Monday, November 2, 2009

Happy Halloween

We have had a great October. I'll work backwards since Halloween came at the end. We did costume recycling this year--meaning find something that is already in the box. I didn't get a picture of Alex before he left for his party, but here's the rest of them. SO, Alex was gone to a party, Kobe went and "did the neighborhood" with his friends, and Tia graciously agreed to take Brooklyn and all of her friends--so Steve and I got to stay home and hand out candy!!! It was great. I'm so glad Tia's friends did their party on Friday.

Of course the build-a-bears needed costumes too... (a knight and a witch if you couldn't tell)

I spent most of the first part of the month redoing Tia and Brooklyn's bedrooms. We moved the boys downstairs. Here is the finished product. (Actually I haven't finished Brooklyn's bedspread, but I put the fabric out on the bed for the picture so you could get the general idea.) Brooklyn's is the green and pink room, and Tia's is the periwinkle and yellow.

Brooklyn is so excited to have her own room. She keeps it absolutely spotless all the time. Tia, one the other hand, had to spend an hour getting her room back in shape for the picture. All these years Tia has been blaming Brooklyn for the messy room!! Now the truth is out--busted!

I did get a few good Kobe soccer pictures. The battery died when I tried to get some of Alex. I'll try for some indoor soccer season shots later.

AND......Tia now has her learner's permit. She said it would be too embarrassing to take a picture. All you Utah County people can keep an eye out now.

AND, AND.... Kobe earned his Arrow of Light and the All 20 Webelos Award. Here's some pictures of the ceremony. We are officially done with Cub Scouts. Amazing.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Loving Fall

We are full swing into soccer season now. I love watching my kids games! If my camera were faster I could give pictures, but for now you'll just have to trust me.

We have finished the basement--except shelves in the bedroom closet. I am working hard on moving all the kids into their new rooms. I'll post pictures when that project is done. I'm about halfway.

Two weeks ago my wonderful neighbor asked us if she could practice on our family and do a photo shoot. Since I am in need of updated pictures I was happy to oblige. Here's the results. I think she did quite well for a first try.

My little babies are growing up so quickly!

I couldn't resist a few out-takes. Yes, they love family pictures!
They look a little grainy after I uploaded them, but you get the idea.

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Another Summer Ends...

I think it is finally time to update. I keep waiting for a convenient time, but it never comes, so I'm just going to dive in.
We had a GREAT summer!! We finished it out with two fun vacations. We did the Mickelson family reunion camping in Ephraim canyon. Here's a picture of the fun meadow we used.

We all had fun driving Uncle Chad's 4 wheeler (except me--I seem to be the only one who recognizes how scary those things are)

And we loved paddling around the pond and fishing--no catches though.

Sorry this picture is sideways, but Tia caught the cutest little frog in the marsh.

Tia and Maryanne entertained themselves by sliding down the little glacier.

A few weeks later we found ourselves heading to Glacier National Park with most of my family. I had never been there. We had wonderful days filled with hiking, playing in the water, and a small amount of relaxing. A few family runs and a bike ride rounded things out. Here's a few pictures. This place was absolutely beautiful. I need to go back sometime.

Brooklyn and Kobe had their birthdays this month. Brooklyn is now 9 years old. How did my baby grow up so fast. She had backyard water party with her friends. Bree was nice enough to be my pizza delivery girl--thanks Bree, you saved me. A yard full of squealing girls is always a joy.

We also had a small family pary at Glacier since that was when her birthday really happened. We brought a pinata and grandma made some cake.

I still laugh at the memory of Lilly going all out on the pinata!

Next is Kobe. He is 11 now. He is getting his arrow of light at the next pack meeting, and earned all 20 Webelos pins! He is so excited for 11 year old scouts. He had a late night party this year. He planned it all out himself. I only had to provide pizza and lots of sugar and salt for the boys to inhale. They played WII, watched a movie, played tag in the dark, and some volleyball (which didn't work so well in the dark so we turned on the flood lights).

I am amazed at how much boys can eat!

And now school has started. Tia has begun her Sophmore Year in high school. I just got her the book so she can study and get her learner's permit (Yes, REALLY). Wow!! Alex is in eighth grade, Kobe is in 5th, and Brooklyn is in 4th. Everyone loves their teachers and life is pretty good. I am substitue teaching for my mom while she helps Hillary with Avery and life as a new mom. So I haven't really gotten to enjoy my quiet days yet. I'm finding that teaching isn't as scary as I thought it would be--maybe I'm even a little good at it, but it is definately busy. I hope I never have to work full time while my kids are still at home. I am appreciating the blessing I have of a wonderful husband who provides for our family so I don't have to.

I have to brag about my 100 mile bike ride. Bree has the pictures already posted, but I have to say WE ARE AWSOME. Thanks for helping me make my birthday goal Kelly and Bree. I couldn't have done it without you!!