
Posted by Shannon & Lindsay

Here it is again........

I'm getting really sick of Hollywood. Not sick enough to NOT read the magazines and/or read the celebrity gossip, but seriously people you are getting on my nerves!

Jon Gosselin - So you're going to file for "primary custody" because Kate is an "absentee Mom"? Seriously? Seriously?? What do you plan to do with those 8 kids? Take them down to some dirty club in Las Vegas, stick them in a VIP booth with boxes of YooHoo and then subsequently hit on every passing 18 year old who isn't averse to dating the world's biggest douchebag?
Yea, I can see that conversation happening,......

"Yes, I am Jon Gosselin. And yes, ladies, I AM wearing an Ed Hardy shirt. Oh those? Those are just my kids, I mean, entourage. We're just enjoying a little "primary time" together. Now who wants a drink and a chance at 15 seconds of fame followed by a ruined reputation? The line forms here."...................

Sounds like a parenting plan every person should adopt. Seriously! Not like Kate's got all her priorities straight, but I'm pretty sure her priorities don't involve barely-legal serial dating, chain smoking, and shopping around reality shows with Michael Lohan, who just might be the world's best father. And by father, I mean complete idiot. And by idiot, I mean , "How are you even still allowed to speak in public?"

Jesse James & Miss "Bombshell" McGee - Seriously? What even is this? How did this happen? And how is he okay with just commenting that it showed "poor judgment" on his part? Poor judgment? Seriously?! Last time I checked, poor judgment was like waiting to start your research paper the night before it was due, not frequently cheating on your extremely famous wife on multiple occasions with allegedly anti-Semitic strippers. I don't know what he was thinking. Maybe he thought, "Well, if Tiger can get away with it........wait....." Yea, you're going to get caught. You will always get caught. And when you toss in a little bit of stripper and a dash of anti-Semitism that's only going to expedite the process because strippers are ALWAYS honest in their dealings with their fellow men and NEVER looking to make any side cash by talking to tabloids....right....

And this "Bombshell" nonsense? Seriously? What were you thinking would happen when 30 seconds after the Oscars ended you released your perfect storm of a story? You'd get $30,000? Sure. Pity? Not so much. And did you really expect the world to believe that you're NOT anti-Semitic when, well, those pictures and tattoos are speaking more than 1,000 words? Seriously?? That's like me getting a tattoo across my chest in Old English lettering that says, "I TORTURE PUPPIES" and then getting mad when PETA won't let me host their annual bake sale. Seriously!! Tina Fey said it best. "When your body looks like a dirtbag's binder from 7th grade metal shop, it doesn't bode well for your character." Seriously, seriously, seriously.

Tiger Woods - Seriously?? I'm not going to even bother. All I know is, next time don't wreck your car, and for the love of all things good in this world, DON'T TEXT IT. IT CAN BE TRACED!

I'm done.

By Lindsay  

Posted by Shannon & Lindsay

Today I..........

Let my Mom sleep in
Served my Mom plastic cookies in bed
Wanted oatmeal for breakfast but didn't actually want to EAT it so I got a cookie instead
Watched Spongebob
Wondered why there are constant interruptions during my Spongebob watching
Helped my Mom do laundry
Walked into a pole and got a goose egg
Tripped into the wall
Went on a ride in my car to the park
Went on the slide
Said hi to some kids
Helped my Mom with more laundry
Took a nap with my glasses on
Went in my potty
Emptied my potty
Ate some crayons
Pooped on the floor
Cried because I couldn't go outside
Unlocked the door and went outside anyway
Got put in time out for unlocking the door and going outside
Tried to eat a rock
Put my shoes on the wrong feet
Didn't care that I put my shoes on the wrong feet
Dumped my apple juice on the carpet
Picked my nose
Wiped it somewhere I shouldn't
Threw a few tantrums
Dipped my cookies in my yogurt

And it's only 5:01

It's Easter Time!  

Posted by Shannon & Lindsay

What a weekend!! We had such a fun time this weekend with all the family down. And by all the family, I mean ALL the family. We met Darren's girlfriend Nicole, hung out with Tracy and her fiancee Jake, took in a day at the Art festival and had a great BBQ with the cousins. I need a nap!

Linds loved all the goings-on at the Art festival - she loves anything that involves people - and we were all flabbergasted when she sat ever so still to have her face painted. She was like a statue! I had never in my life seen her sit so still! Maybe in order for her hair to not look like an electrocuted ponytail I'll need to bribe her with face paint from now on!

She also found every puppy in the place and was in love with a large, curly haired dog that she sat and pet for a good five minutes. She loves her some puppies!

We also had our annual family BBQ at Aunt Gayle's house complete with the obligatory Easter Egg hunt. It's fun to remember participating in the hunt when I was younger and now seeing my little one have as much fun as I did! Linds was more fun this year since lately she has been obsessed with hiding eggs so she had a blast!

It was a great, tiring weekend! I'm excited for NO MORE HOLIDAYS for at least another month! They may be fun, but they are EXHAUSTING! Pessimistic, perhaps. Realistic, for sure.