Thursday, January 21, 2010

Snow and Sun

We've been very busy these last months. Grandma and Grandpa Griffiths gave us these great sledding things for Christmas. It's called a Zipfy and my kids have had so much fun playing on the big hill in our park! Even Steve got in on the fun.

We also did our annual ice skating day over Christmas break. Our friends the Nortons came with us. All of my kids can skate without help now so I actually got to practice a few tricks myself this time--sorry no pictures of those!

We spent President's Day in Las Vegas. Kobe's team played in a huge soccer tournament down there--259 teams!! We stayed with Steve's sister Maria who conveniently moved down there about 5 months ago. Tia and Alex stayed here with Grandma and Grandpa. They also had a great time. Kobe's team won every game of pool play. They lost the championship by 1 point in a shoot out. It was soooo sad, but second place isn't bad for a first time at a major tournament. I'm pretty proud. I never get pictures of him when he has the ball because I get excited and start cheering and then the picture turns out blurry--maybe I should get a tripod. BUT, my new camera does a better job on action shots--hooray!