Sunday, December 20, 2009

Stocking Stuffer

Sofie, sporting Katie's knitted stocking cap.

Saturday, December 5, 2009


Sofie's first picture with Santa was not taken at her happiest moment.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Walking With Grandparents

Here are some pics of Sofie walking with Katie's parents, Chuck and Sue, on Thanksgiving Day.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

A New Cousin!

Sofie now has newly born cousin!!

Cousin 1 from JkKenfield on Vimeo.

Cousin 2 from JkKenfield on Vimeo.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Our Little IT

A Halloween costume idea we sadly did not get around to making. Katie was going to build it out of yarn. If we had more time and materials, Kate and I would have dressed as Morticia and Gomez.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

High Rez Steps

We've already posted this, but here it is again in much better resolution.

First Steps from JkKenfield on Vimeo.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Tuesday, September 29, 2009


This is Sofie with our friends large, old Labrador, Wookie. He was a gentle giant and Sofie loved him. This was was taped when we were in Nevada.

Wookie from JkKenfield on Vimeo.

Video Problems

Hi guys,
We're sorry for not putting updates on this blog for a while, but we've been having a lot of trouble with You Tube. We've uploaded a good chunk of new videos on our account but they are all squeezed on the sides so everything look long and narrow.

We are trying to resolve this problem but once we do we'll need to replace all the squished videos. In the meantime we opened a Vimeo account which gives us amazing video quality (check this out)

First Sweet Potatos from JkKenfield on Vimeo.

The problem is that we can only upload about one or two videos a week and we are limited by space, unless we purchase an account ($59.95 a year).
We'll let you know once we get thing worked out.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Like Father, Like Daughter

Sofie loves Kermit.This was taken by Katie's father, Colin. Sofie is being held by Marg, Katie's step-mom.

Thursday, January 1, 2009



A Slightly Late Christmas Message


And as Tiny Sofie observed, "Squee! Gurble! Dadadada! Drool." (Translation: "God bless us, every one!")