I cut the roof tiles with my paper cutting machine. They are smaller than I intended (something to do with the exporting of the .svg file) but I still think they look OK. Once glued on, I sealed with a matte varnish, gave them a black wash and then dry brushed white over the top.
I have also had little handles cut for the commode and I'm quite happy with how these came out. Here is the chest finished with a smaller version of the commode and a small trumeau mirror, both of which will be available when I sort things out.
Some other things I am working on: (you can't tell but these turned out way too large and also I have changed the design quite a bit to make them a bit more realistic)
And a French canopied bed:
It needs a little reworking, but overall I am happy with how it is going.
I am having trouble getting the people who are selling the laser cutter to actually get it crated and send a request for payment, which is quite frustrating. It would only take about a week to get from America to Australia. Until I have the cutter, I am using a cutting service. It has it's benefits but I am restricted with the materials they will cut with. So I think most of the furniture kits will need to wait until I get my own cutter so I can use the materials I want to use.
I also was considering making a castle as the third kit I design (the second one is almost done and will be a cottage). Are people interested in something like that? If so, what type/style and how big? I'd appreciate your views on this. If possible, post a link to pictures in your comments.
I hope you are all having a great weekend.