OK, now the roller coaster goes up!
In my August 28 blog titled My Beginning, I talked about a lady named Lois who was a childhood friend of my guardian mom. I was told that Lois took me home from the hospital with her. I lived in her home for the first 6 months of my life until she brought me to my guardian parents.
Back in 1993, I had contacted Lois, who by then was living in Florida. She gave me the story that she met my birth mother at the OBGYN's office after she had had a miscarriage. My birth mother told her that she couldn't keep "the baby" and didn't know what to do. Lois told her that she would take "it" and met her out side the hospital doors and left with me. During the 6 months that I lived in her home, she called me Lois Ann. She claimed that she hadn't known my birth mother before then and she didn't know where she went. I asked her if her sister (I'll call her M) might know something and she begged me not to call her, saying the "she's had a hard life and this would upset her too much". She seemed so sincere about the condition of her sister that I could practically picture a poor, frail, ill woman. Who could call and "upset" someone in that condition?
Years passed and thanks to the Internet, I recently was able to find a phone number for M and gave her a call. I have to tell you that this woman is an awesomely incredible dynamo. She felt bad that Lois told me a story about her that wasn't true at all. She made me feel welcomed into her life and with each email and phone call, I could feel her love across the country. I sent her pictures of myself and she sent me a picture of herself and Lois. She and her daughter, J (who is also an awesomely incredible dynamo) have taken a deep interest in my search for my birth mother. So much so, that after an 8 hour drive to visit her sister Lois, whom she hadn't seen in 3 years, she asked Lois about "the baby" who lived with her for a while. She took time out of a visit with her sister to ask about me! Of course, Lois claimed to not remember anything about "the baby". Now M could have dropped it there with a "sorry, can't help you", but she didn't. Instead, she encouraged me to keep plugging away.
A few weeks later M's daughter J was in Southern California for business. She rented a car and drove 50+ miles to visit us, people she had never met before, for a Saturday afternoon. While here, she told us that she and her mom were very interested and wanted to help. She asked questions and gave information that she had.
Yesterday, again thanks to the Internet, I got Lois' phone number. My heart was pounding and I started to dial hung up, paced, and started to dial again over and over. Finally, I finished dialing and waited for an answer. She answered! I couldn't hang up now because I hate when I get hang ups. "Lois? I don't know if you remember me, this is Sharon, Harold and Juanita's daughter." Not only did she remember me, but she went into her story of how she met my birth mother at the doctor's office, took me home and called me Lois Ann. She kept stressing that "your mother
gave you to me and I
gave you to Harold and Juanita". She went on to say that I wasn't adopted because they didn't get involved in the courts because "she gave you to me and I gave you to them." This time she told me that she was at the doctor's office because she was pregnant. Really? Her first child was born in '46, I was born in '48 and her next child was born in '50. Did she have a 2 year pregnancy?
I asked her questions like "Did you know her before?" No "What was her name? Does Margaret Josephine Holliday ring a bell" She said she never new her name and that name didn't ring a bell." Huh? She took home the baby of a woman she had barely met and didn't even know her name?
This conversation got me thinking: "Was I a stolen baby? Is that why they wanted to avoid the courts? Was Lois really my birth mother? Maybe that's why they wanted to avoid the courts, she had used a fake name and therefore couldn't prove she was my birth mother when it came time to sign the papers."
I emailed M with the question of could it be possible that Lois was my birth mother.
A flurry of email ensued. M emailed that she thought it could be possible that Lois was my birth mother. M sent me a picture of her grandmother because she thought she saw some similarities between us. I sent her a picture of Everett's girl friends. M replied that the one of the lady on the rocks looked like Lois and one of Lois' daughters. Later she emailed that the more she looked at it the more sure she is that it was Lois.
Could it be? Time will tell. I'm checking into getting DNA testing done. If Lois is my birth mother, I will have one absolutely fantastic aunt in M and an awesome cousin in J. If she isn't my birth mother, well, we now have two fabulous friends.