busuk gile . Tahu nak buat something just for own good . Sampai orang lain kena put the blame on . Lepas tuh pulak kan , ada hati pulak tuh nak kutuk orang yang innocent . 

Heh , pergi cermin diri tuh dulu . Ape pon tak boleh laaahhhhhh !!!

I think betul lah orang cakap kan ,

Dont judge a book by its cover .

Cover nampak lawa gila , tapi jalan cerita dia ? Buang tong sampah jerkk .

Hhm , selama 5 semester zatie hidup dekat sini , I had been cheated by the existence of this person . Rupa punya lah elok , tapi tak sepadan dengan rupa dia tuhh . Hati busuk sangatt . Geram sangat tauuu .

Lepas nih , macam dah tak boleh nak percaya dekat semua dahh . Friend sendirik pun boleh jadik musuh dalam selimutt .

Kalau rasa , berkawan dengan zatie hanya untuk sakitkan hati zatie , just back off .

And jugakk , nanti bila dah sedar tentang kesilapan sendiri tuhh , sila lah minta maaf dekat pihak berkenaan yerkk . Tak berkat hidup kau , sebab duk nak buat salah dengan orang jerkk .

Dengan berakhirnya , entry yang mensakitkan hati dan jiwa raga zatie nih kan ,

Zatie  nak minta maaf sangat sangat if ada kawan kawan yang zatie kenal , rasa kecil hati or terasa hati dengan sikap zatie nih . Sesungguhnya , zatie tak pernah berniat untuk sakitkan hati anda semua , sebab zatie sayang kawan zatie sangat sangat , walau macam mana pun character korang , but if hati anda anda ikhlas kawan dengan zatie , zatie terima kasih sangat sangat .

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Saya dindu dekat awwaaakkkk .

Assalamualaikum guyss . Hee , sorry my dear bloggie zatie dah lama sangat sangat tak update entry banyak banyak .

Huu , busy tak ada lah busy sangat , sekarang dah start belajar pun . Assignment tak ada lagi , but bila nak online tuh , line macam tak nak bagi zatie update blog ohh . Hee , and plus jugak , kind of macam tak ada benda nak di ceritakan .

Senang cerita , nothing interesting is happening to me right now .

Just alone with my own world .

Weeheee , no more tears for this moment .

So , tadi since line macam nak jadik my BFF kan kan , I bukak lah YouTube .
There is one little girl . Muda from I , I think 4 years kott . Hee , if I am not mistaken lah kann . She sings and there is a guitar with her .

The amazing part was , her voice sangat nice , and I suka bila die nyanyi . Plus pulak kannn , she sing with her guitar . Which was sangat awesome for me :D

Banyak lah jugak , song yang die dah nyanyi kan kan kan .

Then , there is one video , die nyanyi lagu Baby . From Justin Bieber .

Ohhheeemmmmgggeeeee !!

Okayh , I bukan teruja sebab die nyanyi lagu Justin Bieber okayyhh .

Just sangat teruja , cause before nih , I pernah dengar someone that I loved most , petik guitar and sang that song for me .

I miss that beautiful moment . He'll play the guitar and I'll sang it for him . Haha , then , bila tak ingat lyric we were like gelak macam tak ingat dunia .

But , sekarang , I rarely hear from him . Kadang kadang , baru rasa happy bila die text .

Die dah busy sekarang , and jugakk , die dah baik with her .

I tak marah dia nak baik dengan that girl , I happy sangat bila they were greeting each other macam biasa .

I tak tahu how nak manage my feelings for him . Apa yang I tahu , I just nak dia ada untuk I , happy or sad , he'll be right by my side .

Tapi kan , dia dah tak macam dulu . Dia dah jadi macam lain . I miss him .

Awwaaakkkk , kita rindu dekat awak sangat sangat sangat .

Please leave me your linkies , yawww !

Solely owned by Izzati Ismail