
[ava:3 months]

has it really been 3 months already? time is flying by and you are developing and learning new things everyday. it is so amazing to watch you as you change with each passing day. you are such a joy to our lives and we couldn't imagine life before you!

  • you are a smiling machine. 
  • you let out a little coo when you smile and we call it a laugh. it melts our hearts every time!
  • you are growing just perfectly. still long and lean, but i say, enjoy it while you can. 23.5 inches tall (72%), 9.14lbs (11%), and your head is in the 3%. 
  • trying to roll over, but you keep getting stuck on your arm.
  • you hate tummy time, but love being on your back on your activity mat.
  • you sit up well with some assistance. you are holding your head up like a champ though!
  • you are sleeping through the night. going to bed around 11pm and waking up between 7-8am.
  • you have so much personality that shines through and we love love love getting to know you.
i can't wait to see what the next month brings us!



We've packed up the truck, the dogs, and the bambina. We are off to the motherland for the next 10 days. My heart couldn't be happier! But this is a long road in front of us...

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[ava:2 months]

Happy 2 months baby girl! You have made our lives better than we ever thought they could be. It's so fun to watch you everyday as you learn new things and develop your personality. We love you to the moon and back. xoxo

Some highlights of the babe's second month:

  • she's smiling! i can't get enough of her gummy little smile. it's nearly impossible to catch on camera though.
  • she got her first pedicure :)
  • first road trip to idaho and montana. best road trip baby ever!
  • took her first boat ride.
  • slept through fireworks on her first 4th of july.
  • sleeping up to 6 hour stretches at night. 
  • has some hair coming in on the top of her head, finally. hopefully it will catch up to the back so we can manage the old man's hair patter a little better.
  • holding her head up, tracking objects, and i swear she rolled over from her tummy to her back. only once, but i saw it with my own 2 eyes.
  • still in newborn clothes...my little peanut.
we don't see the doctor for another couple weeks, so we'll see how tiny she really is then.


[road trip]

we took our first summer vacation a couple of weeks ago. we went up to idaho and montana. my mom had arranged for us to stay at a lake house in whitefish, montana for a week over the 4th of july. since i met steve he has been wanting me to see where he went to school in idaho. we figured what better time to make a trip up there than now. we are both off of work with the babe and were going up that way anyway.
first stop was lewiston, idaho. steve lived up there and played baseball for lewis-clark state college. i had never been north of boise, but it seems that north of boise is where the beauty is. i had never thought much of idaho, but man is it a BEAUTIFUL state. well, the northern half at least. so many lakes, rivers, trees. just breathtaking. we spent a couple days in lewiston site seeing, visiting with old friends, and eating yummy food.
then it was on to coeur d' alene to visit one of steve's college roommates. man, i fell in love with that place. it's just what i have been looking for. we loved our time there and it was great to catch up with old friends.
a few hours east, we found ourselves in whitefish, montana at the most beautiful home i have ever seen.  right on the lakefront, it was such a fantastic opportunity.  boat rides, jet ski's, waterskiing, wake boarding, fireworks, spud guns, glacier park, good food, friends at swan lake. it was such a great time.
i am just in love with that area of the country. we are home for a brief stay and then it's off to the motherland for a visit.  it will be great to spend time in the sun, at the beach, visiting friends, family, good eats, the OC fair. i am so looking forward to it :)
but then when we get home, it's back to work and back to the grind.  life will set in. leaving the babe to work and trying to juggle everything. it's going to be a rude awakening. i can already feel it. i have been so blessed to be able to take this time off with the little miss. i will miss seeing her little face anytime i want. but i guess that is what face time is for right? :)

*pictures to come later. it's late and i have a kid to feed...


[Getting Back Out There]

It's an adjustment having a kid. Learning what to take with you when you leave the house. It makes going places a little more involved. We have gotten out and gone hiking a couple times these past couple weeks and it feels so good to get out there again. The dogs love it, and Ava is none the wiser where she is as she snoozes in her infant wrap. Love that thing!

[i love this picture of marley watching over ava. he is very protective of her and sleeps in her room every night. melt my heart.]