I finally made it to Ikea after talking about going for months. Can you believe I didn’t buy a thing? It was fun to check out the rooms that are on display, that was the best part of course. I just didn’t see anything that I couldn’t live without. To me Ikea leans more towards modern decorating, and I am so not a modern girl, ya know?
I did love all the book shelves though.
This light, not so much.
Nice view……
Pour us a drink Karen. Ha!
I really liked this Audrey Hepburn canvas It was only $49 bucks. It was a good size too.
All of these kitchens would have been so fun to play house in as a girl. Ha!
Beautiful kitchen! Looking at all these show kitchens made me want to go home, set the table, put on some Billie Holiday and cook up something good!
There were plenty of beautiful drapes. Are they still called drapes? Panels? Curtains?
Eye Chart light…..kinda weird. It does remind me of a story. When my husband and I were dating the job he was at required him to take an eye test. He didn’t want to spend the money on glasses that he knew he needed so he memorized the eye chart! I helped him study and everything. He passed, by the way.
Little pop of color in the cabinet. I’m am much to disorganized to have glass cabinet doors. No way!
I loved this little pink “room” and light. Although the light did look like a big pair of bloomers!
I liked this guy in the frame, I wanted to take him home.
Cute little window seat. Should’ve brought my Nook and crawled in there and read. Or watch Netflix, which is what I really do on my Nook. Shhhh……
Who would want a curtain wih lips? Not me
Last but not least was this odd display of “tupperware.” I guess they hang it all up so you can see what it looks like, maybe? It’s always fun to go into the city, but I’m such a bumpkin and love to get back home where I pass many a cow pasture to get to my house. MOOOOOO………