August 27, 2008

Swimming without mom!

Avery got in the water today with her friend Avery:) and her teacher Mr. Mike. She was a afraid without me in the water, but they said it takes about 3-4 weeks for the kids to get use to the water on there own with the instructor. Hopefully Mr. Mike will not get scared off and can handle Avery. Maybe the pictures will be all smiles in a few weeks. The class is 19 weeks long. The girls were real sweet to each other and held hands after swimming and walked to the car together.

Meet the teacher

Well, we are going to a new Mother's Day Out program this year at Prestonwood. There are a lot of kids in the class, but hopefully she will have a good time and learn a lot. The teacher's seemed real sweet.

Jacob Wasserman turns 2!!!

Thanks for inviting us to your party Jacob. We had a great time jumping in your new bounce house, swinging and eating. Happy Birthday!!

August 22, 2008

Avery's Birthday present from Gigi and Poppy

Avery got a pink Mercedes from Gigi and Poppy, but has been scared of it because it actually drove and was electronic. Well, it has been sitting in our room for the past few months and the battery died. We walked past it the other day and she touched the car. I tried to push the button to make it go and told her it didn't work and we needed to charge it. Now she has been sitting in during the day and will put her baby next to her and pretend to drive. It is so cute.

Visiting Aunt Mandy at work! AIRPLANES!!!

We went and had lunch with Mandy at work on Tuesday. Avery wanted to see 2 Airplanes. I told her she would see more than 2 airplanes. We had a great time and Mandy got to show us all around. They have an airplane called "Poolie" in this one area and Avery was a little afraid to go see it. I am not sure why. We got to see a good friend that I grew up with at church Karen Gooch who works at SWA and she ate with us. Thanks again for showing us around we had a great time!

August 19, 2008

Last day of our first swim class

I was not able to get any pictures of Avery in the water because I had to be in there with her. She starts a new class next week and I don't have to get in the water so hopefully I will get some pictures of her next class.

Avery with Mimi and Granddad and other cute pics

Well, I have been behind on putting pictures on the blog. Here are just a few recent ones we have taken.

August 2, 2008

It's a....

GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We are so excited. We are working on names, but we are still not sure. The doctor said we will talk about dates next time for the c-section so that is exciting.

Chuck E Cheese

Yesterday we went to Chuck E Cheese and I forgot my camera. I was so mad at myself, but I think she is still a little too small. She didn't enjoy much of it, but we still had a good time.

Happy Birthday Daddy!!

Well, Chris' b-day is today!! Yes, our birthdays are just a few days apart. You are such a great dad. Thanks for all you do for us. Hope you have a wonderful birthday we LOVE you. We went over to my parents house and went swimming for a bit this morning.