Mothers Day
A time to remember what my mom taught me.
Humility: As a young 3-4 year old I was sure that I was smarter, faster and sneakier than my Mom. I was sent to my room for a nap/quiet time. I lay down for a few minutes then opened my groundfloor window...took out the screen and stepped over the window ledge. I couldn't believe what I saw...Mom was laying on the ground where my foot was going to land...How did she know?
Next time I was sneaking out, I looked out the window before opening. All was clear. I went to the gate that led to the front of the house. Opened it...Oh no. Run! There she was. I was sure I could out run her, but somehow she was just as fast as me. I couldn't believe it. She was foiling all my plans. I remember laughing, but I was shocked. She was old, I was young and fast and unstoppable. Yet somehow she was a step ahead.
I do remember one successful escape. 1 in the morning before easter. I was determined to put on my easter bunny costume and go to the park and hide eggs. I figured this is what happened every year. I was just part of the process. Mission accomplished.
Now when my kids wonder how I know exactly what they are planning and the devious thoughts in their minds...I don't spoil it by telling them I was once a kid too. I just tell them that I have eyes in the back of my head and I can hear everything. Luckily all my kids sleep on the 2nd floor and wouldn't dream of climbing out their windows. But really, my Mom told me that someday I would have kids just like me...and she was right. Which has always weighed heavily in my mind...causing me to wait to have children until I was 27. (I didn't mention the fact that I have put double bolts on all my doors and yes, the police have brought more than one of my children home at various times of the day and night)