Saturday, October 31, 2009

All Hallow's Eve

'Tis the night - the night
Of the grave's delight,
And the warlocks are at their play;
Ye think that without
The wild winds shout,
But no, it is they - it is they.

~Arthur Cleveland Coxe~

Happy Halloween, folks!

Indulging the Bimbo in me...

After scrolling through my blog posts I realised that I havent blogged about anything 'makeup' in ages. How can this be? Makeup is one of the loves of my life. I'm a self-proclaimed makeup aficionado and yet no ramblings about makeup? How blasphemous!

So to atone for my sins against all things 'beauty', I shall ramble about my major Budget Makeup finds. Indulge me for a moment while the Bimbo in me rejoices.

Makeup Find #1

Now for those who knows me personally, they all know that I would never leave the house without mascara. Forget everything else. As long as I have my mascara on, I'm ready to take over the world! Greasy face and all. I have no clue why I prefer to have mascara on rather than covering up the oil rig that is my face, but I guess each to her own quirks, right?

So after years of searching for the right 'budget' mascara (I still don't dare to hit the luxe beauty counters yet), I have finally found IT. THE mascara. The ONE that actually does as it says.

The Rosewood Dense Mascara.

I am in LOVE with this mascara. It is THE BEST counter brand mascara that I have ever worn. Who would've thought that a coincidental find during an impromptu outing would lead to this treasure. So what's great about it? Check out the before and after pictures. Not impressed yet? How about if I tell you that I did not use the eyelash curler at all. Now are you impressed?



But what really sold me on this product is the fact that it volumises without making your eyelashes look clumpy. I have fine, long, razor straight lashes so I need mascaras that'll make lashes look fuller. The fact that Rosewood volumises without making it look like I was trying too hard was definitely a clincher for me. And the part where I can forget about curling my lashes before application was definitely a much appreciated bonus. I've tried on the mascara on 5 seperate individual (including myself) and the results are the same each time.

But alas, nothing is perfect. There are some cons with this product. Sometimes when you "glow" a little too profusely (remember girls only horses sweat and men perspire, we women "glow") the mascara flakes a little. Nothing major like finding black bits all over your face all of a sudden, but I would suggest that you lay off this mascara if you plan on doing heavy duty workouts. But for a normal day-to-day wear, this mascara is da' BOMB.

And con #2 would be the fact that you cant get this product at just about anywhere. Major pharmaceutical chains like Guardian or Watsons don't carry this line so what you need to do is find this store: Yokoso Shiyuki. It is a Japanese concept store which has only 9 outlets in Semenanjung Malaysia. Since I am in KL, the only place that I can go to to get this product is either Sungei Wang Plaza, One Utama or Pavilion. It's a bit of a hassle yes, but it's worth it girls!! Plus it's only RM40. I've bought much more expensive crap from Lo'real and Maybelline and all the other more renowned counter brands but they all can't hold a candle against this one.

If you need more info you can always check out the Yokoso Shiyuki website but I suggest you go to the stores direct since the website is looking a little minimal. I'm guessing the Japanese translating the website into English may have run off on them. But check out the pic of the store. Even if you don't buy anything from there you'd have loads of fun checking out all the cool Japanese items. There's more than just makeup and beauty stuff. As for the guys, you may want to go and check out all the pretty girls in kimonos acting all kawaii.

Makeup Find #2

Majolica Majorca Skin Lingerie
(Makeup Base)

There was a time when I thought that the makeup base was just the makeup company's ploy to get people to buy more of their products so I never actually felt the need to and try any. But after years of experimenting with different products and different ways of putting on makeup I realised that sometimes you do need a little extra "help" in ensuring that your makeup doesn't melt into a pool of goo. Most girls would be content by just putting on moisturisers before their makeup but for people like me who generates so much oil that I can put Petronas to shame, I cant rely on moisturisers too much. If not Petronas can come over and build an oil rig on my face.

When Majolica Majorca hit the Malaysian shores, I was itching to try something. I mean what girl wouldn't? They had really cute casings, and cute names for the items that you just can't help but spend hours standing in front of the makeup display and trying on stuff. Hence my encounter with the 'Skin Lingerie'. And seriously, they kid you not when they call it skin lingerie. The gel-like substance actually makes your skin all smooth and soft after application. It has no smell, which I love, and sets almost immediately. Since it has OD control (oil/dry control) it's suitable for all skin types. I am in love with the fact that you don't have to use much to get a smooth even skin and also the fact that it actually really does control the oil secretion on my face. I hardly need to use facial blotters anymore. Woohoo! Sorry Petronas, I guess you need to find your oil supply elsewhere. And of course, since my face ain't so oily anymore touch ups don't happen that often anymore. Major time saver.

Since this product is only about RM40, it'll definitely be a good substitute for all those pricey makeup bases from MAC or Bobbi Brown. But don't just take my word for it. Check out this review from Stephanie, another Majolica Majorca user.

Any cons for this product? None so far :)

Makeup Find #3

This is probably the best find out of the bunch. The best liquid foundation ever to be sold by any counter brands.

Rimmel Lasting Finish Foundation

One thing that I hate most about liquid foundations is the fact that for those that promises a matte finish dries too quickly upon application. As for the rest, it is either too runny that it does not offer any coverage whatsoever or too moisturising that you can actually fry an egg on your face within minutes after application. So yeah, it was for these reasons alone that I have decided to do without liquid foundations all these years. Plus, I hated the foundations stains on my tudung and shawls. Liquid foundations and I have never had a good relationship. The only reason why even have liquid foundations in the first place is because I sometimes help friends out with bridal makeup.

I am a budget makeup artist, catering to those who prefer to not spend a ton on makeup as well as to those who keep their makeup light and simple hence my introduction to Rimmel. I needed liquid foundations which will stay put for long hours, require very minimal touch ups, will not transfer on clothings or tissue but at the same time will make the wearer look as natural as possible. And all this must be done within budget. Not an easy feat, I tell you.

So after hours of internet research, major window shopping and product testing I decided to try out Rimmel. I was actually torn between Maybelline or Rimmel since they were going for around the same price (RM 35 -40 per tube) but Rimmel won out because the tube was much bigger. Yes, I can be a scrooge sometimes. But thank Rimmel for being generous, if not I probably would not have realised how heaven sent this product was. For the first time in my life I have actually found a liquid foundation that really does as it is advertised. It does stay on for 16 hours. It does make your skin look naturally dewy. And it is transfer resistant. Both the bride and I were absolutely happy with the outcome. Even the groom was happy with how she looked which to me is the best compliment a bridal makeup artist can get. Plus, I am overly ecstatic by just how many people that has actually complimented on how my skin looks after wearing this foundation. Even more so when I pair it with the Skin Lingerie because then my skin looks super smooth (please indulge my perasan moment :P).

But again, don't just take my word for it. Check out the Rimmel London review page and you'll see that out of 10 users using the product, 9 gave the foundation glowing reviews. There's even one professional makeup artist saying that she's switching all her foundations to this brand since she's so happy with it.

So yeah, those are all my major makeup finds so far. I can safely say that I'll be sticking with this 3 products for good. Unless I find something else that can top them. Or maybe when I can finally pluck up the courage to actually go up to those luxe makeup counters like MAC or Bobbi Brown and splurge like crazy. But I don't see that happening anytime soon *sigh*. But do try out these products and let me know what you think.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Don't you copy me!

Remember this ad? It was probably one of the most touching raya ads in 2007. Now take a look at this Greek short film:

So who copied who? Hmm...

Now I know that the issue of copyright is such a "sensitive" issue right now and me being a Malaysian and all should just join the picket line and shout 'the Pendet dance is ours!', but heck what's life without a little fire eh? Let's all be a "firestarter" and go 'Ooh... seems like Malaysia tiru idea orang lain'.

But in all fairness both advertisement and short film came out in 2007. So there may be a possibility that they were just working on the same idea/ concept. So whether Petronas copied this short film or vice versa, seriously who cares? Let's not get our knickers in a twist over something that doesn't even make any major impact in our lives. Whether the idea belongs to Malaysians or to the Greeks, there'll still be people starving in the world, or people dying of uncureable diseases. So let's concentrate our efforts on that, shall we?

Monday, October 19, 2009


*please click on image to enlarge and do this post "justice". Better yet, check out the blogpage:

Don't you just feel like putting a bullet through your head after looking at that? Seriously people, what is up with this moronic, retard way of writing?

It is NOT cool. I repeat: IT IS NOT COOL!!

I pity Big Bang for having fans like this one.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

It's hard to say goodbye...

The inevitable end has finally arrived







The semester is finally coming to an end.

Got you going there for a minute, didn't I? :P So yeah, I only have about 2 more weeks before the end of the semester but I've somehow managed to finish syllabus for one of my classes. Thank God! So now I just have to concentrate on 20th ce lit and after that I'm freeeeee!! Yippeee!

But once classes are all done and over with, mixed together with the feelings of relief is always the feeling of melancholy. You just can't help but feel a little sad that you won't be seeing their faces anymore. Despite all the grief they inflicted on you (the constant late submissions, marks negotiations, absence etc.), students will always grow on you.

Thus to mark the ending of another class, and the parting of ways for another set of students, I dedicate this poem to all the 45 members of LE 4500: Section 4. I hope that the class was a great learning experience for all of you as it was for me.


by: Charlotte Bronte

THERE'S no use in weeping,
Though we are condemned to part:
There's such a thing as keeping
A remembrance in one's heart:

There's such a thing as dwelling
On the thought ourselves have nurs'd,
And with scorn and courage telling
The world to do its worst.

We'll not let its follies grieve us,
We'll just take them as they come;
And then every day will leave us
A merry laugh for home.

When we've left each friend and brother,
When we're parted wide and far,
We will think of one another,
As even better than we are.

Every glorious sight above us,
Every pleasant sight beneath,
We'll connect with those that love us,
Whom we truly love till death !

In the evening, when we're sitting
By the fire perchance alone,
Then shall heart with warm heart meeting,
Give responsive tone for tone.

We can burst the bonds which chain us,
Which cold human hands have wrought,
And where none shall dare restrain us
We can meet again, in thought.

So there's no use in weeping,
Bear a cheerful spirit still;
Never doubt that Fate is keeping
Future good for present ill !

Good luck to you all in your final exams. And may your future be as bright as the evening sun.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

I blinked and you're gone?!

Seems like it was only yesterday that I spent 16 straight hours watching all the season 1 episodes of Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles. Now, the show has ended its season 2 and has officially been dropped by the Fox TV network. No more teenage hotness that is John Connor and no more kick-ass female robot bodyguard.

Indulge me for a moment while my inner fangirl mourns the loss of this short-lived saga.

Jameron, your fans will always love you!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Green Penguin Attack

I finally graduated... again.

After all the dilly-dallying, procrastinating, brainstorming, computer exploding and hours after hours of stressing in front of the computer I finally got my Masters. And so did Sao, and Kak Umi and other IIUM graduates who made it for the green penguins (you'll understand why I'm saying 'green penguins' later) march up the CAC stage. Heck I'm so proud of myself (and of course the others) for actually making it this far. Who knew eh?

Major thanks and groveling has to go to Prof. Q for "guilt"-ing me into finishing up and of course to my dear Mama for actually paying for it all. Seriously, if it aint for these two people I'm sure I'd be off dilly-dallying elsewhere doing God knows what.

So yeah, here's me in the new and improved green penguin suit. Major improvements has been done to the robe, so instead of looking like a linebacker for a pro-American football team you now merely look like green penguins with hoodies (do you get the picture now?). No 1 much appreciated improvement would be the loss of the hideous IIUM logo band for the girl's scarves. whoever came up with that idea in the first place must've had a screw loose in his brains. But too bad the brothers dont wear songkoks anymore. They all looked dashing with the songkok on.


Yes, that is a snake on my shoulder. Me, being my usual poyo self just had to have an unusual poyo convo pic. So my uncle's pet snake was the victim for my poyo-ness. Thank god I have an affinity with snakes. Either that or the 3 fat rats he consumed before the shoot. Whatever it is, I'm just grateful that he didn't choke me for disturbing his slumber.

So now I am so over the whole mortarboard business. It's time that I get myself my very own unfashionable squishy hat so that next time I can pose as one of the queen's beefeaters :P

Saturday, October 03, 2009

Moronic Codes

kat tb3 yang owg komen tu ade jew yg ske ski reka cte sendri

WTF is this? Tolong jangan taip macam ni boleh tak? You sound like a moron. Go join Aznil in Tom Tom Bak and learn how to spell.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Demon kickin' Cain and Abel

My favourite horny, witty, sarcasm spewing, ass kickin' brother is back y'all (in case you didn't know who I'm talking about, it's Dean Winchester, people.). Supernatural season 5 finally airs. I've finished downloading the first three episodes and boy do I LOVE this show. How could you not when you have lines like these...

Angel: Because you're chosen! It's a great honour Dean.

Dean: Oh yeah... life as an Angel condom. That's real fun.

Bwahahaha! Dean's line is precious. The line stayed in my head as soon as I heard it. I bow down to scriptwriter's wit and creativity. Plus the whole new approach to the whole Cain and Abel legend is superb. So with the whole Cain and Abel/ good vs. evil theme going-on you can probably guess that the brothers will probably end up in a death match at the end of the season. And if the writers were to follow the Cain and Abel legend where Cain, the evil one, kills Abel, the good guy, it means that Sam will kill Dean.


But I don't know. Will TV actually wanna go with the evil triumphing concept? Hmm...

Season 5 marks the end of Supernatural. A little sad that I wont be able to watch the Winchesters brothers kick demon ass anymore but I guess it is better to actually pull the plug before they pull it for you. You know, when the ratings are still good. I just hope that TV will have something great to offer to help me fill the void once the season ends. But for now, go kick angel's butts, Dean!! Oh and demon's asses too. Oh heck, just go kill them all.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Aidilfitri menjelma lagi..

Lemah lembut tuan puteri
Berkain cindai cantik dipandang
Meriah menyambut Aidilfitri
Sahabat handai datang bertandang

Udara dingin hening pagi
Tabuh bising mulakan hari
Aidilfitri menjelma lagi
Masing-masing pakai berseri

Tanpa mengira miskin kaya
Pangkat kedudukan hamba shaya
Sama-sama menyambut raya
Maaf-maafan dihari bahagia

Aidilfitri hari kemenangan
Kejayaan menempuh halangan
Mengenali erti kesenangan
Bagi mereka yang kekurangan

Aidilfitri hari kemaafan
Menghapus kesalahan sesama insan
Memupuk perpaduan sesama ehsan
Mengikat tali keakrapan

Saidina Affan menyusun kata
Tutur peri yang aulia
Maaf-bermaafan sesama kita
Di Aidilfitri yang mulia

Selamat Hari Raya Maaf Zahir Batin

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Music, When Soft Voices Die...

1958 - 2009

1952 - 2009

Music, When Soft Voices Die
by Percy Bysshe Shelley

Music, when soft voices die,
Vibrates in the memory,
Odours, when sweet violets sicken,
Live within the sense they quicken.

Rose leaves, when the rose is dead,
Are heaped for the beloved's bed;
And so thy thoughts, when thou art gone,
Love itself shall slumber on.

1958 - 2009

1969 - 2009

O Allah! Forgive our living and our dead, those who are with us and those who are absent, our young and our old, our men and our women. O Allah! Whomever you keep alive from us keep him alive on Islam, and whomever you take away from us, take him as a believer. O Allah! Do not leave us bereft of his good and do not send us astray after them.
[Ibn Majah 1:480, Ahmad 2:368]

Wednesday, September 09, 2009

And music shall feed you...

Dear Random Acts Kuala Lumpur, try doing this and see how the Malaysian McD crew will react. My bet is that all of them will go all shy shy cat and start giggling non-stop. But who knows maybe there'll be a sporting one like the lady in the vid.

Info: This is a video from Family Life Education Pasefika (FLEP). FLEP is a pacific health organisation based in Auckland, New Zealand. FLEP uses various media including music, drama, dance and arts to enhance dialogue with Pacific communities with which they work. FLEP works in intermediate, secondary & tertiary institutions promoting a positive view of sexual health & well being.

"Random Acts, Island Styles" is their newest project whereby they perform random acts of drama & music out and about in the community.

"We hope you enjoy our singing McDonalds order, subscribe (Youtube) to follow our upcoming random adventures! Lol" - FLEP

All "Random Acts" concepts are developed and performed by the FLEP educators.

For more information on FLEP please visit

p.s. Apparently some Malaysians gave this a go at one of the local McDonalds. And as I predicted the girl at the counter went all shy shy cat and was cowering with embarrassment. So I guess I win that bet with myself :P Would've posted up the video on here but it's only available through Facebook. So check out the link to see if they did a good job.

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Smoky ain't shy... Smoky's flye.

I'm guessing he felt bad for jilting me mid-photo for a scrawny squirrel yesterday so he came back to make it up to me. Either that or he read my blog, found out that I have a fat hamster and thought "Yum... dinner."

So that's him folks. Smoky the cat. Yes, I know the picture quality is whacked but that's as great of a picture that I can get from my ancient phone. But still, you can't deny that this cat got looks. And I may have misjudged the penyet-ness of his nose. Hidung mancung rupa-rupanya. But his fur... memang macam penyapu.

Now, Smoky has never been too friendly so it was weird when he allowed me to go all googly-goo over him. So after 10 minutes of horrible baby talk going "youshocuuutee" and "handshumboy" and "shoadorable", he couldn't take it anymore and revealed his true intentions.

See!! Told ya he read my blog!! And my poor, brainless hamster never having seen a cat before actually pranced around the cage all fat and tempting. Thank goodness she was in a cage. If not, bubye Aelis.

This is a look of a cat who couldn't understand why he can't play or eat the fat rodent. All attempts of trying to pry the cage open to get to the hamster ended up with him having his paws swatted. Aelis the hamster may be as interesting as watching your nails grow but she has grown on me. I like Aelis the hamster. Plus, I didn't want a massacre happening in my living room. So since the hamster was off limits, there was nothing left of interest to him and therefore he left the house to look for his luverly laydies.

So there you go, you've met all members of the 'Kenari Pride'. There's more actually but they love to hang out in the other blocks and I just can't be bothered to chase after each and every one of them for a pic.

Watch this space for more interesting going ons from the 'Kenari Pride'.

Monday, September 07, 2009

Here kitty, kitty, kitty. Here kitty, kitt... COME HERE DAMMIT!!

My apartment compund is like a bleedin' cat shop. Look left, ooh a cat! Look right, ooh another cat! Look up, obviously no cat (what were you thinking?). Look down... goddammit, cat poop!! So yeah, my apartment is practically feline area. Again I must emphasise that my apartment is like a cat shop. ALL the cats here are bloody cute!! It's like...

Allo, can you drag out a cute, bushy-tailed, hidung penyet, silky coated cat pronto? I have a meeting in an hour.

Sure, lemme go behind the trash can and see what I can dig up. *Cat yowls* Here you go. That'll be free of charge although thorough fur scrubbing and major flea extermination is necessary once you reach home.

Don't believe me? Look at this bloody bugger.

Is he cute or what?!! I call him Owl. His eyes are HUGE. Puss in Shrek has nothing on this guy. Once he pulls the Omigod-I'm-so-cute-please-give-me-food look on you, you'll probably find yourself going hungry and wondering when did you eat the nasi ayam you just bought for buka puasa. And yes, he is stray. And loving it. Owl will trick you under the false pretenses that he's bloody manja and then as soon as you go anywhere near him he'll dash off. Bloody infuriating I tell you.

but wait... he has buddies. Introducing the 'Kenari Pride'.

They may not look so impressive in the picture but trust me they're bloody cute. And when you have food in your hands, their cuteness then will be frikkin' insane!

And now, meet the undisputed leader. Butch.

The Alpha Male of the pride. I'm guessing he's the one that blessed all the others with the trademark hidung penyet and long bushy tails. And yes, those are battle scars he's sporting on his nose. Bloody handsome and bloody sombong. He indulged me enough to get a few shots of him lounging and then went about his usual business. There were more important things to take care off. Like peeing on car tyres.

I ocassionally get visits from a mysterious grey cat. I call him Smoky (Yes, I am vey unoriginal when it comes to cat names). He's probably the most good looking out of the whole bunch since he doesn't get involved with the whole Alpha Male politics. He's too busy lovin' life with the laydies. And yes, he too has the trademark hidung penyet and long bushy tail. Fortunately, he was around when I was taking shots of the pride.

Smoky poses. Camera phone ready. Aim... zoom... focus and... SQUIRRELL!! All I got was a shot of a grey blur.

So yeah, I'm lucky my neighbours are cats. Yeay... NOT. I live with cats, yet I dont. I live with a hamster, people. A hamster!! All because my housemates cant stand cats. Hamsters are no fun. NO FUN AT ALL! I want a caaaat...

Come on Aelis, defy evolution and give birth to a cat.

Saturday, September 05, 2009

What 'Raya' sounds like...


tatatatatatatat... POW!

Sckreeeeee... KAPOW!!


Piiiuuunggg... BOM!!

Aah... the sounds of mercun. 'Semangat Raya' is here at last. Time to get my earplugs.

Thursday, September 03, 2009

Whee... I've got WII

Introducing the latest addition to my gadget family. (drumroll)...


Okay, so granted it's not mine entirely. My lil sis, Kawaii Yuni, was the mastermind behind the purchase and all us other 3 siblings did was hand out whatever extra cash we had. So this lil baby will permanently reside in our lil home in Ipoh. So for dear friends who wish to try out the game, you are more than welcome to hang out with me in Ipoh :D

So is the game as fun as it hyped out to be? HECK YEAH!

  1. WII has been known to induce stomach cramps, cheek muscle strain and shortness of breath. All of these are side effects of excessive laughter. Peeing in pants may also occur. Ensure that the bathroom is within running distance of game area.
  2. New levels of dorkiness has risen after playing WII. Cool people who are severely conscious of their image and looks can just forget about playing WII. When you play WII your self image goes out the window. And with my innate penchant for over exageration and drama, I have proven to be the most idiotic dork among the 4 siblings. My sister has vowed to catch me on video and shame me to death on Youtube.
  3. Bruises and dizziness is also another side effect. This is due to overdramatic swinging of the WII joystick. For the record, I have hit my sister twice on the forehead and have bruised myself while playing tennis.
That aside, WII is the shiznit, y'all. I'm happy my family have WII.

Next family project: Get WII music. I need to give Yuni more Youtube ammo by showing the world that my brain loses all function when it comes to dancing.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Proud to be a Perak-celup-Kelate-murtad Malaysian

If I could sum up my childhood in one word I'd pick 'bedouin'. Not because my parents are Arabs originating from the sandy deserts in the Middle East but simply because my childhood consisted of me travelling from one place to another. Most of my memories growing up were probably of my siblings and I being bored in a car, us bickering in the car, us being uncomfortable in a bus, my sister being seasick on the ferry or the best yet, my brother and I playing a prank on the air stewardess when the journey was simply taking too long. My family have probably exhausted all modes of public transportation known to mankind.

So it's no wonder that I don't really have a sense of identity when it comes to my... hmm what can you call it?... State-lity? Ye, saya tak boleh nak pilih saya ni asal negeri mana sebenarnya.

I was born but not bred in Kelantan. My pre-teen years were in a small, English suburb of Birkenhead. My early teenage years were in a highly Chinese dominated town of Ipoh and I spent the last of teenage years in a boarding school filled with Malays. Now I am happily going through my adult life in the cultural melting pot of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur.

So can you see yet the root of my confusion?

If I were to say I am a Kelantanese, the response would probably be "What? You're a Kelantanese? You don't look or act like one. Can you even speak Kelantanese?"

Ho ambo buleh kecek Kelate. (Walaupun Kelantan saya cair tapi saya tetap boleh paham dan bertutur dalam bahasa Kelantan).

But whether I look or act like one, well... I probably don't. I don't really fit into the typical gadis Kelantan mould. And regarding acting like a Kelantanese, how do I act like one? Do I have to speak Kelantanese all the time? Must I only mix only with other Kelantanese? Do I have to vote for PAS?

Isn't it enough that I enjoy eating budu and have the natural pension for sweet stuff.

So then what's up with being 'Perak Celup'?

My whole family (i.e. my immediate family) now lives in Ipoh, Perak. I LOVE Ipoh. I ADORE living in Ipoh. As cheesy as this may sound...


But alas as much as I love the peaceful oasis that is Ipoh I can't fully say that I am a Perakian. Simply because after the age of 14, I have never stayed in Ipoh longer than a few months at a time.

Eh? How can this be?

All because of that damned boarding school laaa!! I still dont fully understand this whole trend of boarding schools. Sending your kids into the far depth of undeveloped wilderness like Balik Pulau or Gerik (no offense to those from those two places but during my time the schools were really in the middle of nowhere) just for the sake of a better education?! Realise people!!... that top scorers for the past few years were not from boarding schools. They were from regular day schools that were smack dab in the middle of the city. Trust me, kids that goes to boarding school are miserable. I was utterly miserable. To this very day I entertain the idea of going back to that h**lhole and bombing that school to smithereens. I vow to never ever send any of my kids to boarding schools.

But I digress.

It was simple enough to say that between school, term breaks, and familial bonds my days were pretty much divided between Ipoh, Penang and Kelantan. Long weekends in Kelantan, miserable school days in Penang and long breaks in Kelantan. That was my routine for 2 years straight. Now do you see why I feel like a bedouin?

Tapi.. kalau rumah awak kat Ipoh dan awak dah lama tinggal kat sana bolehlah nak dikatakan awak ni orang Perak.

Hmm... not necessarily. I cant speak a word of the Perak dialect. I even don't know certain Perak districts. I can still get lost driving around in Ipoh and I'm ashamed to say this, I don't even know who's the Perak Menteri Besar is. Oh malunya. The only thing Perak about me is my LOVE of Ipoh and my burning desire to learn how to cook ikan patin gulai tempoyak.

And since I've been living in KL for the past several years does that mean I'm a KL-ite? Haih... pening, pening.

Takpelah... whatever it is I may be, either Perakian, Kelantanese, Penangite, or KL-ite saya tetap orang Malaysia. Home is where the heart is and my heart is firmly rooted in Malaysia. In fact my heart is rooted in several states in the country. How Malaysian I can get? Hehe.

So to support our new Prime Minister's call for One Malaysia I am proud to call myself a Perak-celup-Kelate-Murtad Malaysian.

Selamat Hari Kebangsaan, Malaysians. Merdeka!!

Thursday, August 27, 2009


Best. Movie. EVER!
Go watch it. Once you have. Watch it again... in 3D. Trust me, it'll be money well spent.

Monday, August 24, 2009

The Reluctant Academic is BACK! YO!

Raise the curtains, cue the drums, bring on the applause. The reluctant academic is back to corrupt more young minds with her amazing 'bullcrapping' abilities and almost superhuman-like ability to withstand all 'are-you-effin-serious?' situations.

And thus after several months of convincingly bluffing her way through assonances, alliterations and all poetic what-nots, the reluctant academic was once again given the responsibility of guiding nubile young minds. Only this time, they're not so young. This time, she got the cynical seniors. Jeng jeng jeng!

The difference between fresh newbies and the cynical seniors is the plain fact that they're cynical. They're all been there, done that, and "Hey! I've heard that bulls**t before!" So the usual 'bullcrapping' routine wont fly with them at all. The reluctant academic should know. She was shot down on the very first day.

So what happened exactly? Oh lets say that she didnt do her research too well and got her facts wrong and got called out for it not by just one student but two. Alamak! But did she admit it? Noooo... she tried to bulls**t her way through it. and of course she failed miserably. Oh the embarassment. How she wanted to crawl to the corner of the classroom and die a horrible, miserable death. To add more salt to the wound, the very next class, she was again attacked by the same students. They now know her weakness. They know her kryptonite! But don't forget the reluctant academic had super powers. She decided to fight back. So the reluctant academic decided to use her powers of... BRIBERY!! Muahaha, one day of no lecture was all it took. Oh and a couple of sessions of video lectures. But that's probably more to the reluctant lecturer's benefit than to the students themselves. Videos = no talking = lecturer gets to rest. Hahaha smart ain't she?

But how can the semester go by without another exclamation of "are-you-effin-serious?" Now the reluctant lecturer faces the agony of... cute young men. Jeng! Jeng! Jeng! But to be precise she is only drooling after one young man. So what to do? what to do? Distraction, distraction, distraction. So let's see how the reluctant lecturer handles this one?

Stay tuned for more antics from the Reluctant Lecturer!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Happy Fasting!

To all Muslims out there, may this month of Ramadhan be a blissful one for you. Let us all embrace this holy month and cleanse ourselves from past wrongdoings and misdeeds. Ramadhan mubarak to all and happy fasting!!


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