Sunday, July 14, 2013

Elliott's Arrival

If you are anything like me the death of Google Reader has significantly diminished my blog following, but I would still like to blog the event of Elliott's Arrival.  This is pretty long, if any of you actually make it through are awesome. I was planning on writing it down to send to my brother who is on his mission in Minnesota, but now it is so long and he might not even have time to read it all.

  With Charlotte I was so prepared.  My "nesting" preparations included getting her bedroom completely set up over a month before she came, cleaning out all of the closets and cupboards, cleaning out the outside storage unit, packing a hospital bag with a written list of all of the items to throw in last minute, having Richard steam clean our carpets, creating a "push it" playlist to listen to at the hospital, washing and neatly hanging all of her little outfits in the closet and on and on.  Well this time I feel like I was just barely scrapping by and was lucky I vacuumed upstairs once before he came.  I think I might have sprayed some tilex in the tub one time last week and that was pretty much the extent of my "nesting" this time. See, life has been crazy around here because Rich started a new job and is away for much of the week, while I have continued to work full time and I was finishing out my time as Relief Society President. Elliott was due on the17th and I figured I still had a week. Things in my life were supposed to slow down this week.  I was released from my calling on Sunday the 7th, I was going to be working half days after Tuesday the 9th, and my mom was coming in town on Friday.  I just needed to do Charlotte's Birthday Party on the 9th and then it would be time to clean, organize and prepare.  HAHA!!

Tuesday I worked a half day and came home to get Charlotte's birthday party ready.  We did a little Birthday party for her and then that night Rich left to go stay with his parents because it is closer to his new job. Wednesday is my half day and I had my doctor's appointment at 9:10 in the morning.  I set my alarm early to get my paperwork and exercise done BEFORE the appointment.  When it went of I decided I would have time to do my paperwork after the appointment and I was going to sleep a little longer (I should have known better!)  I was feeling good and did 30 minutes on the exercise bike and of course had to rush to get ready, because I had pressed that dang snooze button one too many times.  Charlotte's baby sitter, Whitney, came and I rushed to my appointment while shoving food in as I drove.

I told my Dr. I was interested to see how far dilated I was because I was having some signs that things might be moving along and I was having more mild irregular contractions.  She checked and I was barely 1.5cm dilated which wasn't much progress from the 1 cm I had been the week before.  I had a contraction while she was checking my belly, but I assured her that they really hadn't been regular.  She wanted to at least put me on the monitor for a few minutes.  I didn't mind having a minute to just lie down and read my book, but as I was lying there I realized that maybe they were a little more regular than I initially thought.  She came in and said I was having contractions every 2 minutes and she suggested that I go upstairs to get ready to have the baby.  I deferred.  I had WAY too much to do to be having the baby today and I was feeling like the contractions were just because I was dehydrated from not drinking anything after I exercised.  She gave me some water and monitored for 10 more minutes and they slowed down and became less regular.  She said I could go home, but that I could come back if anything changed.  

I went ahead and cancelled patients for the afternoon and let my friend know that I wouldn't be able to meet her at the park (sorry Sarah, but you did say birth was an acceptable excuse).  I was later leaving the appointment because of all the monitoring and almost made Whitney miss her first ever massage. I picked up Charlotte at the massage place and Whitney only missed a few minutes.  I told her that I had cancelled my afternoon patients, but asked her to come by after her massage "just in case."  I told Rich that I was headed home and he should go ahead with seeing patients and I would get some water, rest and keep him posted. On the drive home the contractions started to feel less like Braxton Hicks and more like the real deal that I had experienced with Charlotte.  I timed them and they were about 5 minutes apart. Hmm...maybe I was wrong about this being about needing more water.

So Charlotte and I got home.  I grabbed a glass of water, put a movie on for her and furiously started working on my paperwork.  The contractions kept coming on stronger and Char was being super clingy.  She was trying to crawl all over me and sit on my belly while I was in a panic to try to get the paperwork done that I had put off the night before and that morning (see how these things come back to bite you!)  Initially, I texted Rich that he should go ahead and cancel his afternoon patients.  Then about 5 minutes later with the next contraction I told that he better just finish what he was doing and get home.  Charlotte was hungry and the contractions just kept coming and now I was starting to get nervous that Rich wouldn't make it home in time.  He had an hour and forty minutes of driving to do after he finished with the crown he was working on.  I couldn't get up because it would make the contractions worse. I was starting to panic!  So I did the only thing I could at that moment...sit there and cry.  Thankfully, about 30 minutes later Whitney walked in the door. (Do you hear the chorus of angels singing? Because that is what it was like for me!)  I was bawling when she got there and pathetically requested she get us some lunch.  Whitney was so sweet and made us both lunch (charlotte ate 2 plates of food...poor thing was starving).  Whitney reassured me that she was capable of taking me to the hospital and put everything into perspective.

About an hour later Rich came through the door!! everything really would be okay!! I packed my hospital bag and Rich, Charlotte and I went for a little walk before her nap.  Then I continued to work on paperwork through contractions until about 5 when I was sick of dealing with the contractions and ready to "get me my epeedurall." We walked into the hospital at 5:30 and I told the nurse that I was probably only dilated to a 2 or 3 and I wanted her to find the anesthesiologist that seemed to be in the most jovial mood to give me some sweet relief.  My doctor came in to check me and she said, "girl, you are dilated to an 8."  Hmm, well I guess that means I'll scratch the plans on the epidural.  I kept breathing through the contractions, but the exit route for this baby was becoming more of a thought and concern...this is probably going to hurt isn't it?   Then I suddenly felt my water break.  I stood up to let the nurse clean the bed off for me and she asked if I was feeling any pressure.  I told her I wasn't, then about 2 seconds later I said, "oh no....I am feeling pressure!  Oh crap...I really want to push!"  They got me back in the bed and by this time I was screaming.  Another nurse came in to see what was going on and my nurse said,  "she is complete and I don't have anything set up the doctor and help me set up!" My doctor came running in and told me that instead of screaming, I needed to use my energy to push.  With the next contraction I started to push and just kept pushing.  She told me to breath and Rich said I told her, "I don't know how" as I turned purple (this is where things became a little traumatizing for Rich).  I almost passed out, but luckily the contraction stopped and I could breath a little.  The next contraction I pushed twice and he was here!!!  At 6:28 pm.  Yep, that is less that one hour after we arrived at the hospital.

We named him Richard "Elliott" Sedwick and we will call him Elliott.  He is amazing and sweet and we love holding him.  Tonight when we were bathing both Charlotte and Elliott, I was thinking about how much more complete our family feels with him here.  It is strange how perfect and right it feels to have him be part of our family.  Charlotte is definitely adjusting the the situation and is often requesting to be held by whoever is currently holding Elliott. Today she came in from church and I was so excited to see her, but she ran past me to see what "ayet" was doing.

For the may recall my desire for natural childbirth with Charlotte.  Having had both experiences I am reflecting on all these "amazing" experiences, "important bonding moments" and rushes that your hear about when watching shows like "The Business of Being Born."  I have to say, it was still amazing to have this little guy here, but I don't know if I am necessarily a convert to natural childbirth.  I am happy with how everything turned out, but I won't be making any big proclamations about the evils of epidurals.