Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Birthday Bash

At the Tate house, birthdays are no small affair! It all started when Seth and I were first dating and he decided that instead of celebrating my birthDAY we would celebrate my birthWEEK. The following year, my birthWEEK was even more special when the gift for one of the days came in a very small box accompanied by a marriage proposal!

While we don't neccesarily celebrate with 7 days of presents and fun anymore, birthdays are still special and involve more than one day of celebration! This year, Morgan had his first"friend" birthday party and it was so much fun! Morgan invited all of his buddies. All the kids brought bikes or cars to ride around our church gym and played with various racetracks, shake and go and matchbox cars.

We had lunch of penut butter and jelly sandwiches, grapes, carrot sticks, goldfish crackers and capri suns - Morgan's favorite lunch.

The kids made and decorated cars out of fruit boxes and paper plates and then went to the "Drive In".
We sang Happy Birthday from our cars and the kids got to eat cake in their cars while they watched a very special movie starring themselves (video footage Seth took during the party)!Then we opened presents!
Click here to see and download more pictures from the party. (Send us an email if you want the password and the hint doesn't help).

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Too Much Fun!

I have been a major slacker about my blogging lately (and my scrapbooking, and my reading, and so many other things in my life). I've decided that it is okay though - if we weren't out doing lots of fun things that prevented me from blogging, what would I have to write about?

Wednesday night, Seth and I went to the Ben Folds concert with my brothers and their friends and girlfriend. It made me feel really old - and I am only 24. Despite some serious potty mouth, it was so much fun and great music!

Thursday night Morgan's buddy Jackson and his little brother Crew came over to play (his parents got Jazz playoff tickets - lucky!) until I forced all the kids to go to sleep so I could watch the Office - an unsuccessful attempt with a 3-year-old, 2-year-old, 1-year-old, and 3-month-old in a 3 bedroom house - luckily the episode is online! Morgan and Jackson had matching jammies on and were so cute, but somehow I forgot to pull out the camera in the chaos - I know, how could I let that happen, right?

Yesterday, we went with our playgroup buddies to Wheeler Farm (click to see more pictures) and endured some seriously cold wind! We were happy to enjoy the sunshine anyway! Morgan loved the lambs. He loved petting them, feeding them, and laughing at them. Chloe liked the lambs and the baby chicks too, but she was pretty ticked when I wouldn't let her stand her cute little shoes in the farm mud to see the baby cow. Yeah, yeah - I'm a party pooper, but she doesn't walk on her own, so that stinky mud would have been all over me when she was done!

Then, it was off to my cousin Lydia's birthday party (she was turning 6 - Morgan was the one invited - see why I feel old?) to play outside, get faces pained, and ride the pony (click to see more pictures)! Morgan especially loved the sand pile in the back, complete with dinosaurs, diggers and trucks. Watching Lydia open her presents got him really excited for his own party which was today (there will be another post to come on this). Too much fun for one day if you ask me!

After all of this, I am still waiting for my much deserved break from Tuesday! And after reading all this, you probably deserve a break too!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

I Think I Deserve a Break

After a day of cleaning my house, baking a cake and hosting a birthday party yesterday, I thought I deserved a break...

so today I have:
read three chapters in my current read before my kids woke up (shocking, I know, but after an early phone call I couldn't get back to sleep)
showed Morgan all the pictures from his birthday
fed the kids breakfast
assembled a hot wheels race track
played with said race track
gotten everyone dressed
changed the sheets on both kids' beds
done three loads of laundry
cleaned out the "stuff" drawer in my kitchen
reorganized 2 of my kitchen cupboards
gone through and organized all of my "paperwork"
gotten another quote for A/C (woohoo)
cleaned up from the birthday party
fixed lunch and ate it with Morgan at his picnic table
done some obedience training with the dogs
played on the swing with Morgan
fed Chloe lunch
walked around the house with Chloe
colored with Chloe
cleaned up after Chloe's coloring
done the prepwork for dinner
cleaned up after the prepwork for dinner

...and now that naptime is almost over...I REALLY deserve a break! Unfortunately, there is still a long list of things I haven't done and my house is somehow still a mess. Maybe I'll get to take a shower tomorrow...

Oh, and if you are wondering, this is pretty much a normal day.

Well, back to work, but at least I can add "update blog" to the stuff I got done today list!

Monday, April 21, 2008

Happy Birthday to Morgan!

Morgan turned three today! He came into our room first thing this morning and asked if it was time to open presents! He knows what birthday means at our house - you will be spoiled rotten with presents!

He went on his Birthday Date with Dad - riding Trax down to the gateway to get Ben and Jerry's and watch the fountains. Then they grabbed some Wendy's (with some more ice cream) on their way home.

Later we went to dinner with my family and then back to our house for some cake (which I made - yay me!) and even more ice cream and more presents to open!

Morgan even got to stay up a little late playing Karaoke Revolution and Guitar Hero with his aunts and uncles! He got this wonderful little guitar for his birthday that makes him feel like he is playing without getting booed off the stage!

Here are three of the countless things I love about Morgan:

1. He has a hillariously contagious laugh!

2. He is super friendly and courteous!

3. When he shows people how old he is now, he does it with his thumb, pointer and pinky fingers - three fingers and I love you all in one!

Monday, April 14, 2008

I am MOMMY, hear me roar!

I can handle just about anything. Spit up, dog slobber, gooshing poopy diapers/clothing/sheets, dirty binkis, dog hair that finds its way into my fridge, muddy dog feet tromping through my house, spiders, bugs, sticky fingers, sticky fingerprints all over my stainles steel appliances (and so much more) - you don't scare me!

And then there's vomit. I don't do so well with vomit. (We got a new couch and loveseat this weekend - Yay! Why? Because one of the dogs threw up on the old one and despite my best cleaning efforts, I couldn't get the smell out enough to erase the memory of dog vomit).

Today Chloe has the flu. It took me 15 minutes to work up the courage to pick up icky-vomit-crusted Chloe out of her bed and into the bath. I called Seth for some empathy and he told me the hospital trick for clean-up duty: a dab of toothpaste in a surgical mask (which we do have hanging around here).

After less than a day of giving baths, taking showers, changing clothes, changing sheets, doing laundry and scrubbing the floor - I am pretty proud of the state my house is in! Motherly powers are pretty amazing - I am Mommy, hear me roar!

Sunday, April 13, 2008

She's a Keeper

This morning the kids took a bath. They were playing so sweetly together and Chloe was having so much fun with Morgan. She leaned over to him with her mouth wide open to give him a kiss.
At first he wasn't sure what she was doing, but when he realized she was giving kisses, he happily obliged. It was so darling and they kept doing it long enough that I was able to grab my camera and capture the sweet moment!
A few minutes later ....

Jen "When* we have another baby, do you want a boy baby or a girl baby?"
Morgan (without hesitation) "A boy!"
Jen "Yeah, I think you would really like to have a little brother to play with."
. . . . (minute of contemplation)
Morgan (very matter-of-factly) "But mom...we will still keep Chloe too."

Apparently Morgan likes Chloe enough to keep her around!

(*This is not an announcement - I just like to plan ahead - WAY ahead!)

TuTu Time - Part 2

The tutu is making the rounds at our house! Morgan tried it on the other day - Seth was the one with him when he put it on and the one telling Morgan to make a circle with his arms, so don't look at me if he takes up ballet down the road! I wonder who will wear the tutu next - Callie? Roxy? Hmmm...

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

TuTu Time

My wonderful cousin Dusti invited me to a tutu party a few weeks ago and I couldn't make it, so she sent me the link to the tutu blog. These tutus are darling and I would totally recommend you buy one for your little girl. I, however, am too cheap, and insanely assume that I can handle any kind of craft, so I decided to make one myself. So here she is - my darling girl in her darling tutu (and matching hairbow). Hopefully I will get some better picts - but this will have to work for now!

Dentist Appointment

Morgan had his first dentist appointment yesterday and he was phenominal! I've been prepping him lately by going over what the dentist would do and how he should hold his mouth open and not bite the dentist. The receptionist told me they would "do what they could" when I checked him in, because apparently most kids under 3 get wigged out by the dentist. "I think he'll be okay," I told her - she looked at me as if to say, "Riiiiiight - just what every parent says right before their kid has a total meltdown in the dental chair."
So back we went to the chair, he said hello, hopped up, and opened his mouth as wide as he could. I told him he could close his mouth until the hygenist was ready, but he insisted on keeping it wide open!

He didn't like the light in his eyes - but then who really does - so they turned it off, but he sat perfectly still while the hygenist flossed and cleaned his teeth. Then he told her thank you! What a guy!
They gave him a new toothbrush kit and a suction ball and he waited patiently until the dentist came to count his teeth.
Diagnosis: 20 teeth, no cavities and the most well-behaved child under the age of three our dentist has ever seen!

"I think you want to buy me these..."

I said to Seth as I handed him these flowers in Costco yesterday.

He did (with Morgan's help) and they have brought me so much happiness ever since.

Monday, April 7, 2008


I am obsessed with ribbon. If you have been in my basement, you can probably attest to this fact. I don't use a lot of ribbon, but I love to buy it!

I have been rearranging my scrapbook space to make it more inspiring (despite the rediculously useless layout of my basement family room) and realized how much ribbon I really have. I had two wooden rods across my window where I stored all the "small" rolls of ribbon that I use for scrapbooking (and making bows for Chloe), two small containers for loose ribbon, and a giant drawer full of rolls that wouldn't fit on the rods - not to mention the bin of ribbon for wrapping gifts.

Since I was being overtaken by ribbon I had this nifty idea to use clothespins as "spools" and wrap the ribbon around them to be displayed in clear jars (from IKEA of course). Cute idea, huh?! (Also, notice there are 2 jars of pink - anyone guess my favorite color?)

Well, despite the fact that my newly filled jars are now overflowing with ribbon and I still have one rod and the giant drawer to go, I saw this week's Michael's ad and thought, with a sense of urgency, "I have to go get some of that darling ribbon while it is on sale!" Sick and twisted!

Well, my sweet obsession, at least you are cheeper than shoes!

P.S. I'll post more pictures of the new scrapbook space when it is finished - right now it is a big giant mess, but it will be so cute!

A Very Good Week

At last! A good TV week. I know it is pathetic that I am so excited about this week because of TV, but I am! Tonight, we kick off the week with an all new Samantha Who?, tomorrow is an all new One Tree Hill (I haven't kicked it yet) and Beauty and the Geek, and then Thursday - oh sweet Thursday, is an all new 30 Rock, The Office and Scrubs, and finally, Saturday Night Live with Ashton Kutcher on Saturday. So, don't try to get a hold of me during this weeks prime time - unless it is a commercial break!

Sorry - I lied - One Tree Hill isn't new until next week - and it will be on Monday's - Samantha Who? or One Tree Hill - decisions, decisions!

Sunday, April 6, 2008

The Rich Moments of Motherhood

I have felt so uplifted and blessed listening to LDS general conference over the past two days. My testimony has been strengthened and I have learned so much.

I was especially touched by M. Russell Ballard's message for mothers of young children this afternoon. I am grateful to be a member of a church where my work as a stay-at-home mom is appreciated and supported. Along this journey of motherhood, I am surrounded by support and love from those around me - a sweet and wonderful husband, amazing family, and incredible friends. I have been blessed with two darling children with tender spirits and good hearts. I have a renewed dedication to embrace every wonderful moment when the rewards of motherhood are evident - and they are many!

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Happy Birthday to Seth

Happy 28th birthday to my most wonderful and amazing hubby! In honor of his birthday, I have to say some wonderful things about the love of my life!

Seth is the sweetest, most genuine and hillarious person. He will help anyone, anytime, with anything. He is an incredible dad to ALL of our kids (dogs included) and takes such good care of our family! He is awesome to his family and mine and I think my family likes him more than me (they would never admit it, but I am pretty sure it is true!) He listens to my ramblings (and I ramble a lot) and even acts like he cares! I never cease to be amused and entertained just hanging out with him! He is such a rock in the gospel and magnifies every calling he has! He is a great neighbor, and all the kids and youth in our neighborhood who know him, love him!

I could go on and on about how great he is, but I think I will leave it at this - Happy Birthday - you are amazing! Love you Sethy!

Darn Those Dogs

(This was written yesterday - I am still posting it because it is my reality and thus neccesary for journaling purposes - plus I think some of you out there may think that I am perfectly in control all of the time - I am not!)

I love my dogs! They are the most wonderful, sweet and beautiful things. They are great with the kids and sure make our house exciting (sometimes a little too exciting). Today, however, I would give them away to the first taker!

Despite the fact that we should be quarantined in our house since everyone around here is sick (except me and my miraculous motherly antibodies), we went out to run some errands today and met my family for lunch where I had a little too much Dr. Pepper. As we pulled into the driveway, I told Morgan that I needed to go potty, so he would have to hurry and get out, or he would have to stay in the car until I came back out to get him. He told me he wasn’t ready to get out, so I got Chloe out of the car, locked the doors with Morgan inside, and headed inside to relieve my pea-sized bladder (if you have had a child, you know what I am talking about). Morgan flipped out and decided to come inside – bawling the whole way – as s l o w l y as possible. As I reached the door, still buttoning my pants, Callie took off down the street!

So, here I am with a bawling child, a curious one-year-old, a barking dog in a kennel, and another dog sprinting down the street! Off I went to fetch Callie, after yelling at Morgan to stay in the house and not let Chloe escape, only to realize that I was wearing very impractical shoes and Callie never got her collar back on after her bath last night. About 5 houses down the street, I realized that Morgan was venturing out into the front yard, so I left Callie and “ran” home as fast as I could in the cloncker shoes I was wearing. I got Morgan and Chloe resituated inside – again with specific instructions to sit in one place and NOT to open the door for any reason – and changed into running shoes, grabbed a frisbee for bribery, and took off again to find my crazy dog! I couldn’t see her anywhere, so I returned home and took Chloe outside with me to watch for her and call her.

Finally, I caught sight of her headed my way and, frisbee in hand, tried to coax her toward me and into the house. A neighbor and her dog kept Callie’s attention while I ran across the street to grab her and bring her home. Mind you, I now have Chloe and the frisbee in one hand and Callie, by the back of her neck, in my other. Right as I got hold of Callie, I saw Roxy come bounding out the door. Funny – I left her in her kennel, in the house with the door closed, yet now she was in the front yard – thanks Morgan, I needed something else to keep me busy! Roxy came across the street toward Callie and nearly got hit by a car, I let go of Callie and grabbed hold of Roxy (knowing that Callie would probably come on her own at this point). The car that almost hit Roxy had stopped and was asking me if I needed some help (thank you for asking whoever you are), and I was so frazzled that I responded, “I don’t even know right now!” What? I don’t say rude things like that to people I don’t even know – or people I do know, for that matter! As she was asking me, Callie darted across the street to Morgan and nearly got hit by a car coming the other direction! If you had been an innocent bystander, as were many of my neighbors I have never met before, this is pretty much what you would have heard coming out of my mouth in a very frantic and severe screaming tone, “STOP!” “CALLIE!” “MORGAN!” “STOP!” “ROXY” “STOP!!!!”

Finally, I made it back across the street, Roxy and Chloe in hand, where I followed Callie and Morgan into the house and slammed the door in frustration! I yelled at Morgan and put him in timeout, I yelled at the dogs and put them both in the kennel, I put Chloe in her room to play, and then I put myself in timeout for losing my temper and being completely out of control! Not my best moment! When I finally calmed down, I apologized to everyone and explained to Morgan, in a more civilized tone, the danger of letting the dogs escape.

After putting the kids down for their naps, I placed a call to Seth at work to let him know that unless he could magically train the dogs to not run away by the next time he works, he would have to get rid of at least one (if not both) of HIS dogs. He was busy with a patient, so I was left with only a blog to talk to (and our internet is down, so I won’t even be able to post the blog for a day or so)! When he calls me back, I think I’ll just let him know that “stay in the front yard when you escape” training will be necessary for both dogs in the very near future! Maybe I will even be able to laugh a little when I tell him why! For any of you that might think that I never lose my temper – now you know that I do – and it isn’t pretty! Also, any dog training recommendations would sure come in handy!