Thursday, October 23, 2008

Sofia's YouTube Page

Hey guys,
Sorry for the lack of posts, but we have been busy uploading videos onto for the Grandparents. If you want to check them out, visit our YouTube page by clicking HERE.
When watching a video be sure to click on "watch in high quality" just below the video image for better resolution.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Grandpa Kenfield Holding Granddaughter

Here's some more video of Grandpa Kenfield holding his Granddaughter for the first time.

Video Catch Up

Hi everyone,
As you know we have some major material to catch up on, so lets get going!

Here is Sofie playing chameleon on her first night at the hospital.

A tiny Sofia testing out her normal baby size hippo play mat.

Auntie Lani holding her Niece for the fist time!

Hanging out at Uncle Josh and Aunt Emily's pad.

Auntie Lani brings out the best in Sofie.

Hiccups in bed.

Hiccups in the Hippo.

Sofie breaks-down!

Pretty In Pink.

Saturday, August 2, 2008

Sofia's Birth

Until we are able to get our computer up and running again (currently we're using someone else's computer), here are some videos of Sofia's birth!

This is Josh (Katie's brother) holding his niece for the first time!

This is Josh's wife, Emily (Sister In-Law) holding her niece for the first time!

I (Josh) apologize for the way I look and sound.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

Long Time, No Post

Hi everyone!
You’ve probably noticed that we have not posted anything for a while now and that is mainly due the fact that our computer keep crashing on us every five minutes. This makes it very difficult for us to use the internet for anything, especially posting on our blogs. We hope to get a newer computer soon, in the meantime we’ll try to put a few posts up if our computer will let us.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Happy Father's Day!

Katie and Sofia surpised with my first Father's Day! -Josh

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Gentlemen, We Have A Belly Button!

At 4:15am Sofia's dried up umbilical cord finally came out!
If you're brave enough to view the disgusting dead flesh that fell off of our child, be our GUEST.
For the rest of you, HERE.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Welcome To Sofie's World!

Hi everyone,
This a blog that is solely dedicated to our beautiful daughter Sofia.
The main reason this blog exists is for the Grandparents who live out of state (and Josh's parents are about to leave the country) to have a way of watching Sofia's development from far away. Of course anyone else in the family and good friends are also welcome!