date: 4th feb 2009
time: 1.53pm
hello everyone~~ am almost 3 week didn't updated my blog.. here I'm to list down what am did during CNY ya.. ( just a random post la).. haha...
CNY eve
am helping maid 'gotong-royong kawasan rumah'.. tired wehhh~ everytimes last minutes hiahhhzz but fun jor~ because all my sibling coming back from others place.. decorated interior togeter ( hang up all the beautiful light, 'dui lian', and so on lah)then having reunion dinner at home.. just a simple dishes but filled with full of happiness and love.. I LOVE MY FAMILY^^
1st day of CNY
Happy Chinese New Year to everyone... am woke up early in the morning around 7.30am because all my relative came to my house for 'bai nian'.. my sisters and me started make up and wear new dress to welcome them.. haha... yeahhh.. GONG XI FA CAI ' hong pao na lai'....after that all the cousin n nephew gamble loll... omg>.< i lose around rm30 wehh~ishh...
afternoon, my dear came my house 'bai nian' with my daddy n mummy.. wakaka.. then change i went to his grandparents house 'bai nian'.. woow~ big family of him.. 'thanks auntie n uncle's ang po ya'.. hehe..
night, going out (jessie n hui ngee) we went to kelly's house and sim sui yee's house bai nian... gamble gamble gamble~makan makan makan...
2nd days of CNY
chong yih be my 1st fren came to my house.. haha.. he keep talking rubbish with my mummy.. stupid la u~~ haha... then we went to hui hui's hse bai nian and fetch her comes out lepak with us also.. i called to dear until my phone gonna spoilt but he still didn't pick up the phone.. then we drive until his hse and call him wake up.. such a pig baby~ we watching new movie 'The Wedding Games' in big cinema at bp mall.. ermm for me quite nice wor.. funny loll.. but all my fren said lame movie leh.. ishh..
happy birthday to Kahmun.. pity girl that masuk hosp at CNY... do take care urself ya.. miss u.. hugs
3rd days of CNY
omg>.< 1st time so early when to fren hse bai nian loll.. 9.15am, jessie's hse!!! because jessie going back to spore at 1pm.. a short time gathering for us.. nice and fun~ after send jessie to bus stand.. continue to my hse.. then yenyin's hse then ah law's hse.. yeahhh no bad la.. i won money that day.. wakaka..
4th days of CNY
early morning, raymond called me accompany him went to his gf's hse at rengit with chong yih.. on the way to rengit have a lots of fun with them n ray keep looking at the road sigh that xin ying told us 'sungai tongkang' pass through that road sigh got '南海观音娘娘' then turn left.. haha..almost over take the road loll.. ishh.. haha... but finally we reached ya.. then ying's mum treat us eat at cafe rengit coffee. after finish we went back to bp again.. then went to chong yih hse take ang po haha.. after that went to chew's hse.. woww~ big gamble company at chew's hse wakaka.. i lose at 1st but after yih won alots then he give me money..yeah yeahh thx loll^^
5th days of CNY
yeahh.. farewell for yen yin at mo li.. meet up again wif all my convents fren.. cheong K, playing wii player, taking photo, laughing.. haha.. another unforgetable memories for us.. Good luck n all the best to yen yin, who going to aussie further her studies soon.. take care ya.. miss u alots.. keep in touch wif us throught msn.. cheers>.< am the one leaves earlier than others.. sob sob.. haihzzz..
some of fren going back to college already.. sch reopen!!! why so fast de.. ishh.. still not enuf time to meet up all my fren loll.. wu~ hope to meet up wif u guys that i didn't meet during CNY ya..
till here lah.. have to finish my last part of building tech mock up.. hand up tmr morning..