Saturday, December 18, 2010

So every time I get on here to post, I get caught up reading other peoples and never get a second to write my own. Every time I start reading, I am overwhelmed by two things, the honesty and transparency of others and the horrible struggles people are facing daily. A few years ago, heck probably a year ago, I read these thinking, well at least my life doesn't look like theirs! The Lord has really began to change this outlook on life in me. About a year ago I was in a Bible study where it felt like week after week people were saying things like, "well at least I haven't had those struggles" or "thank the Lord he saved me from that" And while I know without a doubt the Lord saves us daily from so much, I am not convinced that is the grace of the Bible. His grace is sufficient. That means He is sufficient. The Lord doesn't want us to pray that we won't have struggles, He wants us to be in them and see Him in them. Its funny how when we aren't having "major" issues we thank God from protecting us, and then look at others and say I am so sorry that is where you are. Instead of jumping in with the people around us and doing life with them. The Jesus whose birthday I am celebrating this season, consistently went to the people who were hurting and healed them, and gave them salvation when they had no hope! In those times, we need Him, we have no pride to get in our way, no material things to lean on. We can see Him for who He is, our Saviour!! The more I get this, the more I can love the people around me. For some reason, judgement comes quickly from me, but lately just as quickly comes grace. Just as quickly comes the gentle reminder that I need a Savior and the world does to. So in the small world that I live in, I will love deeply and show people His love by not walking in fear of the unknown, but knowing my Savior is in it all!!!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Shutterfly- With our Family Through the Seasons

Five years ago our family, of only three at the time, got all dressed up and took our first family Christmas pictures. I was so excited to get my Christmas cards sent out. At the time, there were very few websites that had Christmas cards to choose from. So when I found Shutterfly, I was super excited at how easy it was to design. I designed them on the photo Christmas cards, which you still can today with many more choices than five years ago :)

I have used shutterfly for many gifts as well. Their photo books are also extremely easy to use. My mom and I love to make these as gifts for people. For those of us who are not scrapbookers, the shutterfly photo books are perfect. You get all of your digital pics off your computer and into a book for everyone to see in a matter of a few clicks. This year I am also going to try the desk calendars as gifts for my family that has everything!!

This year when I was trying to decide what to do with a picture we got of our family, which is now a family of five, I immediately thought of shutterfly. I couldn't believe all of the different photo cards to choose from. They have photo cards on quality cardstock now which you can get on their website at I have already picked and designed ours for this year and I can't wait to send it out!! I won't show you here, because I want you to be suprised, but as soon as they are sent I will post it here as well! I look forward to receiving your Christmas cards as well! Merry Christmas!

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

My new normal

School, that is it, the new normal. I mean come on people, 5 days a week all day is too much!!! I am adjusting slowly, but Adeline is doing great. I am continuing to learn that Adeline is pretty serious for the most part. Nothing gets her too excited. However, by the way she talks, she is really liking school (maybe not love) but doesn't say she doesn't want to go. She gets up and gets her clothes on before she even comes out of her room. She is really is such a good girl. I am reading the best book about public school. Going Public by David and Kelly Pritchard. Seriously a must read for all of you who have kids in public school!!! Anyway it is giving me such peace and a purpose behind sending our little girl to school. I mean it is so hard to let go of the control for those hours, but I know the Lord has her there and has so much for her in this journey called school! Now the other one learning to process this is little brother Adam. He thinks it is totally unfair that he doesn't go to school too!! So, he is going to "school" on Tuesdays. It is just MDO since we will be holding him back too, but he is pretty sure it is his own kindergarten! This morning when I dropped him off, he said "I can't believe it is time for me to go to school!" He is as passionate as Adeline isn't!! Sweet boy that told me he would look his teachers in the eye all day when talking to them and would eat all of his lunch. I mean you have to love this kid!! The pics of little miss on the bottom is pretty much what my Tuesdays will look like! Just me and her. The house is super quiet! Ok, maybe not, I mean she is usually laying on the floor screaming about something! Most Tuesdays will be errand running day and lunch with friends, but today I am sitting down, putting her down for an early nap and just reflecting on where I am now. In a different trusting season with the Lord, in a less overwhelming day, and just truly sitting in His grace waiting on this crazy fall season to continue. Soccer, bible study, small groups, book club, I mean come on I love to over commit in the fall!! My husband loves it ;) Another summer behind us and I am very excited about this new "school year", my new "normal"

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Today I will update. Ok, so I will try to get partially updated. This is VBS week. I usually am not a big VBS person, but I knew the kids would enjoy it, so I am working registration, so the kids could go. Adeline is of course having a blast. She loves stuff like this. Her crew leader is a college girl, they sing songs in the big church, and learning about Jesus, she seriously couldn't ask for more! She comes home everyday and plays church for a couple of hours! She starts kindergarten in the fall and could not be more excited. We don't know anyone so it will probably be a week of adjustment, but I am actually looking forward to it. I guess I am just ready for that next phase of life. Not so much the strict schedule, but I know it will be good for all of us to get more into our community in that way.

Adam is really funny. He is not liking VBS as much. He is definitely my monkey in the middle. He has a harder time making friends. The teachers love him because he is so quiet and does whatever they say. However, he usually comes home and can't tell you anybody in the class and probably didn't talk to anyone!! We are working on that this week. "Trying to make friends" Sweet little guy is going to have a touch adjustment when his big sis is gone all day. He is such a good big brother though and loves all things superhero. He will be 4 in 2 weeks and is having at the gymnastics place and wearing an ironman costume ;) He couldn't ask for more!

Audrie Kate is our blond hair curly girl. The teachers at VBS love her. She just plays all morning, eat snacks and usually makes a pretty big mess. She is trying to talk some, walking all over the place and throwing fits a time or two! She is my really good sleeper and loves her momma. Somedays a little too much!! She perfers us to be all sitting in one room while she plays around us. She doesn't like me to cook dinner, clean or pretty much anything without her! She is a cutie though and has a precious personality! She loves the books "Thats not that my puppy" or "Thats not my teddy" Love her!

Shane and I are doing well. Well, today Shane has been sick, but for the most part doing well. We are busy deciding what to do next on our house. I forgot how owning a home equals projects!! And not always ones you want to put money into!! But we are loving our house. Ok, I usually don't post because something comes up, and I hear AK waking up, but I am going to post anyway and hopefully add more soon!!

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Getting lost in the to do's.....

It has been so long that I have gotten on here, it took me two times to get my password right!!! Well, life continues to happen and I think I don't get on here because it would take 50 posts to catch up. But today, I thought I would just tell you where we are today. Adeline has her second to last soccer game today. The weather here is beautiful. She loves soccer and is doing really well. Shane loves watching her and teaching her. She is in preschool two days a week and loves it. She has so many friends and loves loves her teachers. She is learning sight words and letters and just being a sweet little girl. She comes home ready to "teach" Adam and that she does. Adam "obeys" for a little while until he i ready to be the teacher! Adam is momma's little guy. He hates being dropped off places but does great while he is there. He is very quiet in public and a crazy monkey at home! He is very very picky about his clothes (its making me crazy!!) He wants to wear the same jeans and shirt everyday. Wow, it's really exhausting! He has a great personality though and keeps us all pretty entertained!! Audrie Kate is 8 months old and we all just oooh and aww over her daily. She is truly precious. She is getting a tooth and super close to crawling! She sleeps well, eats well and watches people so she can smile when they look at her. We couldn't imagine our family without her! Shane and I just recently bought our second home and we loooove it!! A blessing in more ways than I can list. Big trees, one story, big backyard, amazing kitchen, wood floors and the list goes on and on and oh did I mention we are saving over 100 dollars in our mortgage. I mean seriously!! Shane and I continue to be amazed at all the Lord is teaching us and showing us. He is giving us so many opportunities to serve and give and we are excited about this next step in our marriage and family. We have many hard hard days (3 kiddos under 5 and a lab puppy...need I say more). But he won't let go of us and won't let us stay in one place long (physically and spritually). We feel his love in so many ways. I am reading Crazy Love and I feel Him continuing to push me out and live as a Christian. A person who follows hard after Him. I am realizing how very hard living life this way is. It is easy to the love the loveable, but so hard to love the rude,obnoxious ones (just got back from the soccer game and was so irritated with the mom who thought we were playing varsity soccer). Lord, give me a loving heart that sees people the way you do, not expecting the lost to get it.

I will post pics when I get on the other computer.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Life in Pictures

These are all random from this summer of vacation and wichita falls and birthdays! Crazy how fast a summer can go!!


Thursday, July 2, 2009

Happy Birthday Adam

Adam turned 3 last weekend! He had so much fun at his sports party. So many friends came to play. I mean it was hot!!! But they still had a great time. From the bounce house to the pinata to everyone swimming at the end (not a swim party), the party was a success.

I was just thinking today how big Adam has gotten. He has the best little personality. He goes to an MDO on Tuesday, and his teacher told me this week what a sweet kid he is. So laid back. (He even takes a nap every week!) This week he had his 3 year check-up. We call it his first physical. It was crazy! He had to get his blood taken, blood pressure and had to tee-tee in a cup! Seriously pretty sure all of that wasn't necessary, but he was so cute and just did everything they said. He also went to the dentist for the first time. Too cute. He can jump off of the side of the pool and swim to us with out floaties. He loves to swim! We love our Adam so much. He definitely has his 3 year old moments, but he truly loves life. What a blessing he is to our family!