As expected, since thursday the precious clinical analyzer buat hal lagi..ingatkan everything under control..but suddenly it turned more bad and bad...and for the 1st time aku ON CALL..
Yang amat pelik bin ajaib..bukan pertama kali analyzer ni havin a problem..before this pon da ade..cuma this time, timing i mmg x betol..baru je masuk keje seminggu, menjadi2 rosak plak..yang buat aku bengang mestilah pasal MLT aku..before this mcm mana dorang handle bile mesin dah rosak..pelik pelik pelik..they keep callin me and asking me what to do..mmg blur la aku yg mmg x penah ade experience mesin rosak..6 months stay kat GH x penah pon ade hal mesin rosak but balik district ni macam2 hal plak..mmg paham la mesin tu dah 17 thun digunakan..workload pon da banyak..mmg la die nak wat hal kalau da x wat maintenance properly kan..
Weekend yg x best...aku da plan nak balik KB amik barang..then kene patah balik ke TM tuk tgk mesin dibaiki..kebetulan technical engineer from terengganu datang nak a lab manager, aku kene la kenal with the drove back to TM..everything goes well at first..but suddenly the tubing broken..goshhh!!the shyringe pon bocor..ade wap mmg x bole nak run anything..Si engineer berusaha untuk membetulkan keadaan..aku da sakit kepala..since morning satu sample pun x boleh run..the ward keep calling asked bout the result..and i heard got ILI cases in the emergency room...aaaaaaahhhhh...stressssss!after talking to the Drs, they agreed to send the sample next morning cos kalau die bagi now pon i stil x dpt only GH yg bole perform H1N1.
Jam dah 6 sumthing..aku dah pening cos cuaca panas sangat..and i'm driving 1 hour dr KB to TM..kepala yg berat aku minta diri nak balik dulu..plan nak stay kat kuarters hospital je..tapi disebabkan stress aku drive balik to KB..another 1 hour..but at least i feel more better..
and again..the MLT keep calling me update with the situation til 2am..but the analyzer still x bole nak run anything..calibrator and qc asik out..i called the application team in KL and askin their opinion..thanks to them cos layan i at 2am in the morning...i dunno what time i slept but just awake bile my staff called me back at 6am..this time analyzer masih no progression..pening aku pikir nape la mesin ni nak merajuk sgt...the application team also updates me and we tried our best to find the 2pm on staff called and informed everything is OK!
Waaaa..mcm nak nangis aku..what a day i have this weekend...i really really thanked to the application team..sangat baik melayan me all nite long...suddenly rasa inilah experience yang paling berharga i've learnt as new manager...but stil x puas hati with my staff yg da keje 10 thun masih xtau pape bout the analyzer..they just know how to run the test by click "ENTER" but they dun even know how the machine program...
Suddenly rasa nak marah je..itulah beza antara aku pegawai sains and u MLT...nape la u all x nak respek i yg muda ni lagi bijak dr u all!!!haishhhhhh...tu pon nak kutuk2 peg sains patot dihapuskan je!ade ke patot..padehal same2 wat keje masing2 tuk menghasilkan produk yg diminta oleh para Dr dan Specialist!! proud of myselffff!!!!
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Disaster Alert in Hospital

Wohoooooo.....berkesempatan nak join the team..early in the morning tgk my staff prepared the "blood" looks real doh..
Ade gerabak keretapi jatuh dlm sungai..then sibok la police ngn bomba menyelamatkan victims..then kat hospital ade announcement "Perhatian kpd semua staffs Yellow Alert! Yellow Alert! Yellow Alert!....a few hours later turned to Red Alert! Red Alert! Red Alert!..and all the staffs serbu Emergency Room..specialist..drs..nurses...and me!hehehe...
Kesimpulan yg dapat dibuat: if ade betol la bencana ni..i dun think the hospital would b able to handle the situation..with the less number of ambulance..siap ade ambulance rosak kat tepi jalan..hahaha..x pasal2 kene hantar van lain tuk amik victims yg parah tersadai kt tepi jalan..what a day!suddenly terbayangkan Indonesian when they faced the earthquake..seriouss yang ini pon aku da takottt!!
new life

16th may 2010..1st day repot duti..of course mmg totally blur xtau nak buat apa cos datang tempat orang just b observer...baca report, check document..baca la pape yg ade..konon2 tunjuk workoholic..interested..hahaha..but the truth BLURRRR...
then 2nd day...suddenly kene wakilkan senior gi "mesyuarat pagi"..normally 4-5 hours but luckily my boss ade dipendekkan to 2 hours..itu pon aku dah mcm kene kejutan cos boss naik minyak ngn staff yang diberi keje tapi x siapkan keje..ermmm aku xtau anything but just listen and watched the drama...i can see la the faces of the specialist, drs, matron and nurses..sume tunduk memandang meja..and aku??pe aku wat?menyorokkan muke di sebalik orang cos takut boss realize i'm a new staff..hahaha...but gile mmg gile when the boss said "SHIT"..well that's my BOSS..
3rd day-went for taklimat bencana..shud b prepared for bencana alert yang akan dijalankan pada hari kamis...i diajak joined as a team...
4th day-yeahhhh latihan bencana..hahaha..kelam kabut hospital..
5th day- harus ke perhimpunan pagi di dewan memperkenalkan diri..huhuhu..bising dan gamat dewan bile aku cakap "masih bujang"..then Boss perli kaum lelaki in the hall..jgn gatal2 nak tambah bini lagi..hahahaa...oh yaaaaa clinical chemistry analyzer AU680 dah mula menunjukkan tanda2 nak rosak lagi...haishhhhh..berkejar aku mengerahkan Radicare hantar samples to Lablink..kene lak byk urgent cases on tht day...aaaa..sudah mula tensionnnn!!!!!
Semoga everythiing is fine with the analyzer..let me have a great weekend plissss!
Friday, May 07, 2010
lets bake!
Before ni penah bgtau my staff, if i free i will bake a bread pudding for them..lama juge la aku lupakan kata2 itu until aku sedar aku cuma ada seminggu je lagi masa nak berpisah ngn all my staff here in kota bharu..after this i will start my new life as manager@ketua unit jabatan pathology hospital tanah merah..sounds great huh??ketua jabatan..but xtau la ape rintangan dan cabaran menanti di hadapan...
this week start la new schedule waktu bekerja dimana hari kamis hanya keje dr 8pg til 330 ptg..lab tutup awal..but one condition..dah xde rehat lama2 mcm gomen yang lain...on da way balik rumah nmpak la hypermarket Mydin yg baru dibuka about 2 months ago..well Mydin kat sini katanya paling besar di M'sia..sebijik mcm Tesco..mmg besar..and aku pon xpenah pegi cos everytime tgk asik jammed je jalan nak masuk ke tht area...
so i've decided nak pegi la for the first time..wahhh best dapat shopping sorang2..lame x buat aktiviti beli barang rumah sorang2..jalan2 pusing2..suddenly nampak la loyang nak buat kek..xtau kenape rs cm tertarik plak..mula la imagine nak buat choc kek la..cheese kek la...tiba2 teringat x buat lagi puding roti tuk my staff...halamakkkk..dah rs cm berjanji i planned nak buat puding roti for them before its too late..pusing2 cari barang..beli fresh milk, esen vanila,roti gardenia, almond, chestnut and kismis..
so here's some pic...rasa sedap cuma maybe roti not really soaked ngn xde la lembut sgt..overall aku bole habiskan 4 slices today,x layan nasi dah..

this week start la new schedule waktu bekerja dimana hari kamis hanya keje dr 8pg til 330 ptg..lab tutup awal..but one condition..dah xde rehat lama2 mcm gomen yang lain...on da way balik rumah nmpak la hypermarket Mydin yg baru dibuka about 2 months ago..well Mydin kat sini katanya paling besar di M'sia..sebijik mcm Tesco..mmg besar..and aku pon xpenah pegi cos everytime tgk asik jammed je jalan nak masuk ke tht area...
so i've decided nak pegi la for the first time..wahhh best dapat shopping sorang2..lame x buat aktiviti beli barang rumah sorang2..jalan2 pusing2..suddenly nampak la loyang nak buat kek..xtau kenape rs cm tertarik plak..mula la imagine nak buat choc kek la..cheese kek la...tiba2 teringat x buat lagi puding roti tuk my staff...halamakkkk..dah rs cm berjanji i planned nak buat puding roti for them before its too late..pusing2 cari barang..beli fresh milk, esen vanila,roti gardenia, almond, chestnut and kismis..
so here's some pic...rasa sedap cuma maybe roti not really soaked ngn xde la lembut sgt..overall aku bole habiskan 4 slices today,x layan nasi dah..

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