Sunday, May 9, 2010

It's been a while...

For all of you who have been asking- I really am still alive.

Yes- its been months since I have put anything on here, so I figured I would do a very quick recap of whats been going on in my life so far in

I've been hanging out with some really fun people.

Taking boat trips around Newport Harbor

Brushing up on my kayaking skills

Playing games

Going to games- Go Lakers!!

Playing at the park

Finding out you can fit 8 people in a photo booth

Probably eating way too much

Going bowling

Cleaning up graffiti

Having picnics in trees

Of course spending some time with the people I love most

Anxiously waiting for these people to move closer

and these ones to come visit very soon.

Life is good!!!

Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy 85th Birthday Grandma!!!

We celebrated my Grandma's 85th birthday this week. She actually turns 85 on the 2nd, but we got family together and celebrated by going to Bucca di Beppo's for lunch and having cake and good company at my Aunt Rachael's house. I am so thankful for the amazing woman she is and for all that she has done for me and my family. I admire her for all that she is. It was fun to see most of the family together although those who weren't there were missed. Here are a few pictures.

Some Lessons learned

Life has been keeping me very busy lately. I can't believe its time again to welcome in a new year. Ready or not 2010 is here. If you would have asked me a year ago where I would be today I never would have thought that I would be where I am. It wouldn't have crossed my mind that I would still be living back at home, but I am thankful that I am and that I have this opportunity to spend more time with my parents. Life never seems to go exactly how its planned, but I have learned as you try to live your life the best you can you always end up where you were supposed to be and it is usually better than you would have planned.
I have had the opportunity to attend a couple institute classes this year and I do believe like President Monson has promised that by making institute a part of your life:

"Friends will be made, the Spirit will be felt, and faith will be strengthened. I promise you that as you participate in institute and study the scriptures diligently, your power to avoid temptation and to receive direction of the Holy Ghost in all you do will be increased. Divine favor will attend those who humbly seek it."
In one of the classes we were talking about challenges and enduring. I have learned that there is a profound difference between enduring and enduring well. Trials are given to us to teach us, mold us, and help us become better and bring us closer to our Savior and Father in heaven. If we are the same person we were after our trials as we were before our trials were for no good. We will see our trials as large stumbling blocks that can stop us in our tracks, but when we choose to endure well we can see the same stumbling block as a stepping stone, helping us progress in the eternal plan.
Through the trials in my life over the last few years I have been able to better understand the Lords love for me. It has been a year since i had the wonderful opportunity to enter the temple and make further covenants with my Father in Heaven. I am so thankful for the blessings it has brought in my life and the blessings that I know will continue to come throughout my life. I know that there is a plan much bigger than me and at the same time, my little sometimes seemingly insignificant problems are somehow still of great importance to the Lord.
I got called to serve in the Fullerton YSA branch as the Relief Society President last May. When I was called, the Branch President told me it was something that would change my life for the better. I told him I liked my life the way it was and didn't want things to change. But as I look back I am thankful for the blessings that it has brought me. I am thankful for the wonderful friends I have been able to meet and to be a witness to seeing the Holy Ghost influence the lives of others for the better. I know that the Lord loves each and everyone of us and that he wants nothing but the best for us.
When life seems to be unfair or as if things don't seem to be going your way remember that there are those that love you pray for you.

Happy 2010!!!!

Thursday, December 31, 2009

"It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year"

Ok so I admit- I am a little guilty of blog catch up, but I do love this time of year and it seems I have been busier than ever. There is just something about Christmas time that you can't help loving. I am thankful for my wonderful family and that I was able to spend time with some of them over the holidays. Karina and Tamar- your families were greatly missed. I love you guys. Here are some pictures for you to enjoy.

Working Gril

401K, stock buying options, pension plans, paid vacation and holidays, full medical, dental, and vision benefits, tuition reimbursement.
I have finally stepped into the real world. After over a year of searching for a real job I have finally found one. I started working for ADP (the payroll company) on November 9, 2009. Through the help of a friend I was able to land a job and become an associate at a great company. I am starting at an entry level position as a Teledata Representative. Although this wasn't the "job" I was looking for, ADP is a wonderful company to work at and can be a great place to start a career. They do offer tuition reimbursement so more schooling may be in my future. I do miss school sometimes since I love learning. I especially miss having winter breaks when everyone else gets time off and I still have to go to work, but I guess for everything there is a season.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Allergy to being thankful!?

Happy thanksgiving!

It has been awhile since I posted last and although life has gone on since I last cut my hair, I'm not doing any catchup posts. But I do have a lot of things to be thankful for.

I always seem to get sick on or around Thanksgiving time. Growing up I always came down with a horrible sore throat. I remember my glands getting so swollen that my family used to tell me there was an elephant in my throat. In high school the one year I didn't get a sore throat I got some virus that caused a full body rash for a month. Two years ago my UC flared up worse than it had ever been. I think I was actually relatively healthy last year, but I have continued the tradition this year by getting shingles- yes, the old person disease. I have decided just to accept the fact that I just must be allergic to being thankful.

I have so much to be thankful for. I have a wonderful family who I love and who loves and supports me in everything I do. I have wonderful friends who make me laugh. I have an unshaken testimony in the gospel of Jesus Christ. I know that he lives and because he lives I can return to live with him someday with my family for eternity. I am so thankful for the atonement of Jesus Christ- which I know we seem to remember more at Easter time, but I am grateful everyday for that gift and for the gift of the Holy Ghost in my life. I am thankful for being back home in beautiful CA where today it is a sunny and warm Thanksgiving Day. I am thankful for a country where I have the freedom to choose. I could go on and on about the things I am thankful for, but it is almost time for me to go enjoy some turkey and family time.

So although I seem to have some type of allergy to being thankful, I would rather be sick and thankful than healthy and dissatisfied with life.

Happy Day of Thanks!!!

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Going Short!

It had been about 7 months or so since my last haircut. I have really enjoyed having long hair. I would say I was pretty attached to it. After getting a lot of advice and looking at lots of pictures I decided that is was time for a change.

I went from this...

to this after losing about 8". I wish I would have taken a picture of the floor when she was done cutting. My hair lady was even surprised there was so much on the floor.

I am still getting used to it and I miss the long hair, but I think it's a good change.

I like it.

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Happy 24th to Me!!!

On September 16th not only was it Mexican Independence Day, I celebrated my 24th birthday!!!

I took the day off work which in itself made for a great day.

I got to wake up without an alarm. I started the day off with washing my car. It really needed a bath.

Then I took a trip to one of my favorite places ever... The Beach!!!!
It was such a beautiful day. I couldn't pass up the chance to spend a few hours there. The beach was pretty empty.

I did make a few new friends.

These seagulls. They waited for me to go put my feet in the water before they decided to check out my bag and see what they could find. It was their lucky day because i hadn't finished my grapes. They thought they were pretty good. Silly birds.

On my way home from the beach I stopped by Disneyland to see my friend Grace. She was celebrating her half birthday. We hung out at CA Adventure.

We learned how to draw Tiger- Yes I drew that. Not so great, but they don't give you an eraser.

I went out to dinner with these wonderful people. I love my parents. They are awesome. It has been fun being back living at home. I am glad they haven't kicked me out yet because I think I might be here for awhile.

After dinner I went to Institute before coming home to have cake and ice cream with Mom, Dad, and friends. Mom made me a delicious ice cream cake-(chocolate cake, strawberry ice cream, with cool whip frosting)

It was so good!!!! Thanks Mom!

I blew out all 24 candles (my lungs are still good)

Here are some of the people who came to celebrate

And Thanks Darci- Love this girl!!

If my birthday is any indication of how this year is going to shape up I am looking forward to a wonderful year!!!