I'll post the rest of what is going on when the room decides to stop wavering on me.
I am female, a woman 'of a certain age' who is still trying to decide what I want to do when I grow up.
Sunday, October 27, 2013
And now this...
Saturday, October 19, 2013
Title goes here
Getting back to normal
Monday, October 14, 2013
Wider paths
I need to apologize to my new rice cooker. Apparently it is the almond milk that I was using to cook the rice rather than water that was causing the scorched issue. Had the same problem with my old cooker, although not as bad. I still need to run to the grocery to get fixings for lentil soup in the slow cooker. It will take me awhile to get back in the swing of having all my stuff, and therefore no excuse, not to live right. Found the clothes I was wondering about, and some more that I forgot I had. Have not yet found the yarn. An email buddy says the government took it to sell to drum up money, or else some sheep are holding it for ransom. Either one could be likely I guess.
I've told folks to come visit me this winter here in the sunny southland, I have plenty of room. Hmmmm. Gotta make those paths wider to have room for company. Guess it will keep me out of trouble for awhile.
Sunday, October 13, 2013
I am to the point that I need to put a lot away and donate some to make room before I unpack much more. I have only paths in all the rooms. I'm careful to keep track of important stuff, putting it away when I use it so I'm not in total caos. The stuff is getting to me, though. It is a process and I just have to work through it. Again, I read posts about how 'We just sold off all our possessions and now we are SO happy!' and I wonder how that process really went down at the time.
Friday, October 11, 2013
Work is finished for the week
Saturday, October 05, 2013
It's Over
The nice, clean, empty mobile home looks like it has been trashed by a band of deranged I don't know what. There are boxes, totes and stuff everywhere. Pathways only around or through the piles, some of which are taller than I am. I've been saying that it will take me a year to get through all of this stuff. I think I'm being too conservative with that estimate. It's ok, though, I have absolutely no desire to drive anywhere at all. I definitely have enough to keep me busy right here.
I've started slowly picking my way into boxes. The yellow box that I kept telling folks emphatically that it needed to be near the back of the load so I could get it early because it had my coffee pot in it? Turns out it had hiking gear. Stuff I wanted to get to for sure, but not the coffee pot. I made a bookmark when packing it in Honduras, but the bookmark got misfiled apparently. So, I then decided to see what it was that Customs was so interested in that they opened the box and then taped it back with their identifying tape (so I could know they got any contraband?). Turns out they were interested in my coffee maker, so all is good. I just need to wash it out and plug it in and I can make more than 6 oz of coffee at a time again.
My back hurts and I'm so wired I can't sleep and I'm too tired to actually make much progress on the sorting and such. Hopefully this will even out before I have to go back to work on Tuesday morning.
Home Safe
Thursday, October 03, 2013
Heading Out - Again
Stuck in Kansas
So, I am 24 hours behind schedule. It could have been worse, I wasn't on the side of the road, the toll booth ladies were wonderful to me, and I had a nice hotel room last night. The adventure continues.