March 27, 2016

Easter 2016

The girls did an egg hunt at church this year. They had a great time collecting LOTS of eggs!!

January 30, 2016

Eden's Princess B-day!

The girls were both invited to Eden's b-day. They had fun doing a scavenger hunt and all things princess!

December 25, 2015

Christmas Morning

Girls opening their gifts is always fun to watch their faces and smiles. I wrapped each one is separate paper so I would know whose gifts were whose:)

December 22, 2015


The girls go upstairs every night with Chris and have fun doing Jiu Jitsu. They have worked really hard and have earned their YELLOW BELTS!!! They love playing around at night and learning new moves.

December 21, 2015

Kenzie's Birthday Party

Kenzie wanted to do the carriage ride again for her birthday. The Hammond's were so kind to go along for another adventure with us! The weather was great and we had a fun night. Chris made the cake and Kenzie got to decorate it.

December 19, 2015

Mary Poppins!!

We went with our friends to Granbury to see Mary Poppins! The girls loved having friends there with them. Afterwards, we went and ate at Paradise Bakery, and then walked around and looked at the lights around the square. What a fun night!!

December 18, 2015

Pedi/Mani for the Birthday Girl!

Well, who doesn't love a pedi/mani RIGHT? That is what she wanted to do for her birthday so we had a fun day!!

Kenzie's Birthday Morning!

The girls were excited to open Kenzie's gifts first thing when they got up. Avery had balloons all over her room. She also got to open 1 gift so she was very happy.

November 1, 2015

Queen Ester and Mary at Church

We brought Queen Ester and Mary to church with us today. This was a special day the girls got to dress up in Bible characters. They picked the costumes themselves. It was a special day. Funny story we actually showed up the week before in costumes and realized it was not the correct week. Thankfully, I made the girls bring a change of clothes so they had something to put on before most people saw them:)

October 31, 2015


The girls wanted to be Queen Ester and Sophia this year! The weather was perfect and we didn't think we would even be able to go because it was supposed to rain so we ate at Japon for dinner. When we got home it was so nice so we thought we would go to a few houses. We ended up at the neighborhood next to our house and had a great night.

Carving a Pumpkin

The girls love for Chris to carve a pumpkin. Avery loves eating the seeds so we cooked some with salt and some with cinnamon. Her favorite was the salted ones of course.

September 27, 2015

Parent Fellowship

The school sang a song during church and afterwards we had a parent fellowship meeting for them to show us what they do in a school day.

Vested for Church

When the girls sing in church they have to be vested and this was taken in the courtyard before service.

September 26, 2015

Tyler State Fair

We went to the fair in Tyler this year with our friend from church Ginny! The girls loved having her and she enjoyed the rides.