Wednesday was Kylan's 7th birthday. The day was pretty crazy, but I think he had a good one. We started out with french toast with blueberry syrup for his bday breakfast. Then I made the cake so it could cool. We made some lunch and went to the swimming pool for a few hours. Then we got home in time for me to whip up some frosting for the cake and throw it together, along with getting dinner ready. Kylan wanted pizza for his dinner, so we got some Digorno style(HEB brand) and it was pretty good. The cake was alright, looks tasted delicious though, so that's all that matters, right? :) We got it all in, then we had an indoor soccer game to go to. We had the cake and icecream and presents after the game. It was a whirlwind day!

He got a new guitar from Grandma, Thanks!

Here's Mickey, or maybe a cousin :)

He got a fun dodge tag game too.

He ended up with some cool stuff, he should be happy with it all. It was a good birthday and I can't believe he's 7! Wow, how time flies!!