Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Miner's Retreat 2014

Our big Taylor reunion was the week of Pioneer day.  So, on our way up to the campsite we stopped by the parade float preview since we would miss actually watching the parade.  Our Stake had a float this year so we made sure to get a picture with it.  #Welbywagon

Up at the camp O decided to be a bit more smiley.  This shot of him smiling at Daddy is precious!

We had a lot of fun as always.  This year we opted to do a little more eating out rather than spending our time cooking the whole week.  We made breakfast, took the kids to the Heber City free lunch, then went out for dinner.  It was great for me to not have to bring loads of food for the week! 
I pulled out some paint one day to let the kids paint each other's faces.  It was fun to watch the older cousins take charge and paint the younger kids' faces:

I think he was happy, I'm sure it's just the sun in his eyes!

As always, bows and arrows are a big theme for the boys.  They love to play Hunger Games out in the woods!

Cousin C is the cheeriest little baby you've ever seen.  I'm hoping that O is taking notes!!

I pulled out some string to play cat's cradle.  That was a fun walk down memory lane for me.  That used to be the big entertainment at recess in 4th or 5th grade! 

We drove up Memorial Hill to check out the gorgeous view.  Another reminder to me that I want to retire in Midway!!  It was blazing hot up there!!

Our cute cousin Mallerie works at the Heber Valley Railroad and was able to get us a ride for free!  It was a hit I tell you, the kids loved it!! 

These cute boys are good buddies.

Puppy making friends with the girls.

Big Boy and Monkey with some cousin pals.

Baby O loving his first train ride!  ;)

Look, I was there too!

Cooling down in the shade afterwards. 

Big Boy learned to whittle on this trip.

Just like last year we had a nice rain storm that cooled things off nicely: 

This is where O was most of the time.  I was surprised that he could sleep through all the noise of cousins running around him all day, but he was great!  I took him to Matt & Abby's house to sleep every night, which was so nice!  I just couldn't imagine waking up all night long trying to feed a baby in a tent!  Thanks for letting me do that!! 
It was such a fun week as always.  I'm so glad my kids will have such fun memories of camping with their cousins!  I know I'm leaving stuff out, like hikes and milkshakes, and movies, but O was only 6 weeks old, a lot of it is a blur to me!!  I'm just glad we had this to do this summer, it was something that we could look back and say that we did something this year!! 

Happy 6th Birthday Monkey

Monkey was so looking forward to his birthday!  I was a bit worried because I know he wanted a party, but with a 1 month old sad baby it just wasn't in the cards this year!  He loved opening presents of course.
I have no photo evidence, but my Mom and sister came over during the day to hang out.  My Mom took the older kids to a movie while Emily and I hung out with the littles.  We decided to take them to 7 eleven to get free slurpees, which was a hit!  My Mom took the older boys on their way back from the movie.  I think that hopefully made up for not having a party! 

The birthday cupcakes:

That night my parents and grandparents came over for cake and ice cream.  Yum!

Max is a sweet little guy.  He can be silly beyond compare and he can also be the sweetest, most thoughtful little boy!  It's a fun mix! 

He just wants to be one of the big boys.  He and Big Boy have been glued at the hip all summer.  They play with the same friends even.  It's been fun to see. 

Speaking of monkeys, O and George were about the same size.

This is the best shot of one of O's first smiles.  It's always a relief when that smile comes.  It makes it all seem worth it! 

4th of July and some summer fun

It had been a few years since we'd met up with the Taylor clan for the 4th of July.  We were going to meet them for the Provo parade, but with a new baby we didn't quite make it out the door on time.  We met up with the Taylors at Scera Park in Orem.  They have a big Colonial 4th celebration with a big fair set up where you can learn all about what life was like during the Revolution.  Here the boys are learning about guns:

We showed up just before lunch time and stayed until it was starting to get dark.  It was fun to get to chat with everyone.  It was blazing hot!!  At one point it actually got quite cloudy and even sprinkled a little bit.  We thought it might cool down, but it only made it humid on top of the heat!! 

The kids especially loved the battle reenactments where they got to play with pretend rifles and pretend to get shot.

Big Boy is down!!  (He's in red)

They were very serious about it, I loved watching it!

Aunt Abby seemed to have the magic touch with O. 

As we drove home we watched over the valley as tons of fireworks were going off everywhere.  It was really pretty to see.  Just as we were almost home we realized that the West Jordan fireworks were about to start.  So, we found a spot in a parking lot to sit and watch.  It was a lovely night!
On another hot day I let my boys freeze some of their plastic toys in some disposable Tupperware.  They love to sit outside and hack away at it until their stuff comes free.  We did it a few years ago and it's become a favorite summer activity. 

Little O putting up his dukes

I don't love pictures of me post baby.  But, this is just proof that I was around:

I LOVE this picture.  It's such a peek into what my life is like.  Cheeks usually doesn't get in on the wrestling as much and he's so sweet the baby.  The other boys can't get enough of the wrestling.  Until someone gets hurt that is!  Look out O, this is what's coming your way!!

O's first few weeks at home

Getting used to a new baby is always hard.  I think I forget how hard it is after each one.  Then we have another and I remember that I'm not good at newborns!  It's hard to be constantly needed and unable to do what you want when you want.  But, the sweet moments when everyone's loving on the baby and when he's miraculously not crying, help you get through the tougher spots! 

I mentioned before that he was deceptively calm at the hospital.  Well, we came home and it didn't take more than a day or two to realize that we had another sad baby on our hands.  This guy may have even been harder than Puppy was.  There is only one position he would tolerate being held in and that is facing forward draped over your arm.  We found out later that had reflux, so his little tummy and throat were always in pain.  We got him on some medication eventually, but he mostly just had to grow out of it.  It was a rough few months.  He wouldn't take a binky, hated the baby swing, never fell asleep in the car.  He just cried and cried! 
I posted this rare picture of him being calm on Instagram.  It was nice to see what his face looked like when it wasn't twisted in a scream!  A lot of people commented that he looks a lot like Cheeks.  I think so too!

My Mom took this picture of us giving him his first bath.  He didn't like that either!

Puppy found his favorite new toy.  He will not leave this poor baby alone! He's got to be close by to kiss and hug and even wrestle with him.  Puppy's in heaven, but it's not O's favorite! 

Dad took the boys to his works' night at the Bee's game.  I'm glad that they got a chance to do some fun things this summer.  It was not the funnest summer on Taylor record with a new (sad) baby around!

Some more Puppy love:

We took O out in public the first time to Big Boy's rain gutter regatta.  They had a good time.  We ended up in the hall bouncing a sad baby. 

We have discovered that he's a pretty happy camper when he's outside.

Another Cheeks look a like picture:

Little O is the 30th grandchild in the Taylor family.  Here he is meeting the first Taylor grandchild, Romney!  We were joking that they're going to be the best of friends!! 

Some more sad face and Puppy love:

And some more protective Cheeks:
It was a rough start, I won't lie.  But, there is something about bringing a fresh, new little baby home that brings out the tenderness in my crazy boys.  I love watching them be so sweet and soft with him.  And, there's nothing I love more than kissing those little cheeks, even if he's screaming while I do it!