I loved this pattern Butterick 5610 as soon as I saw it. Despite a busy week, I managed to cut it out and sew it in a fairly short amount of time.

The fabric is a cotton /lycra with striations. The lace is a poly/lycra blend. I had to line the yoke with self fabric so the lace wouldn't show bra straps.
The pleating was somewhat of a challenge. I wasn't sure about the part of the directions that stated "make inner pleat" was for. I ignored it and ended up with a total of six pleats which is what shows on the pattern drawing.
My fabric was very stretchy and I found the corners of the yoke a challenge to pair with the lower bodice. It all worked out in the end.
I decided to do the elasticized hem. I really like this top. It's not a great look for a busty lady, but I don't care. I'll enjoy wearing this in hot muggy weather this summer.
Stay tuned for two lace dresses,one dating back to 1966, and the one I've just finished for a special event.
Hope you've found time to sew.
More later from