Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The Temple Wedding

The best day of our lives! It was so beautiful... The weather was perfect and the people in Manti were really nice. We got married at 9:30 in the 3rd day of November in 2007. Here some pictures...

Our far.

Well, here it is! The new blog spot! I guess I should tell you a little bit about what has been going on in our lives for the past 7 months for those of you who don't know. 7 months ago my sweetheart of 2 1/2 years and I got married in the Manti Temple. We thought that life would slow down a bit after the were we wrong! Life is as busy as ever, but we are enjoying every moment of it. We are both working and going to school. Mario will be graduating from UVSC next April in Business, and I have recently change direction completely and am now pursing a nursing degree. Nothing really exciting happens in our lives besides the occasional snow cone, which I do thoroughly enjoy, so hopefully I can keep the posts some what interesting!

November 3rd 2007

November 3rd 2007
This is our favorite picture, may be because you can't see our faces!

Family and Friends

Family and  Friends
Everyone at the temple...

Me and Dad!

Me and Dad!

Some of the Girls

Some of the Girls

Mario's Friends

Mario's Friends