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I'm feeling yucky! :(
I'm irritable (rare), achy, have knots in my stomach accompanied with queasiness.
IF you guess the FLU - you're right! I've got it... going on day 2! Blah!
Gonna make this short . . . soup is ready and then I'm gonna lay low on my comfy couch and watch some tv until bed time. When you've got the flu- the best thing is rest, sleep and more rest ... right??!!
Until Next time . . . Hugs & Smiles!

*lol* Think I should make a new post? It's WAY overdue.
It's also late ... or at this hour - early... anyhooty how you lookie at it - it's wayyyy past my bedtime? Ha guess it depends on where ya be right now (geographically speaking) eh?
Soooo I will make a new post tomorrow and bring y'all up to date on what I've been up to since my last post in *YIPES* November! S.E.R.I.O.U.S.L.Y.?!
it's 2:14 a.m. and it's time for me to nighty-night . . .
Until Next time . . . Hugs & Smiles!

A couple of dear close friends of mine and I did a 3-way private swap... Lots of FUN with a capital "F" = F.U.N.!
I didn't take pics of the things I sent in my packages, I know ~ my bad! *slaps hand* :(
BUT here's what came in box #1:

a scarecrow garden pick, 2 handcrafted candy corns shelf sitters, a pkg. of Prim napkins (I can never find these), "Poison Apple" melting tarts - mmmmm they smell yummilicious! You can ALMOST eat them... you'll wanna if you had these in your possession *lol*, a sweet lil' Annie doll with pumpkin, and a Autumn ceramic plate with candy on it. Candy didn't last! Yep - GONE!
The sweet Annie is my greeter for this month and will be on my Thanksgiving table. She sure makes me SMILE! Thank you so much Diana for the wonderful goodies I got from you!
This was a fun swap and can't wait to do the Secret Santa! Woot!
Until Next time . . . Hugs & Smiles!

Happens every time - OCTOBER came and went. Is it me- or DOES October REALLY go by faster than the other months? I think it does ~ Hmmph!
I worked on Halloween (9-6p)- and I tell you ... the day went by f-a-s-t ... I didn't really see too many people get dressed up ... what's UP with that?
BUT you know it's a good thing when the Halloween candy display (at work) was empty when I came in at the start of my shift and all but 6 bags of Sweetarts were left!
So now it's November and it's 1 more month before I leave for the Mayo Clinic (Dec. 1-3 is my scheduled appointment.) in Minnesota!
I'm kinda looking forward to it, and I'm kinda nervous too. So I may be sporadic-ly quiet and/or MIA as I mentally and emotionally prepare for this trip and appointment. I HOPE they get to the bottom of this idiopathic health issue - so we can take the next step in fixing it. *puts strong face on*
Prayers, Vibes, Candles, Mantras are all welcome!! Thanks! *HUGS*
Until Next time . . . Hugs & Smiles!

Wow has this been a challenging year, to say the least, for me! Not kidding!
Got a surprise 'spur of the moment' call from the apartment manager (I've been on the waiting list) at the last week of September (Sept. 28th to be exact) letting me know that I got approved and was in the number 1 spot for moving in. Cool! When? October 1st! *jaw drops*
Wayyyy cool.... woohoo - waitdaminute..... that's 2 days away (said on the date i found out). Ackkkkkkkkkkkkk - panic and rush = utter chaos (?) kicks in!
Okayyyyy - frantically packing AGAIN (2nd time in 4 mos) ~ getting stuff out of storage/garage, ~ hauled to new place ~ (carried up and down a flight of stairs) ~ unpacked ~ sorted ~ and put away. Done and pretty much settled in now. Yayy! Had to get some towels and necessities. Still need some things, but I'll get them eventually. Love starting over... really I do. Some people don't like change... I don't mind!
Got my internet last Friday (the 8th). Had Sat. the 9th off, but was under the weather so I was in bed all day ~ laying low! Worked Sunday, last night, working today too, but I don't go in until 11 a.m. so I checked my messages, emails, and HAD to post! Been too long! haha! Working tomorrow too, THEN I will FINALLY catch up on my all of my projects that are a little overdue. I'm gonna be a recluse and NOT come online (I MEAN THAT AND YES I CAN & WILL DO IT) at all. This will give me plenty of time to finish up 2 that are needing the final details and 2 more that have been started and need filling and finishing! So I'm gonna literally work my fingers to the bone- even if I have to have coffee in my veins to feed myself *lol* and keep myself going! I refuse to stop and plan to get them ALL out this weekend! I don't like to be behind! And I refuse to flake and I won't! That's just uncool!
Okies- times up... need to get ready for work now... Be Good! Stay Warm! Drink Cider, bake Pumpkin Cookies or Autumn bread!!!
Until Next time . . . Hugs & Smiles!

I've been feeling a bit tired lately . . . and now I know why . . . finally went in for a blood test follow up last Friday Sept. 17th. Got the results a couple of days ago. It's not getting better... in fact it's a little lower than the precious results. *sighs*
Note: for those not in the loop . . . I have what's called Leukopenia.
Leukopenia (also known as leukocytopenia, or leucopenia, from Greek λευκό-white and πενία-deficiency) is a decrease in the number of white blood cells (leukocytes) found in the blood, which places individuals at increased risk of infection.
We've been monitoring and testing for various possible attributes for the last year and a half. Had a Bone Marrow Biopsy and Aspiration procedure done this past May 2010. A lot of things have been ruled out and the list gets smaller, good thing, but we still have quite a bit to test/look for.
I'm currently waiting on a referral/appointment to a specialist/hematologist here in South Dakota. Should be any day now. I may have to be referred to the Mayo Clinic which is the head quarters for complex medical/health issues. Hospitalization is a possibility. No biggie! I'd rather know too much than not enough - so being mentally prepared for a possible hospital stay sits okay with me. I'm staying positive and continue to live up to my Mantra = "One Minute at a Time"!
My results show that my current level of WBC is at 1.9.
*Note*- correction to my family/friends that I've emailed . . . I was misinformed that my results for WBC was 1.4, I, hereby, publicly declare that the CORRECT number should be 1.9
It was at one time 2.2, then 2.0, then 2.1 and current status shows 1.9. Diagnosis = Leukopenia!
Normal human range for WBC should be between 4.0 - 11.0.
Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers as we continue to monitor my health! I continue to smile, look at the bright side of things, remain positive, and am grateful for waking up each morning. You should do the same!
Until Next time . . . Hugs & Smiles!

Autumn is right around the corner ~ the stores have stocked the Autumn/Fall/Halloween/Thanksgiving goodies and I'm loving it! *swoons* :) My FAVORITE time of the year! I'm in my element at the most during these months!
Been nibbling on candy corn lately! They make me smile. I'm REALLY waiting for the Brach's Pumpkins (they have to be Brachs). Haven't found any yet. Not sure if the store where I work will carry them, since my store is a small town grocery store. But I'll keep looking *lol*.
With Autumn in mind.... I've been feeling like baking lately!!! I love to bake! And I'd like to bake an Apple Pie - the deep dish kind with the streusel (sp?) topping on top! MmmMmmm! I can just smell and taste it right now!
Here's where I need YOUR help ... I'm looking for a tried and true pie crust recipe! I'd prefer it to be a yummy, FLAKY pie crust. I'd also prefer that the recipe call for BUTTER or Margarine and not Crisco or shortening?! :P Ya know the kind of crust that is so good you COULD eat the crust alone!
So if you have a Pie Crust recipe you'd like to share - a family recipe, a recipe you swear by, and/or a TRIED & TRUE falky pie crust recipe - I'd appreciate it! You can send it to me in an email at sewestrup(AT)ymail(DOT)com
Hope things are cooling off for y'all ... it is for us here in South Dakota! Heard it snowed in Montana the other day and I thought - Oy - they're gonna have a long winter! Yipes!
Until Next time . . . Hugs & Smiles!

Pat C. of All is Bright is having a Give Away for a cute Pumpkin Doll!

Isn't she C.A.U.T.E. ?
Go over to her blog and get the details on how YOU can win her too. Hurry - the Give Away ends and the winners name gets drawn on September 6th! So go on.... and Good Luck!
Until Next time . . . Hugs & Smiles!

Wowie ... September 1st ALREADY!!
Can you believe that?! Whew!
Today is my day off! I so needed it - at least I think I do.... I had worked 4 days in a row, straight! I know I know - I'm not complaining... just not used to that! With training shifts back to back and THEN a full 8 hour shift! Training which requires memorizing cashier key codes, accepting checks (you have to check for everything and verify), WIC & Food stamps transactions - which are different and have regulations, produce codes, alcohol codes, tobacco codes, lottery codes, codes for different departments and various codes that you have to remember.... a lot of memorizing and making sure that the right codes get implemented! Whew ~ oh AND - I slept in until 10 a.m. this morning! hahaha - Yep - I think I needed it! So I'm off and relaxing today!
I'm house/critter sitting for a friend of mine. Their dog, a greyhound, is a total sweetheart! And their cat is Miss Independent *lol*. Their house is close to where I work (no more than 5 mins. away), so I save on gas for a week. Yay! (I normally drive 30 miles to and from work - so this will be nice for me this week! Plus I can come by the house and check on the critters during my lunch hour. Let the dog out and run around for a bit before returning to my shift. It all works out!
Just checking in - checking my mails, surfing the net, and laying low today! Hope ya'll have a Happy September. What are your plans for this month?
I have so far:
Raggedy Annie Give Away ending and winners names will be drawn Sept. 7th
My daughter C's birthday on Sept. 8th
YoE ornament: Mouse
Jess's Swap: Favorite Annie
some stitching - Thanks Diana for sparking the creativity! Woot!
Until Next time . . . Hugs & Smiles!

I'm still alive!
Lots going on in my corner of the world *lol*!
I got a new job and have been busy with orientation and training.
I'm a cashier at a small town grocery store! I love it (so far) and it's perfect for me! I'll be working 3 days a week (8 hour shifts) - every now and then 4 days a week, but for the most part - 3 days, that's it! Did I say PERFECT! I'm happy with that! I can work AND play! WoOhOo!
I have updated my RAGS blog and posted 4 PRIZE patterns that will be given away ~ I was gonna give away 3, but I'm feeling generous - so there will be 4 patterns given away as prizes!
I've also updated the original Give Away guidelines... Instead of for every 50 followers - I will give away 4 patterns as prizes regardless of how many followers I have over at RAGS. I'm doing it for several reasons... 1st Raggedy Annie's Birthday is September 7th (Happy Birthday Annie), 2nd - I love sharing Annie love, and 3rd - Because I said so! Hahaha! I can change the rules and it's ALL GOOD :) !!!
So cruise on over and follow me over at R.A.G.S. if you want to be "in the loop" on Raggedy Ann Blog Events that I will host throughout the year! Some give aways will be Annie Dolls, Patterns, and fun things. I will also host fun Blog-Hop events that we can all participate in. So grab a RAGS button, post on your blog as a pst or on the side bar, and share with your friends. Names will be drawn on Sept. 7th for the Pattern Prizes!
Until Next time . . . Hugs & Smiles!
This has been a busy month for me!
Weather has been nice! Just a couple of days where the temps reached 97, but overall it has been NICE and tolerable.
I've been seeing my daughter at Well Springs every week and she has been making remarkable progress. She's working very hard on her behavioral and mental health issues. It's not always easy, she still struggles in some areas, BUT she's working it! Way to Go Girl! I'm proud of you! I've been taking pictures of my visits with her as well but they're uploaded on my FB profile. Feel free to let me know if you want me to add you! My profile is set to private, but if I know ya - I'll be happy to add my friends! :)
Been crafty and creatin' too!
Diana had another Raggedy Annie swap - the theme: Cherry Ann! S.W.E.E.T.
My swap partner was Tammy Rose. Ha- luck has it that we've been partnered for a number of different swaps- and she has several Annies I've made and swapped out!
Here's the Cherry Annie I made . . . along with some extras for fun!
The pattern was made the host Momma herself, Diana! This was a fun pattern to work with! Thanks for a fun swap Diana! Wonder what's next?
Until Next time . . . Hugs & Smiles!