February 24, 2011

Here are my two cuties after getting all cleaned up from gardening. Yep, we decided to be crazy and try out a garden this year. We might have planted a little early, but we were excited to get started. Plus I wanted to start before I had the baby. The kids loved digging in the dirt!

Here is our plain ring ready to be filled with dirt!

Shaun and the kids are breaking up the dirt clumps and spreading it around

And the finished product!! I bought a strawberry plant and a tomato plant and did the rest from seeds. We have some carrots, cucumbers, lettuce, and flowers-for Janalee all from seeds. Hopefully something will come up, everyone keep your fingers crossed!

Here is a little video from tonight. Janalee keeps calling Parker "Princess Parker, come dance with me" and I keep trying to explain that he is a boy so he is "Prince Parker" still cute though!

February 22, 2011

Family Pictures

Here is my totally awesome family!!

I haven't been on here for a while because I have been on vacation for a few weeks to Arizona-woo hoo!! Then when we got back we got back we had to recover from the illness we got while there and when we got back. Both kids had the croup and Janalee had an ear infection. I just had a nice big head cold, Shaun somehow missed out on the sickness.

Anyway, the trip was so much fun!!! I loved being around all my family and miss them so much already! I hope that when we are done here in Florida we can move back there to be close to them again. Everyone needs to pray that we can find a job there!

Well, here is the star of the trip, my cute niece Kaylee!! My favorite part is her big huge cheeks and also her hair that sticks straight up. What a cutie pie!!!

While we were down there we decided that we should take some family pictures because this was the first time we had all been together-ever. Shaun wasn't able to make it to the weddings last summer and hadn't even met one of our brother-in-laws. So we decided to pick a very sunny afternoon so we could all have squinty eyes! haha

Here is my awesome Grandma Williams!! Love her to pieces!

I love this picture!! Grandma and Grandpa with all their grand kids!

Here we are with our pregnant bellies :) (I think I was about 32 weeks at this point)

Here is my sister Jamie and her hubby Josh

This is our 5 generation picture of all us wonderful-awesome ladies!!

The 2 cutest kids alive!!!

Janalee loves her daddy!

My cute little man!

All of us siblings being our crazy selves!

All the awesome ladies in the family!

Here are our handsome men!

You may have noticed that there isn't a picture of shaun, me and the kids. Well, that is because there isn't a single one where we are all looking at the same camera, or someone isn't picking their nose, or crying. Well, when this new baby comes we will have to fix that problem!