Sunday, November 7, 2010

A New Hobby?

Anyone who knows my family knows that my Dad is an amazing runner. For as long as I can remember he always has been, and I'm sure he'll never stop running. I've always felt like he was a little disappointed that none of his kids wanted to get into running like he did.

But as of recently I've gotten a little running bug myself.
This is our latest run. November 6th 2010- 10K First Dam Run in Logan. My Dad was sweet enough to run it with me, and stay at my pace which is VERY slow. You can tell by the picture that 6 miles is quite a feat for me, and a breeze for my Dad.
Who would've ever thought we'd have a picture like this?

I think Dad's hoping we'll have more because he sent me home with a stack of Runner's World Magazines to pump me up, and suggested he come over to my house once a week to go running with me.
What did I get myself into?

Happy Halloween