Monday, August 30, 2010

Gotta go back, back, back to school again....

The boys are enjoying school so far. Caleb is struggling a little with the listening aspect, but we'll have to adjust. Hopefully we can bribe him to be good :)

The boys on their first day of school.

This is how Caleb and Hannah walked across the grass together, it was too cute!

Caleb in his classroom. He has Mrs. Cook.

Kylan in his classroom. He has Miss Weaver.

Olivia's new favorite thing...

* not judge me by the looks of all the dust and crumbs on my oven door, it's not the week to clean it, and it may not be done soon either :)

Olivia is just now tall enough that she reaches the knob on the cupboard perfectly. Just the right height to fit in her mouth! She gnaws on that thing quite a bit. So I guess it's a good time to clean them, right? haha

Here she is cleaning off the knob of all the germs.

Here she is licking her lips and thinking, "Wow that was filling!"

P-A-R-T-Y? Because I gotta!

We were invited to a 50's themed birthday party and we just had to dress up! It was a lot of fun and I enjoyed throwing together the outfits :)

Caleb and Mom hanging out

Hannah being a Diva :)

After the party we grabbed some pics, Caleb didn't want to be in them.

Mommy's girl

Sunday, August 22, 2010

making memories

Can I just say, I love my kids! They are so adorable! I love taking pictures of them, and then love looking at them :) So here are some that I am sharing, enjoy!

The real deal, I took these wanting to have them as black and white.

I love Caleb's attitude in this one, he was mad at me.....such is life :)

Too cute for words!

I wanted to get some good pics of all the kids so I can get them developed for frames, I just gotta say it, not too shabby! haha

Monday, August 16, 2010

Caleb's 5th birthday

Caleb is 5 now! I can't believe my baby boy is getting so big!

Posing with the presents

One of his favorites from his siblings

another favorite

a cute book I found for him

this hat was too cute to pass up, plus it was on clearance :)

his new puzzle

he got a webkinz and loves it!

he wanted a bumble bee cake, it turned out pretty cute!

He had a fun birthday, with lots of presents. It was such a whirlwind that I forgot to get pics of the presents from the grandparents. He got a Wii game from G and G Shaw and some Toy Story 3 legos and glo doodle from G Stahl. Thanks everyone!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Caleb gets a haircut

These are for you Grandma!

Caleb's new hair do

the back view

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Happy Birthday Kylan!

Wednesday was Kylan's 7th birthday. The day was pretty crazy, but I think he had a good one. We started out with french toast with blueberry syrup for his bday breakfast. Then I made the cake so it could cool. We made some lunch and went to the swimming pool for a few hours. Then we got home in time for me to whip up some frosting for the cake and throw it together, along with getting dinner ready. Kylan wanted pizza for his dinner, so we got some Digorno style(HEB brand) and it was pretty good. The cake was alright, looks tasted delicious though, so that's all that matters, right? :) We got it all in, then we had an indoor soccer game to go to. We had the cake and icecream and presents after the game. It was a whirlwind day!

He got a new guitar from Grandma, Thanks!

Here's Mickey, or maybe a cousin :)

He got a fun dodge tag game too.

He ended up with some cool stuff, he should be happy with it all. It was a good birthday and I can't believe he's 7! Wow, how time flies!!