5. februar 2010

An update...

Hi Everyone.. Just thought I'd give you an update on what's happening around here. I work like CRAZY and haven't had a single hour to spend on crafting during the last couple of months... somehow life seems to get busier by the hour... but I guess it comes to the point where we just have to slow down..
maybe twentyten is the year for that? :-)

Here are a few goodies I haven't shared with you yet...
I made this for my dear mom:
(box-template by papertreyink.com)

And a few tags to go along with it:


8. oktober 2009


Thanks to my dear brother who got me a new hard disk in no time!!!
It's funny how lost I feel without my mac...

Here is a card I made for Papir i Hjertet:

(Remember to click the photos for a closer view.)

I absolutely l o v e bingo cards! I found lots of vintage
stuff at my grandma's house and
scanned it into my computer. I love how they turned out...

And then i discovered the funniest thing:
This stamp from Prima:

It's exactly the same! Only the numbers are different!
Can you believe that?
I wonder if they too had a Grandma who played bingo..? LOL! ;-)

anyway... I wish you all a great weekend!

5. oktober 2009

And the winner is....

...scrapanath (Nathalie)!!!

Congratulation!!! Please contact me by clicking the "email me" button on the left.

And to all the rest of you: thank you for joining! I had so much fun, and I will definitely do this again sometime!

I had so much planned for my post today, but my hard disk crashed, so I've lost everything from the last month or two... :-( Hopefully my dear MacBook will be up and running within the next couple of days.

21. september 2009

Silvia's BlogCandy Giveaway!!!


Are you ready??

Two ways to enter:

1) Leave a comment on this post

2) To double your chances- grab the picture above and link my candy on your blog by either post or sidebar and leave a comment letting me know.

Winner will be announced Monday, October 5th!!!

Good luck, and help me to invite others to play along!

Hugs, Silvia

*worldwide shipping*

17. september 2009

I can count on you

Hello everyone!
I'm so glad you like my buttons! Thank you!
It's crazy around here at the moment, but if I have the
time I'll post a mini tutorial about those buttons...

Something altered for you today:

I encourage you to join my blog candy next week.
Lots of goodies! So.. stay tuned for a chance to win!


7. september 2009

Button candy...

Candy for you today:

(Some of you have asked me if I take orders.
Please send me an email and I will get back to you asap.)
(link on the left)

I want to show you something I made a couple of months ago...
I started making my own handmade buttons! It’s super easy and super fun!
These are all made with Fimo clay:
Speaking of candy...
I will have my first blog-candy giveaway this month!
Stay tuned...

Have a nice one! :)

27. august 2009

Back for good...

Hi everyone! It's about time to wipe some dust off this blog, don't you think?
We've had an amazing summer this year! Although the weather
has been really bad, I've enjoyed every minute of it. I haven't had the
time to make any cards though, so I've spent this entire day making cards,
banners for my blog and so on- and it feels so good to be back on track! :)
I have a few things to share with you today:

-Click the photos for a closer view-

Something "different" LOL:

I was looking through my photos a couple of months ago,
and realized that I forgot to share our 2009- calendar.
The calendar-pdf is made by Celeste.

I'll be back soon...
Thank you for visiting my blog!


2. juni 2009

Thinking of you

I am still working on my "other projects- post",
but I have a card for you today.
I hope this makes you feel like summer!

(click for a closer view)

Thank you for your sweet comments and all the awards...
I hope you know how much that means to me!


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