This was written yesterday - I am still posting it because it is my reality and thus neccesary for journaling purposes - plus I think some of you out there may think that I am perfectly in control all of the time - I am not!)I love my dogs! They are the most wonderful, sweet and beautiful things. They are great with the kids and sure make our house exciting (sometimes a little too exciting). Today, however, I would give them away to the first taker!
Despite the fact that we should be quarantined in our house since everyone around here is sick (except me and my miraculous motherly antibodies), we went out to run some errands today and met my family for lunch where I had a little too much Dr. Pepper. As we pulled into the driveway, I told Morgan that I needed to go potty, so he would have to hurry and get out, or he would have to stay in the car until I came back out to get him. He told me he wasn’t ready to get out, so I got Chloe out of the car, locked the doors with Morgan inside, and headed inside to relieve my pea-sized bladder (if you have had a child, you know what I am talking about). Morgan flipped out and decided to come inside – bawling the whole way – as s l o w l y as possible. As I reached the door, still buttoning my pants, Callie took off down the street!
So, here I am with a bawling child, a curious one-year-old, a barking dog in a kennel, and another dog sprinting down the street! Off I went to fetch Callie, after yelling at Morgan to stay in the house and not let Chloe escape, only to realize that I was wearing very impractical shoes and Callie never got her collar back on after her bath last night. About 5 houses down the street, I realized that Morgan was venturing out into the front yard, so I left Callie and “ran” home as fast as I could in the cloncker shoes I was wearing. I got Morgan and Chloe resituated inside – again with specific instructions to sit in one place and NOT to open the door for any reason – and changed into running shoes, grabbed a frisbee for bribery, and took off again to find my crazy dog! I couldn’t see her anywhere, so I returned home and took Chloe outside with me to watch for her and call her.
Finally, I caught sight of her headed my way and, frisbee in hand, tried to coax her toward me and into the house. A neighbor and her dog kept Callie’s attention while I ran across the street to grab her and bring her home. Mind you, I now have Chloe and the frisbee in one hand and Callie, by the back of her neck, in my other. Right as I got hold of Callie, I saw Roxy come bounding out the door. Funny – I left her in her kennel, in the house with the door closed, yet now she was in the front yard – thanks Morgan, I needed something else to keep me busy! Roxy came across the street toward Callie and nearly got hit by a car, I let go of Callie and grabbed hold of Roxy (knowing that Callie would probably come on her own at this point). The car that almost hit Roxy had stopped and was asking me if I needed some help (thank you for asking whoever you are), and I was so frazzled that I responded, “I don’t even know right now!” What? I don’t say rude things like that to people I don’t even know – or people I do know, for that matter! As she was asking me, Callie darted across the street to Morgan and nearly got hit by a car coming the other direction! If you had been an innocent bystander, as were many of my neighbors I have never met before, this is pretty much what you would have heard coming out of my mouth in a very frantic and severe screaming tone, “STOP!” “CALLIE!” “MORGAN!” “STOP!” “ROXY” “STOP!!!!”
Finally, I made it back across the street, Roxy and Chloe in hand, where I followed Callie and Morgan into the house and slammed the door in frustration! I yelled at Morgan and put him in timeout, I yelled at the dogs and put them both in the kennel, I put Chloe in her room to play, and then I put myself in timeout for losing my temper and being completely out of control! Not my best moment! When I finally calmed down, I apologized to everyone and explained to Morgan, in a more civilized tone, the danger of letting the dogs escape.
After putting the kids down for their naps, I placed a call to Seth at work to let him know that unless he could magically train the dogs to not run away by the next time he works, he would have to get rid of at least one (if not both) of HIS dogs. He was busy with a patient, so I was left with only a blog to talk to (and our internet is down, so I won’t even be able to post the blog for a day or so)! When he calls me back, I think I’ll just let him know that “stay in the front yard when you escape” training will be necessary for both dogs in the very near future! Maybe I will even be able to laugh a little when I tell him why! For any of you that might think that I never lose my temper – now you know that I do – and it isn’t pretty! Also, any dog training recommendations would sure come in handy!